-# We assume you installed opencv and opencv_contrib in c:/lib using [this tutorials](http://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d52/tutorial_windows_install.html#tutorial_windows_gitbash_build]
-# You must download png lib and zlib. Uncompress lpngx.y.zz in folder lpng and zlib in folder zlib. lpng and zlib must be in same folder as opencv and opencv_contrib. save this script with name installpngzlib.sh in c:/lib @code{.bash} #!/bin/bash myRepo=$(pwd) CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" RepoSource=zlib mkdir Build/$RepoSource pushd Build/$RepoSource cmake . -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$myRepo"/install/zlib -DINSTALL_BIN_DIR:PATH="$myRepo"/install/zlib/bin \ -DINSTALL_INC_DIR:PATH="$myRepo"/install/zlib/include -DINSTALL_LIB_DIR:PATH="$myRepo"/install/zlib/lib "$myRepo"/"$RepoSource" cmake --build . --config release cmake --build . --target install --config release cmake --build . --config debug cmake --build . --target install --config debug popd RepoSource=lpng mkdir Build/$RepoSource pushd Build/$RepoSource cp "$myRepo"/"$RepoSource"/scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt "$myRepo"/"$RepoSource"/pnglibconf.h cmake . -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" \ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="$myRepo"/install/zlib/include -DZLIB_LIBRARY_DEBUG:FILE="$myRepo"/install/zlib/lib/zlibstaticd.lib \ -Dld-version-script:BOOL=OFF -DPNG_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DAWK:STRING= \ -DZLIB_LIBRARY_RELEASE:FILE="$myRepo"/install/zlib/lib/zlibstatic.lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$myRepo"/Install/"$RepoSource" \ "$myRepo"/"$RepoSource" cmake --build . --config release cmake --build . --target install --config release cmake --build . --config debug cmake --build . --target install --config debug popd @endcode -# In git command line enter the following command : @code{.bash} ./installpngzlib.sh @endcode
-# save this script with name installTesseract.sh in c:/lib @code{.bash} #!/bin/bash function MAJGitRepo { if [ ! -d "$myRepo/$1" ]; then echo "clonning ${1}" git clone $2 mkdir Build/$1 else echo "update $1" cd $1 git pull --rebase cd .. fi } echo "Installing leptonica and tesseract" myRepo=$(pwd) CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
MAJGitRepo leptonica https://github.com/DanBloomberg/leptonica.git RepoSource=leptonica pushd Build/$RepoSource cmake -G"$CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$myRepo"/Install/leptonica "$myRepo/$RepoSource" echo "************************* $Source_DIR -->debug" cmake --build . --config release cmake --build $RepoSource --target install --config release popd
RepoSource=tesseract MAJGitRepo $RepoSource https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract.git pushd Build/$RepoSource cmake -G"$CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR" -DBUILD_TRAINING_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$myRepo"/Install/tesseract -DLeptonica_DIR:PATH="$myRepo"/Install/leptonica/cmake -DPKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE:BOOL=OFF "$myRepo"/"$RepoSource" echo "************************* $Source_DIR -->release" cmake --build . --config release cmake --build . --target install --config release
popd RepoSource=opencv pushd Build/$RepoSource CMAKE_OPTIONS='-DBUILD_PERF_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_DOCS:BOOL=OFF -DWITH_CUDA:BOOL=OFF' cmake -G"$CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR" \ -DTesseract_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="${myRepo}"/Install/tesseract/include -DTesseract_LIBRARY="${myRepo}"/Install/tesseract/lib/tesseract400.lib -DLept_LIBRARY="${myRepo}"/Install/leptonica/lib/leptonica-1.74.4.lib \ $CMAKE_OPTIONS -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib/modules \ -DINSTALL_CREATE_DISTRIB=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$myRepo"/install/"$RepoSource" "$myRepo/$RepoSource" echo "************************* $Source_DIR -->devenv debug" cmake --build . --config debug echo "************************* $Source_DIR -->devenv release" cmake --build . --config release cmake --build . --target install --config release cmake --build . --target install --config debug popd
In this script I suppose you use VS 2015 in 64 bits
@code{.bash} CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" @endcode
and leptonica, tesseract will be installed in c:/lib/install
@code{.bash} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$myRepo"/install/"$RepoSource" "$myRepo/$RepoSource" @endcode
with no Perf tests, no tests, no doc, no CUDA and no example
@code{.bash} CMAKE_OPTIONS='-DBUILD_PERF_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_DOCS:BOOL=OFF -DWITH_CUDA:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF' @endcode -# In git command line enter the following command : @code{.bash} ./installTesseract.sh @endcode -# now we need the language files from tesseract. either clone https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata, or copy only those language files you need to a folder (example c:\lib\install\tesseract\tessdata). If you don't want to add a new folder you must copy language file in same folder than your executable -# if you created a new folder, then you must add a new variable, TESSDATA_PREFIX with the value c:\lib\install\tessdata to your system's environment -# add c:\Lib\install\leptonica\bin and c:\Lib\install\tesseract\bin to your PATH environment. If you don't want to modify the PATH then copy tesseract400.dll and leptonica-1.74.4.dll to the same folder than your exe file.