/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { assert, clone, createHashMap, isFunction, keys, map, reduce } from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js'; import { parseDataValue } from './helper/dataValueHelper.js'; import { shouldRetrieveDataByName } from './Source.js'; var UNDEFINED = 'undefined'; /* global Float64Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Uint16Array */ // Caution: MUST not use `new CtorUint32Array(arr, 0, len)`, because the Ctor of array is // different from the Ctor of typed array. export var CtorUint32Array = typeof Uint32Array === UNDEFINED ? Array : Uint32Array; export var CtorUint16Array = typeof Uint16Array === UNDEFINED ? Array : Uint16Array; export var CtorInt32Array = typeof Int32Array === UNDEFINED ? Array : Int32Array; export var CtorFloat64Array = typeof Float64Array === UNDEFINED ? Array : Float64Array; /** * Multi dimensional data store */ var dataCtors = { 'float': CtorFloat64Array, 'int': CtorInt32Array, // Ordinal data type can be string or int 'ordinal': Array, 'number': Array, 'time': CtorFloat64Array }; var defaultDimValueGetters; function getIndicesCtor(rawCount) { // The possible max value in this._indicies is always this._rawCount despite of filtering. return rawCount > 65535 ? CtorUint32Array : CtorUint16Array; } ; function getInitialExtent() { return [Infinity, -Infinity]; } ; function cloneChunk(originalChunk) { var Ctor = originalChunk.constructor; // Only shallow clone is enough when Array. return Ctor === Array ? originalChunk.slice() : new Ctor(originalChunk); } function prepareStore(store, dimIdx, dimType, end, append) { var DataCtor = dataCtors[dimType || 'float']; if (append) { var oldStore = store[dimIdx]; var oldLen = oldStore && oldStore.length; if (!(oldLen === end)) { var newStore = new DataCtor(end); // The cost of the copy is probably inconsiderable // within the initial chunkSize. for (var j = 0; j < oldLen; j++) { newStore[j] = oldStore[j]; } store[dimIdx] = newStore; } } else { store[dimIdx] = new DataCtor(end); } } ; /** * Basically, DataStore API keep immutable. */ var DataStore = /** @class */ function () { function DataStore() { this._chunks = []; // It will not be calculated until needed. this._rawExtent = []; this._extent = []; this._count = 0; this._rawCount = 0; this._calcDimNameToIdx = createHashMap(); } /** * Initialize from data */ DataStore.prototype.initData = function (provider, inputDimensions, dimValueGetter) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { assert(isFunction(provider.getItem) && isFunction(provider.count), 'Invalid data provider.'); } this._provider = provider; // Clear this._chunks = []; this._indices = null; this.getRawIndex = this._getRawIdxIdentity; var source = provider.getSource(); var defaultGetter = this.defaultDimValueGetter = defaultDimValueGetters[source.sourceFormat]; // Default dim value getter this._dimValueGetter = dimValueGetter || defaultGetter; // Reset raw extent. this._rawExtent = []; var willRetrieveDataByName = shouldRetrieveDataByName(source); this._dimensions = map(inputDimensions, function (dim) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (willRetrieveDataByName) { assert(dim.property != null); } } return { // Only pick these two props. Not leak other properties like orderMeta. type: dim.type, property: dim.property }; }); this._initDataFromProvider(0, provider.count()); }; DataStore.prototype.getProvider = function () { return this._provider; }; /** * Caution: even when a `source` instance owned by a series, the created data store * may still be shared by different sereis (the source hash does not use all `source` * props, see `sourceManager`). In this case, the `source` props that are not used in * hash (like `source.dimensionDefine`) probably only belongs to a certain series and * thus should not be fetch here. */ DataStore.prototype.getSource = function () { return this._provider.getSource(); }; /** * @caution Only used in dataStack. */ DataStore.prototype.ensureCalculationDimension = function (dimName, type) { var calcDimNameToIdx = this._calcDimNameToIdx; var dimensions = this._dimensions; var calcDimIdx = calcDimNameToIdx.get(dimName); if (calcDimIdx != null) { if (dimensions[calcDimIdx].type === type) { return calcDimIdx; } } else { calcDimIdx = dimensions.length; } dimensions[calcDimIdx] = { type: type }; calcDimNameToIdx.set(dimName, calcDimIdx); this._chunks[calcDimIdx] = new dataCtors[type || 'float'](this._rawCount); this._rawExtent[calcDimIdx] = getInitialExtent(); return calcDimIdx; }; DataStore.prototype.collectOrdinalMeta = function (dimIdx, ordinalMeta) { var chunk = this._chunks[dimIdx]; var dim = this._dimensions[dimIdx]; var rawExtents = this._rawExtent; var offset = dim.ordinalOffset || 0; var len = chunk.length; if (offset === 0) { // We need to reset the rawExtent if collect is from start. // Because this dimension may be guessed as number and calcuating a wrong extent. rawExtents[dimIdx] = getInitialExtent(); } var dimRawExtent = rawExtents[dimIdx]; // Parse from previous data offset. len may be changed after appendData for (var i = offset; i < len; i++) { var val = chunk[i] = ordinalMeta.parseAndCollect(chunk[i]); if (!isNaN(val)) { dimRawExtent[0] = Math.min(val, dimRawExtent[0]); dimRawExtent[1] = Math.max(val, dimRawExtent[1]); } } dim.ordinalMeta = ordinalMeta; dim.ordinalOffset = len; dim.type = 'ordinal'; // Force to be ordinal }; DataStore.prototype.getOrdinalMeta = function (dimIdx) { var dimInfo = this._dimensions[dimIdx]; var ordinalMeta = dimInfo.ordinalMeta; return ordinalMeta; }; DataStore.prototype.getDimensionProperty = function (dimIndex) { var item = this._dimensions[dimIndex]; return item && item.property; }; /** * Caution: Can be only called on raw data (before `this._indices` created). */ DataStore.prototype.appendData = function (data) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { assert(!this._indices, 'appendData can only be called on raw data.'); } var provider = this._provider; var start = this.count(); provider.appendData(data); var end = provider.count(); if (!provider.persistent) { end += start; } if (start < end) { this._initDataFromProvider(start, end, true); } return [start, end]; }; DataStore.prototype.appendValues = function (values, minFillLen) { var chunks = this._chunks; var dimensions = this._dimensions; var dimLen = dimensions.length; var rawExtent = this._rawExtent; var start = this.count(); var end = start + Math.max(values.length, minFillLen || 0); for (var i = 0; i < dimLen; i++) { var dim = dimensions[i]; prepareStore(chunks, i, dim.type, end, true); } var emptyDataItem = []; for (var idx = start; idx < end; idx++) { var sourceIdx = idx - start; // Store the data by dimensions for (var dimIdx = 0; dimIdx < dimLen; dimIdx++) { var dim = dimensions[dimIdx]; var val = defaultDimValueGetters.arrayRows.call(this, values[sourceIdx] || emptyDataItem, dim.property, sourceIdx, dimIdx); chunks[dimIdx][idx] = val; var dimRawExtent = rawExtent[dimIdx]; val < dimRawExtent[0] && (dimRawExtent[0] = val); val > dimRawExtent[1] && (dimRawExtent[1] = val); } } this._rawCount = this._count = end; return { start: start, end: end }; }; DataStore.prototype._initDataFromProvider = function (start, end, append) { var provider = this._provider; var chunks = this._chunks; var dimensions = this._dimensions; var dimLen = dimensions.length; var rawExtent = this._rawExtent; var dimNames = map(dimensions, function (dim) { return dim.property; }); for (var i = 0; i < dimLen; i++) { var dim = dimensions[i]; if (!rawExtent[i]) { rawExtent[i] = getInitialExtent(); } prepareStore(chunks, i, dim.type, end, append); } if (provider.fillStorage) { provider.fillStorage(start, end, chunks, rawExtent); } else { var dataItem = []; for (var idx = start; idx < end; idx++) { // NOTICE: Try not to write things into dataItem dataItem = provider.getItem(idx, dataItem); // Each data item is value // [1, 2] // 2 // Bar chart, line chart which uses category axis // only gives the 'y' value. 'x' value is the indices of category // Use a tempValue to normalize the value to be a (x, y) value // Store the data by dimensions for (var dimIdx = 0; dimIdx < dimLen; dimIdx++) { var dimStorage = chunks[dimIdx]; // PENDING NULL is empty or zero var val = this._dimValueGetter(dataItem, dimNames[dimIdx], idx, dimIdx); dimStorage[idx] = val; var dimRawExtent = rawExtent[dimIdx]; val < dimRawExtent[0] && (dimRawExtent[0] = val); val > dimRawExtent[1] && (dimRawExtent[1] = val); } } } if (!provider.persistent && provider.clean) { // Clean unused data if data source is typed array. provider.clean(); } this._rawCount = this._count = end; // Reset data extent this._extent = []; }; DataStore.prototype.count = function () { return this._count; }; /** * Get value. Return NaN if idx is out of range. */ DataStore.prototype.get = function (dim, idx) { if (!(idx >= 0 && idx < this._count)) { return NaN; } var dimStore = this._chunks[dim]; return dimStore ? dimStore[this.getRawIndex(idx)] : NaN; }; DataStore.prototype.getValues = function (dimensions, idx) { var values = []; var dimArr = []; if (idx == null) { idx = dimensions; // TODO get all from store? dimensions = []; // All dimensions for (var i = 0; i < this._dimensions.length; i++) { dimArr.push(i); } } else { dimArr = dimensions; } for (var i = 0, len = dimArr.length; i < len; i++) { values.push(this.get(dimArr[i], idx)); } return values; }; /** * @param dim concrete dim */ DataStore.prototype.getByRawIndex = function (dim, rawIdx) { if (!(rawIdx >= 0 && rawIdx < this._rawCount)) { return NaN; } var dimStore = this._chunks[dim]; return dimStore ? dimStore[rawIdx] : NaN; }; /** * Get sum of data in one dimension */ DataStore.prototype.getSum = function (dim) { var dimData = this._chunks[dim]; var sum = 0; if (dimData) { for (var i = 0, len = this.count(); i < len; i++) { var value = this.get(dim, i); if (!isNaN(value)) { sum += value; } } } return sum; }; /** * Get median of data in one dimension */ DataStore.prototype.getMedian = function (dim) { var dimDataArray = []; // map all data of one dimension this.each([dim], function (val) { if (!isNaN(val)) { dimDataArray.push(val); } }); // TODO // Use quick select? var sortedDimDataArray = dimDataArray.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); var len = this.count(); // calculate median return len === 0 ? 0 : len % 2 === 1 ? sortedDimDataArray[(len - 1) / 2] : (sortedDimDataArray[len / 2] + sortedDimDataArray[len / 2 - 1]) / 2; }; /** * Retrieve the index with given raw data index. */ DataStore.prototype.indexOfRawIndex = function (rawIndex) { if (rawIndex >= this._rawCount || rawIndex < 0) { return -1; } if (!this._indices) { return rawIndex; } // Indices are ascending var indices = this._indices; // If rawIndex === dataIndex var rawDataIndex = indices[rawIndex]; if (rawDataIndex != null && rawDataIndex < this._count && rawDataIndex === rawIndex) { return rawIndex; } var left = 0; var right = this._count - 1; while (left <= right) { var mid = (left + right) / 2 | 0; if (indices[mid] < rawIndex) { left = mid + 1; } else if (indices[mid] > rawIndex) { right = mid - 1; } else { return mid; } } return -1; }; /** * Retrieve the index of nearest value. * @param dim * @param value * @param [maxDistance=Infinity] * @return If and only if multiple indices have * the same value, they are put to the result. */ DataStore.prototype.indicesOfNearest = function (dim, value, maxDistance) { var chunks = this._chunks; var dimData = chunks[dim]; var nearestIndices = []; if (!dimData) { return nearestIndices; } if (maxDistance == null) { maxDistance = Infinity; } var minDist = Infinity; var minDiff = -1; var nearestIndicesLen = 0; // Check the test case of `test/ut/spec/data/SeriesData.js`. for (var i = 0, len = this.count(); i < len; i++) { var dataIndex = this.getRawIndex(i); var diff = value - dimData[dataIndex]; var dist = Math.abs(diff); if (dist <= maxDistance) { // When the `value` is at the middle of `this.get(dim, i)` and `this.get(dim, i+1)`, // we'd better not push both of them to `nearestIndices`, otherwise it is easy to // get more than one item in `nearestIndices` (more specifically, in `tooltip`). // So we choose the one that `diff >= 0` in this case. // But if `this.get(dim, i)` and `this.get(dim, j)` get the same value, both of them // should be push to `nearestIndices`. if (dist < minDist || dist === minDist && diff >= 0 && minDiff < 0) { minDist = dist; minDiff = diff; nearestIndicesLen = 0; } if (diff === minDiff) { nearestIndices[nearestIndicesLen++] = i; } } } nearestIndices.length = nearestIndicesLen; return nearestIndices; }; DataStore.prototype.getIndices = function () { var newIndices; var indices = this._indices; if (indices) { var Ctor = indices.constructor; var thisCount = this._count; // `new Array(a, b, c)` is different from `new Uint32Array(a, b, c)`. if (Ctor === Array) { newIndices = new Ctor(thisCount); for (var i = 0; i < thisCount; i++) { newIndices[i] = indices[i]; } } else { newIndices = new Ctor(indices.buffer, 0, thisCount); } } else { var Ctor = getIndicesCtor(this._rawCount); newIndices = new Ctor(this.count()); for (var i = 0; i < newIndices.length; i++) { newIndices[i] = i; } } return newIndices; }; /** * Data filter. */ DataStore.prototype.filter = function (dims, cb) { if (!this._count) { return this; } var newStore = this.clone(); var count = newStore.count(); var Ctor = getIndicesCtor(newStore._rawCount); var newIndices = new Ctor(count); var value = []; var dimSize = dims.length; var offset = 0; var dim0 = dims[0]; var chunks = newStore._chunks; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var keep = void 0; var rawIdx = newStore.getRawIndex(i); // Simple optimization if (dimSize === 0) { keep = cb(i); } else if (dimSize === 1) { var val = chunks[dim0][rawIdx]; keep = cb(val, i); } else { var k = 0; for (; k < dimSize; k++) { value[k] = chunks[dims[k]][rawIdx]; } value[k] = i; keep = cb.apply(null, value); } if (keep) { newIndices[offset++] = rawIdx; } } // Set indices after filtered. if (offset < count) { newStore._indices = newIndices; } newStore._count = offset; // Reset data extent newStore._extent = []; newStore._updateGetRawIdx(); return newStore; }; /** * Select data in range. (For optimization of filter) * (Manually inline code, support 5 million data filtering in data zoom.) */ DataStore.prototype.selectRange = function (range) { var newStore = this.clone(); var len = newStore._count; if (!len) { return this; } var dims = keys(range); var dimSize = dims.length; if (!dimSize) { return this; } var originalCount = newStore.count(); var Ctor = getIndicesCtor(newStore._rawCount); var newIndices = new Ctor(originalCount); var offset = 0; var dim0 = dims[0]; var min = range[dim0][0]; var max = range[dim0][1]; var storeArr = newStore._chunks; var quickFinished = false; if (!newStore._indices) { // Extreme optimization for common case. About 2x faster in chrome. var idx = 0; if (dimSize === 1) { var dimStorage = storeArr[dims[0]]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var val = dimStorage[i]; // NaN will not be filtered. Consider the case, in line chart, empty // value indicates the line should be broken. But for the case like // scatter plot, a data item with empty value will not be rendered, // but the axis extent may be effected if some other dim of the data // item has value. Fortunately it is not a significant negative effect. if (val >= min && val <= max || isNaN(val)) { newIndices[offset++] = idx; } idx++; } quickFinished = true; } else if (dimSize === 2) { var dimStorage = storeArr[dims[0]]; var dimStorage2 = storeArr[dims[1]]; var min2 = range[dims[1]][0]; var max2 = range[dims[1]][1]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var val = dimStorage[i]; var val2 = dimStorage2[i]; // Do not filter NaN, see comment above. if ((val >= min && val <= max || isNaN(val)) && (val2 >= min2 && val2 <= max2 || isNaN(val2))) { newIndices[offset++] = idx; } idx++; } quickFinished = true; } } if (!quickFinished) { if (dimSize === 1) { for (var i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { var rawIndex = newStore.getRawIndex(i); var val = storeArr[dims[0]][rawIndex]; // Do not filter NaN, see comment above. if (val >= min && val <= max || isNaN(val)) { newIndices[offset++] = rawIndex; } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { var keep = true; var rawIndex = newStore.getRawIndex(i); for (var k = 0; k < dimSize; k++) { var dimk = dims[k]; var val = storeArr[dimk][rawIndex]; // Do not filter NaN, see comment above. if (val < range[dimk][0] || val > range[dimk][1]) { keep = false; } } if (keep) { newIndices[offset++] = newStore.getRawIndex(i); } } } } // Set indices after filtered. if (offset < originalCount) { newStore._indices = newIndices; } newStore._count = offset; // Reset data extent newStore._extent = []; newStore._updateGetRawIdx(); return newStore; }; // /** // * Data mapping to a plain array // */ // mapArray(dims: DimensionIndex[], cb: MapArrayCb): any[] { // const result: any[] = []; // this.each(dims, function () { // result.push(cb && (cb as MapArrayCb).apply(null, arguments)); // }); // return result; // } /** * Data mapping to a new List with given dimensions */ DataStore.prototype.map = function (dims, cb) { // TODO only clone picked chunks. var target = this.clone(dims); this._updateDims(target, dims, cb); return target; }; /** * @caution Danger!! Only used in dataStack. */ DataStore.prototype.modify = function (dims, cb) { this._updateDims(this, dims, cb); }; DataStore.prototype._updateDims = function (target, dims, cb) { var targetChunks = target._chunks; var tmpRetValue = []; var dimSize = dims.length; var dataCount = target.count(); var values = []; var rawExtent = target._rawExtent; for (var i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) { rawExtent[dims[i]] = getInitialExtent(); } for (var dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { var rawIndex = target.getRawIndex(dataIndex); for (var k = 0; k < dimSize; k++) { values[k] = targetChunks[dims[k]][rawIndex]; } values[dimSize] = dataIndex; var retValue = cb && cb.apply(null, values); if (retValue != null) { // a number or string (in oridinal dimension)? if (typeof retValue !== 'object') { tmpRetValue[0] = retValue; retValue = tmpRetValue; } for (var i = 0; i < retValue.length; i++) { var dim = dims[i]; var val = retValue[i]; var rawExtentOnDim = rawExtent[dim]; var dimStore = targetChunks[dim]; if (dimStore) { dimStore[rawIndex] = val; } if (val < rawExtentOnDim[0]) { rawExtentOnDim[0] = val; } if (val > rawExtentOnDim[1]) { rawExtentOnDim[1] = val; } } } } }; /** * Large data down sampling using largest-triangle-three-buckets * @param {string} valueDimension * @param {number} targetCount */ DataStore.prototype.lttbDownSample = function (valueDimension, rate) { var target = this.clone([valueDimension], true); var targetStorage = target._chunks; var dimStore = targetStorage[valueDimension]; var len = this.count(); var sampledIndex = 0; var frameSize = Math.floor(1 / rate); var currentRawIndex = this.getRawIndex(0); var maxArea; var area; var nextRawIndex; var newIndices = new (getIndicesCtor(this._rawCount))(Math.min((Math.ceil(len / frameSize) + 2) * 2, len)); // First frame use the first data. newIndices[sampledIndex++] = currentRawIndex; for (var i = 1; i < len - 1; i += frameSize) { var nextFrameStart = Math.min(i + frameSize, len - 1); var nextFrameEnd = Math.min(i + frameSize * 2, len); var avgX = (nextFrameEnd + nextFrameStart) / 2; var avgY = 0; for (var idx = nextFrameStart; idx < nextFrameEnd; idx++) { var rawIndex = this.getRawIndex(idx); var y = dimStore[rawIndex]; if (isNaN(y)) { continue; } avgY += y; } avgY /= nextFrameEnd - nextFrameStart; var frameStart = i; var frameEnd = Math.min(i + frameSize, len); var pointAX = i - 1; var pointAY = dimStore[currentRawIndex]; maxArea = -1; nextRawIndex = frameStart; var firstNaNIndex = -1; var countNaN = 0; // Find a point from current frame that construct a triangle with largest area with previous selected point // And the average of next frame. for (var idx = frameStart; idx < frameEnd; idx++) { var rawIndex = this.getRawIndex(idx); var y = dimStore[rawIndex]; if (isNaN(y)) { countNaN++; if (firstNaNIndex < 0) { firstNaNIndex = rawIndex; } continue; } // Calculate triangle area over three buckets area = Math.abs((pointAX - avgX) * (y - pointAY) - (pointAX - idx) * (avgY - pointAY)); if (area > maxArea) { maxArea = area; nextRawIndex = rawIndex; // Next a is this b } } if (countNaN > 0 && countNaN < frameEnd - frameStart) { // Append first NaN point in every bucket. // It is necessary to ensure the correct order of indices. newIndices[sampledIndex++] = Math.min(firstNaNIndex, nextRawIndex); nextRawIndex = Math.max(firstNaNIndex, nextRawIndex); } newIndices[sampledIndex++] = nextRawIndex; currentRawIndex = nextRawIndex; // This a is the next a (chosen b) } // First frame use the last data. newIndices[sampledIndex++] = this.getRawIndex(len - 1); target._count = sampledIndex; target._indices = newIndices; target.getRawIndex = this._getRawIdx; return target; }; /** * Large data down sampling on given dimension * @param sampleIndex Sample index for name and id */ DataStore.prototype.downSample = function (dimension, rate, sampleValue, sampleIndex) { var target = this.clone([dimension], true); var targetStorage = target._chunks; var frameValues = []; var frameSize = Math.floor(1 / rate); var dimStore = targetStorage[dimension]; var len = this.count(); var rawExtentOnDim = target._rawExtent[dimension] = getInitialExtent(); var newIndices = new (getIndicesCtor(this._rawCount))(Math.ceil(len / frameSize)); var offset = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i += frameSize) { // Last frame if (frameSize > len - i) { frameSize = len - i; frameValues.length = frameSize; } for (var k = 0; k < frameSize; k++) { var dataIdx = this.getRawIndex(i + k); frameValues[k] = dimStore[dataIdx]; } var value = sampleValue(frameValues); var sampleFrameIdx = this.getRawIndex(Math.min(i + sampleIndex(frameValues, value) || 0, len - 1)); // Only write value on the filtered data dimStore[sampleFrameIdx] = value; if (value < rawExtentOnDim[0]) { rawExtentOnDim[0] = value; } if (value > rawExtentOnDim[1]) { rawExtentOnDim[1] = value; } newIndices[offset++] = sampleFrameIdx; } target._count = offset; target._indices = newIndices; target._updateGetRawIdx(); return target; }; /** * Data iteration * @param ctx default this * @example * list.each('x', function (x, idx) {}); * list.each(['x', 'y'], function (x, y, idx) {}); * list.each(function (idx) {}) */ DataStore.prototype.each = function (dims, cb) { if (!this._count) { return; } var dimSize = dims.length; var chunks = this._chunks; for (var i = 0, len = this.count(); i < len; i++) { var rawIdx = this.getRawIndex(i); // Simple optimization switch (dimSize) { case 0: cb(i); break; case 1: cb(chunks[dims[0]][rawIdx], i); break; case 2: cb(chunks[dims[0]][rawIdx], chunks[dims[1]][rawIdx], i); break; default: var k = 0; var value = []; for (; k < dimSize; k++) { value[k] = chunks[dims[k]][rawIdx]; } // Index value[k] = i; cb.apply(null, value); } } }; /** * Get extent of data in one dimension */ DataStore.prototype.getDataExtent = function (dim) { // Make sure use concrete dim as cache name. var dimData = this._chunks[dim]; var initialExtent = getInitialExtent(); if (!dimData) { return initialExtent; } // Make more strict checkings to ensure hitting cache. var currEnd = this.count(); // Consider the most cases when using data zoom, `getDataExtent` // happened before filtering. We cache raw extent, which is not // necessary to be cleared and recalculated when restore data. var useRaw = !this._indices; var dimExtent; if (useRaw) { return this._rawExtent[dim].slice(); } dimExtent = this._extent[dim]; if (dimExtent) { return dimExtent.slice(); } dimExtent = initialExtent; var min = dimExtent[0]; var max = dimExtent[1]; for (var i = 0; i < currEnd; i++) { var rawIdx = this.getRawIndex(i); var value = dimData[rawIdx]; value < min && (min = value); value > max && (max = value); } dimExtent = [min, max]; this._extent[dim] = dimExtent; return dimExtent; }; /** * Get raw data item */ DataStore.prototype.getRawDataItem = function (idx) { var rawIdx = this.getRawIndex(idx); if (!this._provider.persistent) { var val = []; var chunks = this._chunks; for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { val.push(chunks[i][rawIdx]); } return val; } else { return this._provider.getItem(rawIdx); } }; /** * Clone shallow. * * @param clonedDims Determine which dims to clone. Will share the data if not specified. */ DataStore.prototype.clone = function (clonedDims, ignoreIndices) { var target = new DataStore(); var chunks = this._chunks; var clonedDimsMap = clonedDims && reduce(clonedDims, function (obj, dimIdx) { obj[dimIdx] = true; return obj; }, {}); if (clonedDimsMap) { for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { // Not clone if dim is not picked. target._chunks[i] = !clonedDimsMap[i] ? chunks[i] : cloneChunk(chunks[i]); } } else { target._chunks = chunks; } this._copyCommonProps(target); if (!ignoreIndices) { target._indices = this._cloneIndices(); } target._updateGetRawIdx(); return target; }; DataStore.prototype._copyCommonProps = function (target) { target._count = this._count; target._rawCount = this._rawCount; target._provider = this._provider; target._dimensions = this._dimensions; target._extent = clone(this._extent); target._rawExtent = clone(this._rawExtent); }; DataStore.prototype._cloneIndices = function () { if (this._indices) { var Ctor = this._indices.constructor; var indices = void 0; if (Ctor === Array) { var thisCount = this._indices.length; indices = new Ctor(thisCount); for (var i = 0; i < thisCount; i++) { indices[i] = this._indices[i]; } } else { indices = new Ctor(this._indices); } return indices; } return null; }; DataStore.prototype._getRawIdxIdentity = function (idx) { return idx; }; DataStore.prototype._getRawIdx = function (idx) { if (idx < this._count && idx >= 0) { return this._indices[idx]; } return -1; }; DataStore.prototype._updateGetRawIdx = function () { this.getRawIndex = this._indices ? this._getRawIdx : this._getRawIdxIdentity; }; DataStore.internalField = function () { function getDimValueSimply(dataItem, property, dataIndex, dimIndex) { return parseDataValue(dataItem[dimIndex], this._dimensions[dimIndex]); } defaultDimValueGetters = { arrayRows: getDimValueSimply, objectRows: function (dataItem, property, dataIndex, dimIndex) { return parseDataValue(dataItem[property], this._dimensions[dimIndex]); }, keyedColumns: getDimValueSimply, original: function (dataItem, property, dataIndex, dimIndex) { // Performance sensitive, do not use modelUtil.getDataItemValue. // If dataItem is an plain object with no value field, the let `value` // will be assigned with the object, but it will be tread correctly // in the `convertValue`. var value = dataItem && (dataItem.value == null ? dataItem : dataItem.value); return parseDataValue(value instanceof Array ? value[dimIndex] // If value is a single number or something else not array. : value, this._dimensions[dimIndex]); }, typedArray: function (dataItem, property, dataIndex, dimIndex) { return dataItem[dimIndex]; } }; }(); return DataStore; }(); export default DataStore;