@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ public interface UserRepository extends BaseRepository<UserEntity, String> {
* @return
@Query(value = "select distinct tui.id,gender,password,pet_name,tui.phone,birthday,profession,institution_name,tui.institution_no,user_status,g_id,model,role_type from t_user_info tui join t_user_record tur on tui.phone=tur.phone and tui.institution_no=tur.institution_no " +
- " where tui.institution_no = :institutionNo and role_type ='1' and (pet_name like %:searchKey% or tui.phone like %:searchKey% ) order by id limit :pageNum ,:pageSize ", nativeQuery = true)
- List<UserEntity> getTestListByInstitutionNo(@Param("pageNum") int pageNum, @Param("pageSize") int pageSize, @Param("institutionNo") String institutionNo, @Param("searchKey") String searchKey);
+ " where tui.institution_no = :institutionNo and role_type ='1' and (pet_name like %:searchKey% or tui.phone like %:searchKey% ) and structure_no like :structureNo% order by id limit :pageNum ,:pageSize ", nativeQuery = true)
+ List<UserEntity> getTestListByInstitutionNo(@Param("pageNum") int pageNum, @Param("pageSize") int pageSize, @Param("institutionNo") String institutionNo, @Param("searchKey") String searchKey, @Param("structureNo") String structureNo);
@Query(value = "select count(distinct tui.id) from t_user_info tui join t_user_record tur on tui.phone=tur.phone and tui.institution_no=tur.institution_no " +
- " where tui.institution_no = :institutionNo and role_type ='1' and (pet_name like %:searchKey% or tui.phone like %:searchKey% )", nativeQuery = true)
- int allNumByInstitutionNo(@Param("institutionNo") String institutionNo, @Param("searchKey") String searchKey);
+ " where tui.institution_no = :institutionNo and role_type ='1' and (pet_name like %:searchKey% or tui.phone like %:searchKey% ) and structure_no like :structureNo%", nativeQuery = true)
+ int allNumByInstitutionNo(@Param("institutionNo") String institutionNo, @Param("searchKey") String searchKey, @Param("structureNo") String structureNo);
UserEntity findByPhoneAndInstitutionNoAndRoleType(String phone,String institutionNo,String roleType);
UserEntity findByPhoneAndInstitutionNo(String phone,String institutionNo);