shadow_sift.hpp 649 B

  1. // Compatibility
  2. // SIFT is moved to the main repository
  3. namespace cv {
  4. namespace xfeatures2d {
  5. /** Use cv.SIFT_create() instead */
  6. CV_WRAP static inline
  7. Ptr<cv::SIFT> SIFT_create(int nfeatures = 0, int nOctaveLayers = 3,
  8. double contrastThreshold = 0.04, double edgeThreshold = 10,
  9. double sigma = 1.6)
  10. {
  11. CV_LOG_ONCE_WARNING(NULL, "DEPRECATED: cv.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() is deprecated due SIFT tranfer to the main repository. "
  12. ""
  13. );
  14. return SIFT::create(nfeatures, nOctaveLayers, contrastThreshold, edgeThreshold, sigma);
  15. }
  16. }} // namespace