123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283 |
- // This file is part of OpenCV project.
- // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
- // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
- #include "perf_precomp.hpp"
- namespace opencv_test {
- typedef tuple<MatType, Size, Size> MatInfo_Size_Size_t;
- typedef TestBaseWithParam<MatInfo_Size_Size_t> MatInfo_Size_Size;
- typedef tuple<Size,Size> Size_Size_t;
- typedef tuple<MatType, Size_Size_t> MatInfo_SizePair_t;
- typedef TestBaseWithParam<MatInfo_SizePair_t> MatInfo_SizePair;
- #define MATTYPE_NE_VALUES CV_8UC1, CV_8UC2, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, \
- CV_16UC1, CV_16UC2, CV_16UC3, CV_16UC4, \
- CV_32FC1, CV_32FC2, CV_32FC3, CV_32FC4
- // For gradient-ish testing of the other matrix formats
- template<typename T>
- static void fillFPGradient(Mat& img)
- {
- const int ch = img.channels();
- int r, c, i;
- for(r=0; r<img.rows; r++)
- {
- for(c=0; c<img.cols; c++)
- {
- T vals[] = {(T)r, (T)c, (T)(r*c), (T)(r*c/(r+c+1))};
- T *p = (T*)img.ptr(r, c);
- for(i=0; i<ch; i++) p[i] = (T)vals[i];
- }
- }
- }
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_Size_Size, resizeUpLinear,
- testing::Values(
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC1, szVGA, szqHD),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC2, szVGA, szqHD),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC3, szVGA, szqHD),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC4, szVGA, szqHD),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC1, szVGA, sz720p),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC2, szVGA, sz720p),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC3, szVGA, sz720p),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC4, szVGA, sz720p)
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<1>(GetParam());
- Size to = get<2>(GetParam());
- cv::Mat src(from, matType), dst(to, matType);
- cvtest::fillGradient(src);
- declare.in(src).out(dst);
- TEST_CYCLE_MULTIRUN(10) resize(src, dst, to, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
- #ifdef __ANDROID__
- SANITY_CHECK(dst, 5);
- #else
- SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1 + 1e-6);
- #endif
- }
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_SizePair, resizeUpLinearNonExact,
- testing::Combine
- (
- testing::Values( MATTYPE_NE_VALUES ),
- testing::Values( Size_Size_t(szVGA, szqHD), Size_Size_t(szVGA, sz720p) )
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size_Size_t sizes = get<1>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<0>(sizes);
- Size to = get<1>(sizes);
- cv::Mat src(from, matType), dst(to, matType);
- switch(src.depth())
- {
- case CV_8U: cvtest::fillGradient(src); break;
- case CV_16U: fillFPGradient<ushort>(src); break;
- case CV_32F: fillFPGradient<float>(src); break;
- }
- declare.in(src).out(dst);
- TEST_CYCLE_MULTIRUN(10) resize(src, dst, to, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
- }
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_Size_Size, resizeDownLinear,
- testing::Values(
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC1, szVGA, szQVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC2, szVGA, szQVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC3, szVGA, szQVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC4, szVGA, szQVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC1, szqHD, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC2, szqHD, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC3, szqHD, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC4, szqHD, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC1, sz720p, Size(120 * sz720p.width / sz720p.height, 120)),//face detection min_face_size = 20%
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC2, sz720p, Size(120 * sz720p.width / sz720p.height, 120)),//face detection min_face_size = 20%
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC3, sz720p, Size(120 * sz720p.width / sz720p.height, 120)),//face detection min_face_size = 20%
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC4, sz720p, Size(120 * sz720p.width / sz720p.height, 120)),//face detection min_face_size = 20%
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC1, sz720p, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC2, sz720p, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC3, sz720p, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC4, sz720p, szVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC1, sz720p, szQVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC2, sz720p, szQVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC3, sz720p, szQVGA),
- MatInfo_Size_Size_t(CV_8UC4, sz720p, szQVGA)
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<1>(GetParam());
- Size to = get<2>(GetParam());
- cv::Mat src(from, matType), dst(to, matType);
- cvtest::fillGradient(src);
- declare.in(src).out(dst);
- TEST_CYCLE_MULTIRUN(10) resize(src, dst, to, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
- #ifdef __ANDROID__
- SANITY_CHECK(dst, 5);
- #else
- SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1 + 1e-6);
- #endif
- }
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_SizePair, resizeDownLinearNonExact,
- testing::Combine
- (
- testing::Values( MATTYPE_NE_VALUES ),
- testing::Values
- (
- Size_Size_t(szVGA, szQVGA),
- Size_Size_t(szqHD, szVGA),
- Size_Size_t(sz720p, Size(120 * sz720p.width / sz720p.height, 120)),
- Size_Size_t(sz720p, szVGA),
- Size_Size_t(sz720p, szQVGA)
- )
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size_Size_t sizes = get<1>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<0>(sizes);
- Size to = get<1>(sizes);
- cv::Mat src(from, matType), dst(to, matType);
- switch(src.depth())
- {
- case CV_8U: cvtest::fillGradient(src); break;
- case CV_16U: fillFPGradient<ushort>(src); break;
- case CV_32F: fillFPGradient<float>(src); break;
- }
- declare.in(src).out(dst);
- TEST_CYCLE_MULTIRUN(10) resize(src, dst, to, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
- }
- typedef tuple<MatType, Size, int> MatInfo_Size_Scale_t;
- typedef TestBaseWithParam<MatInfo_Size_Scale_t> MatInfo_Size_Scale;
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_Size_Scale, ResizeAreaFast,
- testing::Combine(
- testing::Values(CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, CV_16UC1, CV_16UC3, CV_16UC4),
- testing::Values(szVGA, szqHD, sz720p, sz1080p),
- testing::Values(2)
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<1>(GetParam());
- int scale = get<2>(GetParam());
- from.width = (from.width/scale)*scale;
- from.height = (from.height/scale)*scale;
- cv::Mat src(from, matType);
- cv::Mat dst(from.height / scale, from.width / scale, matType);
- declare.in(src, WARMUP_RNG).out(dst);
- int runs = 15;
- TEST_CYCLE_MULTIRUN(runs) resize(src, dst, dst.size(), 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
- //difference equal to 1 is allowed because of different possible rounding modes: round-to-nearest vs bankers' rounding
- SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1);
- }
- typedef TestBaseWithParam<tuple<MatType, Size, double> > MatInfo_Size_Scale_Area;
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_Size_Scale_Area, ResizeArea,
- testing::Combine(
- testing::Values(CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4),
- testing::Values(szVGA, szqHD, sz720p),
- testing::Values(2.4, 3.4, 1.3)
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<1>(GetParam());
- double scale = get<2>(GetParam());
- cv::Mat src(from, matType);
- Size to(cvRound(from.width * scale), cvRound(from.height * scale));
- cv::Mat dst(to, matType);
- declare.in(src, WARMUP_RNG).out(dst);
- declare.time(100);
- TEST_CYCLE() resize(src, dst, dst.size(), 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
- //difference equal to 1 is allowed because of different possible rounding modes: round-to-nearest vs bankers' rounding
- SANITY_CHECK(dst, 1);
- }
- typedef MatInfo_Size_Scale_Area MatInfo_Size_Scale_NN;
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_Size_Scale_NN, ResizeNN,
- testing::Combine(
- testing::Values(CV_8UC1, CV_8UC2, CV_8UC4),
- testing::Values(szVGA, szqHD, sz720p, sz1080p, sz2160p),
- testing::Values(2.4, 3.4, 1.3)
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<1>(GetParam());
- double scale = get<2>(GetParam());
- cv::Mat src(from, matType);
- Size to(cvRound(from.width * scale), cvRound(from.height * scale));
- cv::Mat dst(to, matType);
- declare.in(src, WARMUP_RNG).out(dst);
- declare.time(100);
- TEST_CYCLE() resize(src, dst, dst.size(), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);
- EXPECT_GT(countNonZero(dst.reshape(1)), 0);
- }
- PERF_TEST_P(MatInfo_Size_Scale_NN, ResizeNNExact,
- testing::Combine(
- testing::Values(CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4),
- testing::Values(sz720p, sz1080p),
- testing::Values(0.25, 0.5, 2.0)
- )
- )
- {
- int matType = get<0>(GetParam());
- Size from = get<1>(GetParam());
- double scale = get<2>(GetParam());
- cv::Mat src(from, matType);
- Size to(cvRound(from.width * scale), cvRound(from.height * scale));
- cv::Mat dst(to, matType);
- declare.in(src, WARMUP_RNG).out(dst);
- declare.time(100);
- TEST_CYCLE() resize(src, dst, dst.size(), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST_EXACT);
- EXPECT_GT(countNonZero(dst.reshape(1)), 0);
- }
- } // namespace