@@ -68,12 +68,13 @@
<div class="equipment_status">
<span class="desSty">设备未连接:</span>
+ @click="openTableFun"
style="width: 14px; height: 20px"
- <span class="desSty">查看波形图</span>
+ <span class="desSty" @click="viewEchartsFun">查看波形图</span>
style="font-size: 12px"
v-show="equipment == '2' && pulseTimeNum < 180 && pulseTimeNum > 0"
@@ -118,17 +119,107 @@
<el-col :span="1"> </el-col>
+ <el-dialog title="提示" :visible.sync="tableVisible" width="60%" center>
+ <span>
+ <el-table
+ :data="scanData"
+ style="width: 100%"
+ :header-cell-style="{
+ background: '#66B497',
+ color: '#FFFFFF',
+ 'letter-spacing': '4px',
+ }"
+ >
+ <!-- <el-table-column type="selection" align="center" width="55">
+ </el-table-column> -->
+ <el-table-column prop="Rssi" align="center" label="信号强度">
+ </el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column
+ prop="Name"
+ :formatter="nameFormatter"
+ align="center"
+ label="类型"
+ >
+ </el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column prop="MAC" align="center" label="mac">
+ </el-table-column>
+ <el-table-column label="操作" align="center">
+ <template slot-scope="scope">
+ <el-button
+ @click="linkFun(scope.$index, scope.row)"
+ class="xl_d_button"
+ size="mini"
+ slot="reference"
+ >
+ <span v-if="linkIndex == scope.$index">已连接</span
+ ><span v-if="linkIndex != scope.$index">连接</span></el-button
+ >
+ </template>
+ </el-table-column>
+ </el-table>
+ </span>
+ <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
+ <el-button @click="tableVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="tableVisible = false"
+ >确 定</el-button
+ >
+ </span>
+ </el-dialog>
+ <el-dialog
+ title="查看波形图"
+ :visible.sync="echartsVisible"
+ width="80%"
+ center
+ >
+ <span>
+ <div class="outPage">
+ <div id="eegOne" class="naoOneClass"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="outPage">
+ <div id="eegTwo" class="naoOneClass"></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="outThreePage">
+ <div id="eegThree" class="naoOneClass"></div>
+ </div>
+ </span>
+ <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
+ <el-button @click="echartsVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
+ <el-button type="primary" @click="echartsVisible = false"
+ >确 定</el-button
+ >
+ </span>
+ </el-dialog>
// 查看选择设备的状态,判断波形是哪个?
+import * as echarts from "echarts";
import Utils from "./util.js";
const fs = require("fs");
const { ipcRenderer } = require("electron");
+const RingBuffer = require("ringbufferjs");
+// import RingBuffer from 'ringbufferjs'
export default {
data() {
return {
+ //echarts渲染标志
+ echartsVisible: false,
+ echartsOne: null,
+ echartsTwo: null,
+ echartsThree: null,
+ optionOne: null,
+ optionTwo: null,
+ optionThree: null,
+ //打开设备进行选择的列表
+ openTableFlag: "",
+ scanData: [],
+ websock: null,
+ tableVisible: false,
+ linkIndex: null,
singleFlag: true,
buttonDisable: true,
@@ -262,6 +353,7 @@ export default {
mounted() {
+ // RingBuffer=null;
@@ -274,8 +366,12 @@ export default {
window.addEventListener("resize", function () {
// that.getSize();
if (flagAnimation) {
setTimeout(() => {
+ that.echartsOne.resize();
+ that.echartsTwo.resize();
+ that.echartsThree.resize();
flagAnimation = true;
}, 1000);
@@ -289,6 +385,7 @@ export default {
}, 1000);
that.singleFlag = that.$route.query.single;
ipcRenderer.on("accelerationData-message", (event, arg) => {
if (arg["_c"].size == 1) {
@@ -298,6 +395,7 @@ export default {
} else {
if (arg["_c"].size == 11) {
+ console.log(arg);
// 当不为undefined时
let ll = 11;
// 获取长度
@@ -362,7 +460,7 @@ export default {
// this.numEleDom = this.focusNaoAll.length.toString();
- if (this.currentFlag) {
+ if (this.echartsVisible) {
@@ -370,8 +468,153 @@ export default {
+ this.initWebsocket();
+ },
+ destroyed() {
+ this.websock.close(1000);
methods: {
+ viewEchartsFun() {
+ this.echartsVisible = true;
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (this.echartsOne == null) {
+ this.echartsOne = echarts.init(document.getElementById("eegOne"));
+ this.echartsTwo = echarts.init(document.getElementById("eegTwo"));
+ this.echartsThree = echarts.init(document.getElementById("eegThree"));
+ }
+ // 先调用
+ this.renderEegOne();
+ this.renderEegTwo();
+ this.renderEegThree();
+ }, 2000);
+ },
+ //进行解析脑电数据
+ linkFun(index, val) {
+ // debugger;
+ let that = this;
+ that.$http.postTmp(
+ `/v1/device/connection`,
+ {
+ chip: val.Chip + "",
+ mac: val.MAC,
+ addrType: val.BdadrType,
+ filterName: val.Name == "BW-ECG-01" ? "1" : "0",
+ },
+ (res) => {
+ // debugger;
+ if (res.data.code == 200) {
+ this.linkIndex = index;
+ that.openData();
+ this.$message.success("设备连接成功");
+ // that.tableData = res.data;
+ // that.totolSize = res.data.totalElements;
+ } else {
+ // this.$message.error("访问服务器失败!");
+ this.$message.error(res.data.message);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ //打开数据接口
+ openData() {
+ let that = this;
+ that.$http.getTmp(`/v1/device/open/notify`, {}, (res) => {
+ debugger;
+ if (res.code == 200) {
+ // that.tableData = res.data;
+ // that.totolSize = res.data.totalElements;
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error("访问服务器失败!");
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ nameFormatter(val) {
+ if (val.Name == "BW-ECG-01") {
+ return "心电";
+ } else {
+ return "脑电";
+ }
+ },
+ openTableFun() {
+ this.tableVisible = true;
+ //调用扫描接口
+ this.queryScan();
+ },
+ //扫描设备
+ queryScan() {
+ let that = this;
+ that.$http.postTmp(`/v1/device/scan`, {}, (res) => {
+ console.log(res);
+ if (res.code == 200) {
+ that.scanData = res.data;
+ // that.totolSize = res.data.totalElements;
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error("访问服务器失败!");
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //进来后先连接websocket
+ //连上后进行扫描
+ //扫描以后出现列表
+ //列表出现后点击连接并打开数据如果有数据才算成功
+ //初始化websocket
+ initWebsocket() {
+ const wsuri = "ws://";
+ this.websock = new WebSocket(wsuri);
+ this.websock.onmessage = this.websocketonmessage;
+ this.websock.onopen = this.websocketonopen;
+ this.websock.onerror = this.websocketonerror;
+ this.websock.onclose = this.websocketclose;
+ },
+ websocketonopen() {
+ //连接建立之后执行send方法发送数据
+ let actions = { test: "12345" };
+ this.websocketsend(JSON.stringify(actions));
+ },
+ websocketonerror() {
+ //连接建立失败重连
+ this.initWebSocket();
+ },
+ websocketsend(Data) {
+ //数据发送
+ this.websock.send(Data);
+ },
+ websocketonmessage(e) {
+ //数据接收
+ const redata = JSON.parse(e.data);
+ // console.log(redata);
+ if (redata.content != "Successful connection to socket service") {
+ //判断设备类型是device还是data
+ if (redata.msgType == "device") {
+ let dataLin = JSON.parse(redata.content);
+ let list = [];
+ for (var key in dataLin) {
+ list.push(dataLin[key]);
+ }
+ this.scanData = list;
+ } else {
+ let dataLin = JSON.parse(redata.content);
+ ipcRenderer.send("asynchronoushrv-naoData", dataLin.value);
+ // if(){
+ // }
+ }
+ // console.log(this.scanData);
+ }
+ },
+ websocketclose(e) {
+ if (e.code == 1005) {
+ this.initWebsocket();
+ } else {
+ console.log("断开连接", e);
+ }
+ },
saveFileGame(val) {
fs.appendFile("D:\\pulseGame.txt", val + "@", (err) => {
@@ -683,7 +926,7 @@ export default {
// this.urlThreeP = "../../../static/candle/index.html";
- this.urlThreeP = __static + "/candle/index.html";
+ this.urlThreeP = __static + "/candle/index.html";
this.gameScene = val;
this.flag = this.gameScene;
@@ -698,6 +941,574 @@ export default {
goBack() {
+ renderEegOne() {
+ let sarr = [];
+ // 当全量小于等于10时 显示1-10
+ if (this.focusNaoAll.length <= 10) {
+ for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
+ // i = i.toFixed(3);
+ sarr.push(i.toString());
+ }
+ } else if (this.focusNaoAll.length > 10) {
+ for (
+ let i = this.focusNaoAll.length - 10;
+ i < this.focusNaoAll.length;
+ i++
+ ) {
+ sarr.push(i.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ this.optionOne = {
+ animation: false,
+ title: {
+ text: "频谱成分",
+ subtext: "",
+ left: "center",
+ align: "right",
+ x: "center",
+ y: "bottom",
+ },
+ grid: {
+ bottom: 80,
+ },
+ legend: {
+ data: [
+ "Delta",
+ "Theta",
+ "Low Alpha",
+ "High Alpha",
+ "Low Beta",
+ "High Beta",
+ "Low Gamma",
+ "Mid Gamma",
+ ],
+ },
+ xAxis: [
+ {
+ name: "秒(s)",
+ type: "category",
+ boundaryGap: false,
+ axisLine: { onZero: false },
+ splitLine: { show: true },
+ data: sarr,
+ axisLabel: {
+ // interval: 999,
+ formatter: function (value, index) {
+ let a = parseInt(value);
+ if (a % 1000 == 0) {
+ if ((a / 1000) % 2 == 0) {
+ return a / 1000;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ yAxis: [
+ {
+ name: "",
+ type: "value",
+ // max: 500,
+ },
+ ],
+ series: [
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Delta",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.deltaData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Theta",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.thetaData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Low Alpha",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.lowAlphaData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "High Alpha",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.highAlphaData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Low Beta",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.lowBetaData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "High Beta",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.highBetaData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Low Gamma",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.lowGammaData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Mid Gamma",
+ type: "line",
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.midGammaData,
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ this.echartsOne.setOption(this.optionOne);
+ },
+ renderEegTwo() {
+ let sarr = [];
+ // 当全量小于等于10时 显示1-10
+ if (this.focusNaoAll.length <= 10) {
+ for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
+ // i = i.toFixed(3);
+ sarr.push(i.toString());
+ }
+ } else if (this.focusNaoAll.length > 10) {
+ for (
+ let i = this.focusNaoAll.length - 10;
+ i < this.focusNaoAll.length;
+ i++
+ ) {
+ sarr.push(i.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ this.optionTwo = {
+ animation: false,
+ title: {
+ text: "注意力指标",
+ subtext: "",
+ left: "center",
+ align: "right",
+ x: "center",
+ y: "bottom",
+ },
+ grid: {
+ bottom: 80,
+ },
+ legend: {
+ data: ["Noise", "Attention", "Medition"],
+ // left: 10,
+ },
+ xAxis: [
+ {
+ name: "秒(s)",
+ type: "category",
+ boundaryGap: false,
+ axisLine: { onZero: false },
+ splitLine: { show: true },
+ data: sarr,
+ },
+ ],
+ yAxis: [
+ {
+ name: "秒(s)",
+ type: "value",
+ // max: 500,
+ },
+ // {
+ // name: "秒(s)",
+ // nameLocation: "start",
+ // // max: 5,
+ // type: "value",
+ // inverse: false,
+ // },
+ ],
+ series: [
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Noise",
+ type: "line",
+ yAxisIndex: 0,
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.noiseData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Attention",
+ type: "line",
+ yAxisIndex: 0,
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.attentionData,
+ },
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "Medition",
+ type: "line",
+ yAxisIndex: 0,
+ areaStyle: {},
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ emphasis: {
+ focus: "series",
+ },
+ markArea: {
+ silent: true,
+ itemStyle: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ },
+ data: [
+ [
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/10\n7:00",
+ },
+ {
+ xAxis: "2009/9/20\n7:00",
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ data: this.meditationData,
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ this.echartsTwo.setOption(this.optionTwo);
+ },
+ renderEegThree() {
+ let sarr = [];
+ // 当全量小于等于10时 显示1-10
+ if (this.waveDataAll.length <= 5120) {
+ for (let i = 0; i <= 5120; i++) {
+ // i = i.toFixed(3);
+ sarr.push(i.toString());
+ }
+ } else if (this.waveDataAll.length > 5120) {
+ for (
+ let i = this.waveDataAll.length - 5120;
+ i < this.waveDataAll.length;
+ i++
+ ) {
+ sarr.push(i.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ this.optionThree = {
+ animation: false,
+ title: {
+ text: "原始信号",
+ subtext: "",
+ left: "center",
+ align: "right",
+ x: "center",
+ y: "bottom",
+ },
+ grid: {
+ bottom: 80,
+ },
+ legend: {
+ data: ["RAW Wave"],
+ // left: 10,
+ },
+ xAxis: [
+ {
+ name: "秒(s)",
+ type: "category",
+ boundaryGap: false,
+ axisLine: { onZero: false },
+ splitLine: { show: true },
+ data: sarr,
+ axisLabel: {
+ interval: 512,
+ formatter: function (value, index) {
+ // 当当前value除以1000为整数是
+ // console.log(value);
+ // 将value转化为int类型
+ let a = parseInt(value);
+ a = Math.round(a / 512);
+ // if (a %510 == 0) {
+ // // if ((a / 1000) % 2 == 0) {
+ // // return a / 1000;
+ // // }
+ // return a / 1000;
+ // }
+ return a;
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ yAxis: [
+ {
+ name: "",
+ type: "value",
+ // max: 500,
+ },
+ ],
+ series: [
+ {
+ smooth: true,
+ showSymbol: false,
+ name: "RAW Wave",
+ type: "line",
+ lineStyle: {
+ width: 1,
+ },
+ data: this.waveData,
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ this.echartsThree.setOption(this.optionThree);
+ },
@@ -765,4 +1576,9 @@ canvas {
flex-direction: row;
flex: 1;
+.naoOneClass {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 30vh;
+ width: 100%;