1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003 |
- /* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */
- /* eslint-disable no-undef */
- 'use strict'
- // import AsyncLock from 'async-lock';
- import {
- app,
- BrowserWindow,
- Menu
- } from 'electron'
- import '../renderer/store'
- const fs = require('fs')
- const ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain
- // const SerialPort = require('serialport')
- // const SerialPort = require('serialport')
- const SerialPort = require('serialport')
- const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server
- // 安装thrift
- const thrift = require('thrift')
- const printService = require('./HrUtilService.js')
- // const cp = require('child_process')
- const exec = require('child_process').exec
- const execFile = require('child_process').execFile
- const RingBuffer = require('ringbufferjs')
- const dgram = require('dgram')
- let server = dgram.createSocket('udp4')
- const cmd = require('node-cmd')
- // var lock = new AsyncLock();
- let ceshi = []
- // SerialPort.list().then(
- // ports => {
- // console.log(ports)
- // }
- // )
- const ring = new RingBuffer(1024)
- // const portName = 'COM4'
- let portName = 'COM1'
- let serialPort
- const smallPackageLen = 8
- const bigPackageLen = 36
- let working = false
- const minPackageLen = 11
- // 轴加速度
- //控制传输数据的开关
- let wssSwitch = true;
- // 温度
- let Temperature = 0
- let arrCom = []
- let mainWindow
- let loadingWindow
- //设置访问路径
- //打包访问的路径
- // let serveUrl = "./resources/exe"
- // let serveUrlJar = '\\resources\\exe'
- //本地访问的路径
- let serveUrl = "./exe"
- let serveUrlJar = '\\exe'
- /**
- * Set `__static` path to static files in production
- * https://simulatedgreg.gitbooks.io/electron-vue/content/en/using-static-assets.html
- */
- if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
- global.__static = require('path').join(__dirname, '/static').replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
- }
- const winURL = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? `http://localhost:9080` : `file://${__dirname}/index.html`
- const loadingURL =
- process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" //加载loading.html页面地址
- ? require("path").join(__static, "loading.html")
- : `file://${__static}/loading.html`;
- function createLoadingWindow() { //加载页面窗口
- loadingWindow = new BrowserWindow({
- height: 300,
- useContentSize: true,
- width: 400,
- show: true,
- transparent: false,
- maximizable: false, //禁止双击放大
- frame: false, // 去掉顶部操作栏
- webPreferences: {
- contextIsolation: false, // 设置此项为false后,才可在渲染进程中使用electron api
- nodeIntegration: true
- }
- })
- loadingWindow.loadURL(loadingURL)
- Menu.setApplicationMenu(null)
- loadingWindow.on('closed', () => {
- loadingWindow = null
- })
- }
- // eslint-disable-next-line space-before-function-paren
- function createWindow() {
- /**
- * Initial window options
- */
- mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
- height: 720,
- useContentSize: true,
- center: true,
- width: 1280,
- icon: require('path').join(__dirname, '/static/icon.ico'), // icon
- // webPreferences: {
- // contextIsolation: false, // 设置此项为false后,才可在渲染进程中使用electron api
- // nodeIntegration: true
- // }
- frame: false,
- webPreferences: {
- contextIsolation: false,
- nodeIntegration: true,
- // allowRendererProcessReuse: true
- // 禁用窗口同源策略
- webSecurity: false
- }
- })
- mainWindow.setMinimumSize(1280, 720)
- //mainWindow.loadURL(loadingURL)
- mainWindow.loadURL(winURL)
- mainWindow.setMenu(null)
- // mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools();
- mainWindow.on('closed', () => {
- mainWindow = null
- })
- }
- const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
- if (!gotTheLock) {
- app.quit()
- } else {
- app.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
- // 当运行第二个实例时,将会聚焦到mainWindow这个窗口
- if (loadingWindow) {
- if (loadingWindow.isMinimized()) loadingWindow.restore()
- loadingWindow.focus()
- loadingWindow.show()
- }
- if (mainWindow) {
- if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore()
- mainWindow.focus()
- mainWindow.show()
- }
- // if (mainWindow) {
- // if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore()
- // mainWindow.focus()
- // mainWindow.show()
- // }
- })
- }
- // app.on('ready', () => {
- // createLoadingWindow()
- // createWindow()
- // mainWindow.hide()
- // })
- app.on('ready', () => {
- createLoadingWindow()
- createWindow()
- mainWindow.hide()
- })
- ipcMain.on('close-loading-window', (e, res) => {
- if (res.isClose) {
- if (loadingWindow === null) {
- } else {
- loadingWindow.close()
- }
- mainWindow.show()
- }
- })
- //
- // ipcMain.on('window-close', function () {
- // if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
- // wssSwitch = false
- // cmd.runSync('taskkill /f /im javaw.exe')
- // app.quit()
- // }
- // // mainWindow.close();
- // })
- // app.on('activate', () => {
- // if (mainWindow === null) {
- // createWindow()
- // }
- // })
- // setTimeout(() => {
- // console.log("123")
- // console.log(loadingWindow)
- // loadingWindow.close()
- // mainWindow.show()
- // }, 4500);
- // 打开websocket服务
- let ws_public = null;
- // 查询54378 端口是否开了,开了的话就不调用了
- let pluseStart = cmd.runSync('netstat -ano|findstr 54378')
- // 没开的话就调用//防止二次点击时报错
- if (pluseStart.data === null || pluseStart.data.trim().toUpperCase().indexOf('LISTENING') <= 0) {
- const wss = new WebSocketServer({
- port: 54378
- })
- wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
- // 有客户端连接时, 打印一条日志
- // 并且创建'message'监听
- ws.on('message', (message) => {
- // 直接将消息打印出来
- // console.log(message)
- if (wssSwitch) {
- mainWindow.webContents.send('asynchronous-message', message)
- }
- })
- ws_public = ws
- // setTimeout(() => {
- //
- // }, 1000);
- // setInterval(()=>{
- // ws.send('PULSE-STOP')
- // },1000)
- })
- }
- ipcMain.on('pulse-message-stop', function (event, arg) {
- // console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
- ws_public.send('PULSE-STOP')
- // 返回值后向渲染进程传输数据
- // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last
- })
- // sendStop(
- // ws.send('PULSE-STOP')
- // )
- // 测试虚拟AR数据
- server.on('error', (err) => {
- console.log(err)
- })
- server.on('listening', () => {
- console.log('socket正在监听...')
- })
- server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => {
- let buf = msg
- let bufto = buf.toString()
- // server.send(`welcome ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`, rinfo.port, rinfo.address)
- // 将指令发送到渲染进程,渲染进程保持一个全局状态
- mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-to-render-vr', bufto)
- // mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
- // mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-to-render-vr', bufto)
- // })
- })
- server.bind(4960)
- // 加速度代码
- // 创建
- // 创建
- // creatSerialPort()
- // serialPortOpen(serialPort)
- // 向渲染进程发送数据
- // eslint-disable-next-line space-before-function-paren
- // eslint-disable-next-line space-before-function-paren
- // mainWindow.webContents.send('accelerationData-message', a)
- // setInterval(aac, 10000)
- // // eslint-disable-next-line space-before-function-paren
- // function aac() {
- // console.log('长度')
- // console.log(ceshi.length)
- // let myDate = new Date()
- // myDate.toLocaleString()
- // console.log(myDate)
- // }
- // 打印文件
- // //写方法把a传过去到渲染进程
- // function accelerationData() {
- // }
- // 在缓冲数据中找到第一个包的起始位置
- // eslint-disable-next-line space-before-function-paren
- function getComList() {
- arrCom = []
- // eslint-disable-next-line padded-blocks
- SerialPort.list().then(ports => {
- ports.forEach(function (port) {
- // console.log(port.path)
- // 获取到com端口后将数据告诉主进程
- arrCom.push(port.path)
- console.log(arrCom)
- // 等待渲染进程执行完成才往渲染进程发送数据
- })
- mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-to-render-test', arrCom)
- })
- }
- //启动后再进行初始化
- const host = '';
- const port = 50300;
- var connection = null;
- var client = null;
- // 启动操作
- const starServer = function () {
- let syncData = cmd.runSync('netstat -ano|findstr 50300')
- if (syncData.data === null || syncData.data.trim().toUpperCase().indexOf('LISTENING') <= 0) {
- let cp = require('child_process')
- //execFile('./resources/exe/rpc_thrift.exe', function (err, data) {
- // cp.spawn(serveUrl +'/rpc_thrift.exe', [])
- console.log(process.cwd() + serveUrlJar)
- let path = process.cwd() + serveUrlJar;
- cp.spawn('start', ['/b', 'rpc_thrift.exe'], { cwd: path, shell: true, windowsHide: true })
- //cmd.runSync('powershell.exe Start-Process -FilePath "./resources/exe/mysql/mysql-5.7.24-winx64/bin/mysql_init.bat" -WindowStyle Hidden -Verb runAs')
- // let startSS = 'powershell.exe Start-Process -FilePath "' + serveUrl + '/rpc_thrift.exe" -WindowStyle Hidden -Verb runAs'
- // cmd.runSync(startSS)
- // cp.spawn('start',['rpc_thrift.exe'], {cwd:path,shell:true,windowsHide:true,windowsVerbatimArguments: true})
- // cp.spawn('start',['rpc_thrift.exe'], {cwd:path,shell:true,windowsHide:true,windowsVerbatimArguments: true})
- // execute_path(
- // "start rpc_thrift.exe",
- // 3,
- // process.cwd() +
- // serveUrlJar
- // );
- // execute_path(
- // "start rpc_thrift.exe",
- // 3,
- // process.cwd() +
- // serveUrlJar
- // );
- // cp.spawn(serveUrl + '/rpc_thrift.exe', [])
- // execFile(serveUrl + '/rpc_thrift.exe', function (err, data) {
- // console.log(err)
- // console.log(data.toString())
- // })
- do {
- syncData = cmd.runSync('netstat -ano|findstr 50300')
- // console.log('find')
- } while (syncData.data === null || syncData.data.trim().toUpperCase().indexOf('LISTENING') <= 0)
- console.log('OK')
- } else {
- console.log('50300')
- }
- loadingWindow.webContents.send('main-windows-python-exe-run', {
- type: "exe",
- })
- connection = thrift.createConnection(host, port, 0)
- client = thrift.createClient(printService, connection)
- connection.on('error', function (e) {
- console.log(e)
- })
- }
- // 配置thrift的connection信息
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
- //-----------------------------------
- // const host = ''
- // const port = 50300
- // var connection = thrift.createConnection(host, port, 0)
- // // 根据配置的connection创建client
- // var client = thrift.createClient(printService, connection)
- // 3秒以后执行这个方法块
- //----------------------------------------
- // connection =
- // client = thrift.createClient(printService, connection)
- //监听connection是否error
- const rawData = [33145, 33174, 33156, 33239, 33177, 33139, 33201, 33197, 33232, 33187, 33290, 33223, 33276, 33281, 33277, 33378, 33327, 33384, 33396, 33411, 33505, 33439, 33531, 33500, 33586, 33699, 33600, 33707, 33644, 33732, 33720, 33801, 33840, 33817, 33861, 33896, 33920, 33904, 33922, 33942, 33890, 33797, 33735, 33674, 33676, 33605, 33513, 33435, 33428, 33444, 33317, 33368, 33337, 33374, 33369, 33353, 33351, 33324, 33363, 33337, 33393, 33331, 33432, 33456, 33442, 33520, 33476, 33409, 33488, 33471, 33538, 33553, 33601, 33601, 33555, 33613, 33521, 33644, 33684, 33657, 33705, 33671, 33775, 33827, 33817, 33828, 33870, 33889, 33900, 33986, 33973, 34018, 34122, 34054, 34140, 34203, 34155, 34246, 34160, 34261, 34271, 34302, 34354, 34351, 34384, 34377, 34356, 34406, 34354, 34366, 34327, 34221, 34244, 34101, 34041, 34045, 34044, 34017, 33908, 34006, 34000, 33986, 33943, 33991, 33927, 33934, 33984, 34010, 33972, 34102, 34059, 34079, 34144, 34165, 34206, 34228, 34218, 34256, 34199, 34302, 34266, 34285, 34285, 34307, 34384, 34385, 34374, 34412, 34344, 34466, 34453, 34495, 34593, 34514, 34588, 34694, 34650, 34788, 34706, 34757, 34820, 34759, 34809, 34880, 34922, 34905, 34982, 35080, 35009, 35117, 35069, 35090, 35166, 35137, 35125, 35183, 35084, 35124, 35022, 35027, 34931, 34811, 34867, 34771, 34793, 34798, 34726, 34753, 34751, 34740, 34723, 34631, 34691, 34693, 34686, 34821, 34783, 34805, 34785, 34827, 34895, 34785, 34895, 34926, 34903, 34978, 34905, 34958, 34966, 34978, 34984, 34970, 35005, 35017, 35013, 35057, 35064, 35061, 35069, 35102, 35170, 35155, 35173, 35305, 35203, 35304, 35223, 35294, 35261, 35270, 35294, 35256, 35309, 35330, 35370, 35355, 35355, 35362, 35356, 35410, 35337, 35314, 35331, 35364, 35283, 35350, 35242, 35221, 35189, 35129, 35128, 35100, 35053, 35146, 35088, 35136, 35095, 35055, 35071, 35035, 35097, 35120, 35126, 35035, 35093, 35074, 35158, 35097, 35144, 35157, 35165, 35263, 35211, 35171, 35222, 35221, 35310, 35290, 35256, 35292, 35306, 35308, 35293, 35343, 35315, 35316, 35332, 35258, 35257, 35337, 35339, 35425, 35397, 35397, 35450, 35406, 35473, 35507, 35432, 35486, 35421, 35466, 35485, 35463, 35499, 35464, 35482, 35468, 35359, 35436, 35265, 35229, 35170, 35058, 35012, 34883, 34846, 34845, 34714, 34709, 34597, 34694, 34662, 34547, 34552, 34535, 34611, 34512, 34509, 34523, 34578, 34569, 34543, 34547, 34647, 34577, 34631, 34632, 34629, 34559, 34569, 34542, 34641, 34625, 34568, 34542, 34466, 34392, 34316, 34322, 34259, 34191, 34092, 34084, 34074, 34073, 34025, 33955, 34059, 34078, 34043, 34086, 34116, 34131, 34164, 34266, 34368, 34389, 34416, 34477, 34557, 34632, 34685, 34679, 34708, 34801, 34714, 34736, 34758, 34702, 34720, 34613, 34566, 34594, 34470, 34435, 34426, 34399, 34416, 34285, 34322, 34292, 34383, 34335, 34327, 34352, 34301, 34304, 34348, 34315, 34403, 34286, 34357, 34325, 34332, 34292, 34269, 34326, 34318, 34352, 34358, 34327, 34390, 34359, 34346, 34378, 34358, 34445, 34404, 34454, 34522, 34500, 34551, 34420, 34573, 34588, 34598, 34632, 34574, 34621, 34659, 34585, 34682, 34640, 34630, 34502, 34492, 34468, 34332, 34335, 34255, 34149, 34215, 34058, 34007, 34011, 33910, 33940, 33874, 33958, 33922, 33825, 33843, 33841, 33909, 33930, 33856, 33895, 33948, 33940, 33939, 33927, 33951, 33948, 34015, 33950, 33934, 33897, 33968, 34010, 34014, 33985, 34033, 34032, 34075, 34068, 34019, 34139, 34080, 34128, 34145, 34077, 34172, 34114, 34256, 34222, 34280, 34329, 34344, 34368, 34366, 34436, 34445, 34411, 34484, 34404, 34425, 34462, 34256, 34223, 34207, 34122, 34031, 33927, 33891, 33859, 33825, 33783, 33743, 33761, 33662, 33719, 33745, 33647, 33655, 33718, 33710, 33721, 33763, 33760, 33723, 33803, 33717, 33717, 33802, 33793, 33726, 33755, 33811, 33803, 33744, 33844, 33834, 33914, 33991, 34057, 34166, 34250, 34418, 34582, 34741, 34896, 35004, 35220, 35434, 35580, 35791, 35848, 36177, 36348, 36486, 36757, 36928, 37188, 37352, 37526, 37611, 37596, 37614, 37603, 37516, 37428, 37270, 37099, 36859, 36928, 36880, 36780, 36576, 36586, 36445, 36405, 36386, 36352, 36320, 36293, 36396, 36332, 36395, 36433, 36441, 36567, 36573, 36665, 36758, 36757, 36926, 36898, 36992, 37013, 37015, 37166, 37150, 37192, 37253, 37259, 37296, 37268, 37370, 37310, 37309, 37261, 37199, 37288, 37190, 37021, 36989, 36866, 36818, 36715, 36565, 36648, 36491, 36500, 36450, 36374, 36343, 36317, 36258, 36132, 36067, 36004, 35807, 35678, 35526, 35395, 35354, 35149, 35125, 35036, 34892, 34811, 34762, 34750, 34582, 34699, 34546, 34476, 34527, 34412, 34372, 34369, 34372, 34388, 34332, 34334, 34330, 34278, 34317, 34264, 34333, 34346, 34370, 34327, 34299, 34299, 34298, 34375, 34388, 34295, 34319, 34384, 34381, 34420, 34421, 34483, 34441, 34498, 34583, 34500, 34492, 34548, 34570, 34642, 34692, 34708, 34723, 34727, 34774, 34736, 34828, 34698, 34694, 34684, 34565, 34558, 34408, 34377, 34368, 34238, 34223, 34142, 34065, 34033, 34069, 34074, 34064, 34044, 34067, 33961, 34026, 34130, 34062, 34041, 33955, 34148, 34031, 34045, 34148, 34012, 34101, 34051, 34096, 34068, 33994, 34046, 34116, 34042, 34145, 34070, 34136, 34066, 34074, 34197, 34137, 34212, 34182, 34120, 34238, 34171, 34215, 34181, 34235, 34313, 34270, 34383, 34302, 34424, 34386, 34314, 34410, 34410, 34548, 34409, 34351, 34326, 34292, 34265, 34169, 34067, 34058, 33951, 33870, 33865, 33855, 33728, 33701, 33713, 33634, 33694, 33656, 33679, 33739, 33662, 33711, 33659, 33698, 33719, 33724, 33788, 33760, 33771, 33755, 33700, 33728, 33671, 33739, 33670, 33732, 33774, 33732, 33763, 33749, 33789, 33834, 33836, 33788, 33875, 33937, 33920, 33863, 33889, 33896, 33985, 33967, 33983, 34039, 33958, 34049, 34060, 34007, 34088, 34054, 34094, 34118, 34136, 34157, 34075, 33998, 33956, 33822, 33857, 33679, 33638, 33655, 33457, 33479, 33403, 33298, 33301, 33227, 33237, 33209, 33192, 33194, 33154, 33192, 33129, 33135, 33187, 33114, 33120, 33162, 33071, 33116, 33085, 33128, 33114, 33042, 33121, 33081, 33110, 33178, 33123, 33204, 33146, 33186, 33171, 33091, 33223, 33254, 33197, 33273, 33235, 33351, 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33996, 33956, 34083, 34030, 34040, 34062, 34044, 34134, 34133, 34233, 34169, 34208, 34174, 34177, 34152, 34103, 34032, 33903, 33899, 33923, 33822, 33767, 33715, 33722, 33642, 33613, 33635, 33546, 33565, 33634, 33545, 33619, 33601, 33721, 33648, 33626, 33661, 33660, 33700, 33715, 33706, 33726, 33723, 33743, 33700, 33722, 33768, 33720, 33796, 33730, 33767, 33701, 33780, 33764, 33825, 33773, 33844, 33823, 33838, 33860, 33917, 33898, 33826, 33929, 33934, 33933, 33979, 33995, 34009, 34017, 33937, 34028, 34008, 34041, 33939, 33874, 33811, 33729, 33695, 33683, 33606, 33569, 33501, 33503, 33563, 33446, 33517, 33417, 33421, 33401, 33433, 33396, 33430, 33476, 33555, 33571, 33615, 33520, 33603, 33539, 33538, 33596, 33583, 33592, 33556, 33547, 33603, 33514, 33614, 33611, 33542, 33681, 33589, 33652, 33591, 33706, 33742, 33728, 33773, 33786, 33766, 33794, 33830, 33875, 33853, 33889, 33903, 33944, 34007, 33969, 33963, 34010, 33928, 33956, 33823, 33837, 33756, 33729, 33732, 33632, 33641, 33659, 33700, 33631, 33587, 33624, 33669, 33666, 33611, 33620, 33650, 33641, 33732, 33801, 33723, 33831, 33727, 33771, 33811, 33756, 33783, 33783, 33825, 33876, 33867, 33865, 33922, 34002, 33914, 34009, 34022, 33991, 34074, 34095, 34137, 34108, 34189, 34247, 34195, 34290, 34325, 34292, 34347, 34382, 34406, 34434, 34383, 34468, 34467, 34522, 34496, 34404, 34388, 34384, 34255, 34196, 34111, 34063, 33942, 33933, 33912, 33841, 33897, 33795, 33751, 33840, 33771, 33769, 33740, 33764, 33864, 33910, 33889, 33887, 33877, 33948, 33909, 34030, 33984, 34042, 33999, 34051, 34033, 34015, 34041, 34096, 34125, 34163, 34128, 34183, 34148, 34159, 34223, 34200, 34244, 34231, 34309, 34318, 34281, 34312, 34378, 34434, 34419, 34415, 34405, 34426, 34418, 34440, 34429, 34422, 34369, 34317, 34340, 34210, 34251, 34218, 34121, 34101, 34099, 34036, 34088, 34076, 34035, 34006, 34020, 34181, 34022, 34161, 34147, 34179, 34170, 34247, 34291, 34262, 34287, 34307, 34291, 34337, 34354, 34288, 34321, 34375, 34412, 34426,
- 34469, 34480, 34492, 34556, 34514, 34524, 34570, 34581, 34610, 34713, 34640, 34753, 34799, 34841, 34824, 34808, 34876, 34860, 34972, 34917, 34968, 35030, 34979, 34953, 34933, 34887, 34913, 34901, 34889, 34776, 34754, 34716, 34679, 34627, 34585, 34564, 34619, 34617, 34585, 34609, 34666, 34683, 34663, 34648, 34825, 34701, 34812, 34796, 34834, 34931, 34904, 34879, 34784, 34952, 34859, 34855, 35025, 34966, 34940, 35017, 35021, 35064, 35072, 35160, 35123, 35145, 35192, 35129, 35201, 35249, 35235, 35337, 35290, 35372, 35329, 35314, 35417, 35464, 35461, 35466, 35409, 35521, 35491, 35390, 35418, 35423, 35378, 35298, 35303, 35240, 35197, 35161, 35158, 35206, 35199, 35204, 35167, 35115, 35242, 35170, 35169, 35194, 35248, 35291, 35269, 35302, 35388, 35405, 35370, 35413, 35445, 35470, 35494, 35500, 35524, 35485, 35469, 35481, 35521, 35568, 35516, 35661, 35600, 35588, 35715, 35707, 35753, 35711, 35807, 35868, 35838, 35950, 35902, 35961, 35955, 36014, 36042, 36054, 36159, 36109, 36136, 36177, 36139, 36130, 36054, 36059, 35928, 35981, 35957, 35889, 35870, 35787, 35733, 35776, 35717, 35755, 35728, 35755, 35682, 35675, 35733, 35702, 35705, 35678, 35815, 35748, 35721, 35750, 35772, 35819, 35803, 35807, 35853, 35814, 35877, 35822, 35926, 35867, 35890, 35962, 35852, 35970, 35962, 36005, 36026, 36046, 36073, 36050, 36128, 36156, 36184, 36230, 36193, 36230, 36279, 36311, 36333, 36309, 36460, 36445, 36445, 36462, 36377, 36520, 36446, 36449, 36324, 36260, 36236, 36118, 36144, 36177, 36080, 36124, 36045, 36100, 36021, 36109, 36064, 35997, 36014, 36047, 36002, 36041, 36058, 36030, 35990, 36056, 35987, 36056, 36044, 36072, 36043, 36024, 36097, 36018, 36044, 36045, 36033, 36044, 36061, 36040, 36094, 36147, 36068, 36117, 36185, 36212, 36261, 36228, 36276, 36314, 36280, 36315, 36351, 36411, 36509, 36443, 36477, 36505, 36587, 36579, 36639, 36669, 36625, 36730, 36651, 36680, 36586, 36498, 36522, 36416, 36455, 36452, 36413, 36472, 36446, 36459, 36484, 36454, 36470, 36476, 36488, 36506, 36435, 36542, 36471, 36539, 36603, 36610, 36655, 36639, 36674, 36690, 36664, 36754, 36804, 36755, 36832, 36907, 36963, 36986, 37078, 37100, 37098, 37198, 37166, 37194, 37189, 37220, 37271, 37313, 37303, 37364, 37368, 37443
- ]
- let aa = ''
- ipcMain.on('asynchronoushrv-message', function (event, arg) {
- // console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
- let rawData = arg
- client.get_hrv_features(rawData, 0.5, 4.5, 100, function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- console.log(err)
- }
- console.log(res)
- aa = res
- // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last
- mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-to-render-hrv', aa)
- })
- // 返回值后向渲染进程传输数据
- // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last
- })
- let pluseAll = ''
- ipcMain.on('asynchronoushrv-message-pluseAll', function (event, arg) {
- // console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
- let rawData = arg
- client.get_hrv_features(rawData, 0.5, 4.5, 100, function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- console.log(err)
- }
- console.log(res)
- pluseAll = res
- // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last
- mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-to-render-hrv-pluseAll', pluseAll)
- })
- // 返回值后向渲染进程传输数据
- // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last
- })
- //测试脉搏时传输的数据
- ipcMain.on('asynchronoushrv-message-pluse-realtime', function (event, arg) {
- let pluse = ''
- // console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
- let rawData = arg
- client.get_hrv_features(rawData, 0.5, 4.5, 100, function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- console.log(err)
- }
- console.log(res)
- pluse = res
- // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last
- mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-to-render-hrv-realtime', pluse)
- })
- // 返回值后向渲染进程传输数据
- // eslint-disable-next-line eol-last
- })
- // 得到发来的指令 然后传输数据
- let bb = ''
- ipcMain.on('asynchronoushrv-filter_signal', function (event, arg) {
- console.warn('滤波返回事件')
- let rawData = arg
- client.filter_signal(rawData, [0.5, 4.5], 'bandpass', 100, 3, false, function (err, res) {
- if (err) {
- console.log(err)
- }
- bb = res
- console.log('滤波返回事件')
- mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-to-render-pluse', bb)
- })
- })
- ipcMain.on('window-min', function () {
- mainWindow.minimize();
- })
- ipcMain.on('window-max', function () {
- if (mainWindow.isMaximized()) {
- mainWindow.restore();
- } else {
- mainWindow.maximize();
- }
- })
- //退出程序
- function stopPid(syncData) {
- const cmd = require("node-cmd");
- let a = syncData.data.split("TCP");
- let b = a[1].split("LISTENING");
- let pid = b[1].trim();
- console.log("taskkill -pid " + pid + " -f");
- cmd.runSync("taskkill -pid " + pid + " -f");
- }
- ipcMain.on('window-close', function () {
- if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
- //退出时关闭端口50300
- let syncData = cmd.runSync("netstat -ano|findstr 50300");
- //在的话判断是不是已经启动了是不是listening
- if (syncData.data != null) {
- if (syncData.data.includes("LISTENING")) {
- stopPid(syncData)
- }
- }
- wssSwitch = false
- cmd.runSync('taskkill /f /im javaw.exe')
- app.quit()
- }
- // mainWindow.close();
- })
- // 获取到com端口
- // eslint-disable-next-line space-before-function-paren
- //
- ipcMain.on('asynchronoushrv-listcom', function (event, arg) {
- console.log(arg)
- // console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
- console.log('来通知主进程了')
- if (arg == 'aa') {
- getComList()
- } else {
- portName = arg
- console.log('串口选择发过来了')
- // creatSerialPort()
- openEEG(creatEEG())
- }
- })
- ipcMain.on('asynchronoushrv-naoData', function (event, arg) {
- let data = arg;
- let buf=Buffer.from(data,'hex')
- // let buf= hex2ArrayBuffer(data);
- // var array = ['1a', '2b', '3c', '4d', '5e', '6f']
- // var hex_array = array.map(el => parseInt(el, 16))
- // var uarray = new Uint8Array(hex_array)
- // var buf = Buffer.from(data)
- console.log(buf)
- // console.log('来通知主进程了')
- //进到这里边
- buf.forEach(q => {
- ring.enq(q)
- handleByte(q)
- })
- })
- // function hex2ArrayBuffer(hex_str) {
- // // let hex_str = 'AA5504B10000B5'
- // let typedArray = new Uint8Array(hex_str.match(/[\da-f]{2}/gi).map(function (h) {
- // return parseInt(h, 16)
- // }))
- // let buffer = typedArray.buffer
- // return buffer
- // }
- // ipcMain.on('asynchronousselect-message123', function (event, arg) {
- // // console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
- // console.log("串口选择发过来了");
- // portName = arg
- // creatSerialPort()
- // serialPortOpen(serialPort)
- // // 回应同步消息
- // })
- function creatEEG() {
- // 创建
- if (serialPort) {
- if (serialPort.isOpen) {
- serialPort.close()
- }
- }
- serialPort = new SerialPort(portName, {
- // 波特率
- baudRate: 115200,
- autoOpen: false,
- dataBits: 8, // 数据位
- parity: 'none', // 奇偶校验
- stopBits: 1, // 停止位
- flowControl: false
- }, false)
- return serialPort
- }
- function openEEG(serialPort) {
- serialPort.open(function (error) {
- if (error) {
- console.log('打开端口' + portName + '错误' + error)
- } else {
- console.log('打开端口成功,正在监听数据中')
- serialPort.on('data', function (data) {
- // console.log(data)
- data.forEach(q => {
- ring.enq(q)
- handleByte(q)
- })
- })
- }
- })
- }
- function handleByte() {
- let parseList
- if (ring.size() >= bigPackageLen) {
- const arr = ring.peekN(3)
- if (arr[0] !== 0xaa || arr[1] !== 0xaa) {
- ring.deq()
- } else {
- if (arr[2] === 0x04) {
- parseList = ring.deqN(smallPackageLen)
- } else {
- parseList = ring.deqN(bigPackageLen)
- }
- const temp = new Buffer(parseList)
- decodeByte(temp)
- // console.log(parseList)
- }
- }
- }
- function decodeByte(temp) {
- const utcTime = getUtcTime()
- // console.log(temp)
- const map = new Map()
- // map.set("utcTime",utcTime)
- // 判断大小包
- if (temp.length === smallPackageLen) { // 先校验再计算rawWaveData
- if (byteSumCheck(temp)) {
- const rawWaveData = getRawWaveValue(temp[5], temp[6])
- map.set('rawWaveData', rawWaveData)
- }
- } else {
- if (byteSumCheck(temp)) {
- // console.log(temp)
- map.set('Signal', temp.readUInt8(4))
- map.set('Delta', temp.readUInt8(7) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(8) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(9))
- map.set('Theta', temp.readUInt8(10) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(11) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(12))
- map.set('LowAlpha', temp.readUInt8(13) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(14) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(15))
- map.set('HighAlpha', temp.readUInt8(16) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(17) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(18))
- map.set('LowBeta', temp.readUInt8(19) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(20) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(21))
- map.set('HighBeta', temp.readUInt8(22) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(23) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(24))
- map.set('LowGamma', temp.readUInt8(25) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(26) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(27))
- map.set('MiddleGamma', temp.readUInt8(28) * 256 * 256 + temp.readUInt8(29) * 256 + temp.readUInt8(30))
- map.set('Attention', temp.readUInt8(32))
- map.set('Meditation', temp.readUInt8(34))
- }
- }
- // console.log(map.size)
- for (const [key, value] of map) {
- // console.log(key + ' ============ ' + value)
- }
- mainWindow.webContents.send('accelerationData-message', map)
- return map
- }
- function getRawWaveValue(highOrderByte, lowOrderByte) {
- const hi = highOrderByte
- const lo = lowOrderByte & 0xFF
- let value = (hi << 8) | lo
- if (value > 32768) {
- value = value - 65536
- }
- return value
- }
- // 检查校验和aa aa 04 80 02 ff f8 86sum = ((0x80 + 0x02 + xxHigh + xxLow)^ 0xFFFFFFFF) & 0xFF
- function byteSumCheck(byteTemp) {
- if (byteTemp.length === smallPackageLen) {
- if ((((byteTemp[3] + byteTemp[4] + byteTemp[5] + byteTemp[6]) ^ 0xffffffff) & 0xff) === byteTemp[7]) {
- // console.log('sum check ok!');
- return true
- } else {
- // console.log('sum check false!');
- return false
- }
- } else {
- if (byteTemp[0] === 0xaa && byteTemp[1] === 0xaa && byteTemp[2] === 0x20 && byteTemp[3] === 0x02 &&
- byteTemp[5] === 0x83 && byteTemp[6] === 0x18 && byteTemp[31] === 0x04 && byteTemp[33] === 0x05) {
- return true
- } else {
- return false
- }
- }
- }
- // 获取到com端口
- SerialPort.list().then(ports => {
- ports.forEach(function (port) {
- console.log(port.path)
- // console.log(port.pnpId);
- })
- })
- // 获取到格林尼治时间
- function getUtcTime() {
- // 取本地时间
- let localtime = new Date()
- // 取本地毫秒数
- let localmesc = localtime.getTime()
- // 取本地时区与格林尼治所在时区的偏差毫秒数
- let localOffset = localtime.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000
- // 反推得到格林尼治时间
- let utc = localOffset + localmesc
- // 得到指定时区时间
- // let calctime = utc + (3600000 * offset);
- return utc
- };
- ipcMain.on('asynchronoushrv-controlpanel', function (event, arg) {
- // console.log(arg) // prints "ping"
- mainWindow.webContents.send('send-message-control', process.cwd())
- // 回应同步消息
- })
- //------------------------是否需要初始化数据库------------------------------//
- function dbInit() {
- let syncData = null;
- syncData = cmd.runSync('sc query ct')
- if (syncData.data == null) {
- //cmd.runSync('powershell.exe Start-Process -FilePath "./resources/exe/mysql/mysql-5.7.24-winx64/bin/mysql_init.bat" -WindowStyle Hidden -Verb runAs')
- let dbInitScript = 'powershell.exe Start-Process -FilePath "' + serveUrl + '/mysql/mysql-5.7.24-winx64/bin/mysql_init.bat" -WindowStyle Hidden -Verb runAs'
- cmd.runSync(dbInitScript)
- do {
- syncData = cmd.runSync('sc query ct')
- // console.log("数据库服务正在初始化")
- } while (syncData.data == null)
- } else {
- // console.log("数据库初始化完成")
- }
- loadingWindow.webContents.send('main-windows-python-exe-run', {
- type: "dbInit",
- })
- // console.log("数据库初始化完成")
- }
- // //在这里等三秒
- function sleep(delay) {
- for (var t = Date.now(); Date.now() - t <= delay;);
- }
- // // 调用方法,同步执行,阻塞后续程序的执行;
- // sleep(2000)
- // console.log("数据库服务初始化完成")
- // //要设置启动项目时需要启动jar包,和nginx服务
- // //假如数据库已初始化完成
- // //则启动jar包
- function execute_path(cmd, id, path) {
- var exec = require("child_process").exec;
- // var iconv = request('iconv-lite')
- // var encoding ='cp936'
- var binaryEncoding = "utf-8";
- let _this = this;
- exec(cmd, { cwd: path, windowsHide: true }, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
- if (error) {
- //_this.judge_false(id);
- console.log(error);
- } else {
- console.log(id + ": success");
- }
- });
- }
- function execute(cmd, id) {
- var exec = require("child_process").exec;
- let _this = this;
- exec(cmd, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
- if (error) {
- console.log(error + "错误");
- //return stderr;
- } else {
- console.log("" + stdout.toString());
- //return stdout;
- }
- });
- }
- //------------------------需要启动数据库服务-------------------------//
- function startDb() {
- let syncDataDb = null;
- syncDataDb = cmd.runSync('sc query ct')
- if (!(syncDataDb.data.includes("RUNNING"))) {
- execute(
- "powershell -Command \"Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '/c net start ct && command -argument'\"",
- 1
- );
- do {
- syncDataDb = cmd.runSync('sc query ct')
- } while (!(syncDataDb.data.includes("RUNNING")))
- } else {
- }
- loadingWindow.webContents.send('main-windows-python-exe-run', {
- type: "startDb",
- })
- }
- //startDb()
- // //数据库启动完成后
- //---------------------------需要启动jar包-------------------------//
- function startJar() {
- let syncDataJar = null;
- syncDataJar = cmd.runSync("netstat -ano|findstr 8088");
- console.log(syncDataJar)
- //先判断是否已启动后台,假如已启动就不执行启动命令
- // "start jre/bin/javaw -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar KJB-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
- // "start jre/bin/javaw -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar psychic_camera-v1.0.jar --spring.profiles.active=lan",
- if (syncDataJar.data == null) {
- execute_path(
- "start jre/bin/javaw -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar confrontation-training-java-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
- 2,
- process.cwd() +
- //"\\resources\\exe\\jar"
- //"\\exe\\jar"
- serveUrlJar + "\\jar"
- );
- do {
- syncDataJar = cmd.runSync("netstat -ano|findstr 8088");
- //当返回不等于空时,说明返回有东西,不回报错,当includes中为true是说明已经启动
- } while (!((syncDataJar.data !== null) && syncDataJar.data.includes("LISTENING")))
- } else {
- //当检测端口返回不为空时,且返回的字符串里不包含LISTENing
- if (!(syncDataJar.data.includes("LISTENING"))) {
- execute_path(
- "start jre/bin/javaw -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar confrontation-training-java-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
- 2,
- process.cwd() +
- //"\\resources\\exe\\jar"
- //"\\exe\\jar"
- serveUrlJar + "\\jar"
- );
- do {
- syncDataJar = cmd.runSync("netstat -ano|findstr 8088");
- //当返回不等于空时,说明返回有东西,不回报错,当includes中为true是说明已经启动
- } while (!((syncDataJar.data !== null) && syncDataJar.data.includes("LISTENING")))
- }
- syncDataJar.data.includes("LISTENING")
- console.log("jar启动完成")
- }
- loadingWindow.webContents.send('main-windows-python-exe-run', {
- type: "startJar",
- })
- console.log("后台服务已启动");
- }
- //startJar()
- //获取本机ip
- // function getNetworkIp() {
- // var os = require("os");
- // let needHost = "";
- // try {
- // // 获得网络接口列表
- // let network = os.networkInterfaces();
- // for (let item in network) {
- // let iface = network[item];
- // for (let i = 0; i < iface.length; i++) {
- // let alias = iface[i];
- // if (
- // alias.family === "IPv4" &&
- // alias.address !== "" &&
- // !alias.internal
- // ) {
- // needHost = alias.address;
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // } catch (e) {
- // console.log(e);
- // }
- // return needHost;
- // }
- //获取本机ip 改变util文件夹中的global的ip
- //获取本机ip
- function getNetworkIp() {
- var os = require("os");
- let needHost = "";
- try {
- // 获得网络接口列表
- let network = os.networkInterfaces();
- for (let item in network) {
- let iface = network[item];
- for (let i = 0; i < iface.length; i++) {
- let alias = iface[i];
- if (
- alias.family === "IPv4" &&
- alias.address !== "" &&
- !alias.internal
- ) {
- needHost = alias.address;
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(e);
- }
- return needHost;
- }
- //调用方法,改动web服务global.js
- function webGlobal() {
- let ipv4 = getNetworkIp();
- console.log(ipv4)
- ipv4 = 'localhost'
- let urlPath = process.cwd() +
- serveUrlJar + "\\global.js"
- // let urlPath = __static + "\\global.js"
- let str = "var env = {dev: 'http://" +
- ipv4 +
- ":8088/',prod: 'http://" +
- ipv4 +
- ":8088/'};export default env;";
- console.log(urlPath)
- console.log(str)
- fs.writeFile(
- urlPath,
- str,
- (error) => {
- if (error) {
- // printInfo("PC写入global文件失败,原因是" + error.message, "warn");
- return console.log("写入global文件失败,原因是" + error.message);
- } else {
- // printInfo("PC写入global文件失败,原因是", "info");
- console.log("写入成功");
- }
- }
- );
- // mainWindow.webContents.send('main-windows-python-exe-run', {
- // type: "webGlobal",
- // })
- }
- webGlobal()
- //启动docker
- function startDocker() {
- execFile("C:/nlp/nlp" + '/start1.bat', function (err, data) {
- console.log(err)
- console.log(data.toString())
- })
- }
- startDocker()
- //关闭docker
- //启动docker
- function stopDocker() {
- execFile("C:/nlp/nlp" + '/stop.bat', function (err, data) {
- console.log(err)
- console.log(data.toString())
- })
- }
- //stopDocker()
- //异步
- ipcMain.on('main-windows-python-exe', function (event, arg) {
- console.log(arg)
- console.log(arg.type)
- if (arg.type === 'exe') {
- console.log("app.vue传值了")
- //调用.exe
- setTimeout(() => {
- starServer()
- }, 2000)
- }
- if (arg.type === "dbInit") {
- dbInit()
- }
- if (arg.type === 'startDb') {
- startDb()
- }
- if (arg.type === 'startJar') {
- startJar()
- }
- if (arg.type === 'webGlobal') {
- //
- // webGlobal()
- }
- })