8.5 KB

  1. from __future__ import print_function
  2. from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
  3. import numpy as np
  4. import sys
  5. import argparse
  6. import time
  7. from imagenet_cls_test_alexnet import CaffeModel, DnnCaffeModel
  8. try:
  9. import cv2 as cv
  10. except ImportError:
  11. raise ImportError('Can\'t find OpenCV Python module. If you\'ve built it from sources without installation, '
  12. 'configure environment variable PYTHONPATH to "opencv_build_dir/lib" directory (with "python3" subdirectory if required)')
  13. def get_metrics(conf_mat):
  14. pix_accuracy = np.trace(conf_mat) / np.sum(conf_mat)
  15. t = np.sum(conf_mat, 1)
  16. num_cl = np.count_nonzero(t)
  17. assert num_cl
  18. mean_accuracy = np.sum(np.nan_to_num(np.divide(np.diagonal(conf_mat), t))) / num_cl
  19. col_sum = np.sum(conf_mat, 0)
  20. mean_iou = np.sum(
  21. np.nan_to_num(np.divide(np.diagonal(conf_mat), (t + col_sum - np.diagonal(conf_mat))))) / num_cl
  22. return pix_accuracy, mean_accuracy, mean_iou
  23. def eval_segm_result(net_out):
  24. assert type(net_out) is np.ndarray
  25. assert len(net_out.shape) == 4
  26. channels_dim = 1
  27. y_dim = channels_dim + 1
  28. x_dim = y_dim + 1
  29. res = np.zeros(net_out.shape).astype(
  30. for i in range(net_out.shape[y_dim]):
  31. for j in range(net_out.shape[x_dim]):
  32. max_ch = np.argmax(net_out[..., i, j])
  33. res[0, max_ch, i, j] = 1
  34. return res
  35. def get_conf_mat(gt, prob):
  36. assert type(gt) is np.ndarray
  37. assert type(prob) is np.ndarray
  38. conf_mat = np.zeros((gt.shape[0], gt.shape[0]))
  39. for ch_gt in range(conf_mat.shape[0]):
  40. gt_channel = gt[ch_gt, ...]
  41. for ch_pr in range(conf_mat.shape[1]):
  42. prob_channel = prob[ch_pr, ...]
  43. conf_mat[ch_gt][ch_pr] = np.count_nonzero(np.multiply(gt_channel, prob_channel))
  44. return conf_mat
  45. class MeanChannelsPreproc:
  46. def __init__(self):
  47. pass
  48. @staticmethod
  49. def process(img):
  50. image_data = np.array(img).transpose(2, 0, 1).astype(np.float32)
  51. mean = np.ones(image_data.shape)
  52. mean[0] *= 104
  53. mean[1] *= 117
  54. mean[2] *= 123
  55. image_data -= mean
  56. image_data = np.expand_dims(image_data, 0)
  57. return image_data
  58. class DatasetImageFetch(object):
  59. __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
  60. data_prepoc = object
  61. @abstractmethod
  62. def __iter__(self):
  63. pass
  64. @abstractmethod
  65. def next(self):
  66. pass
  67. @staticmethod
  68. def pix_to_c(pix):
  69. return pix[0] * 256 * 256 + pix[1] * 256 + pix[2]
  70. @staticmethod
  71. def color_to_gt(color_img, colors):
  72. num_classes = len(colors)
  73. gt = np.zeros((num_classes, color_img.shape[0], color_img.shape[1])).astype(
  74. for img_y in range(color_img.shape[0]):
  75. for img_x in range(color_img.shape[1]):
  76. c = DatasetImageFetch.pix_to_c(color_img[img_y][img_x])
  77. if c in colors:
  78. cls = colors.index(c)
  79. gt[cls][img_y][img_x] = 1
  80. return gt
  81. class PASCALDataFetch(DatasetImageFetch):
  82. img_dir = ''
  83. segm_dir = ''
  84. names = []
  85. colors = []
  86. i = 0
  87. def __init__(self, img_dir, segm_dir, names_file, segm_cls_colors_file, preproc):
  88. self.img_dir = img_dir
  89. self.segm_dir = segm_dir
  90. self.colors = self.read_colors(segm_cls_colors_file)
  91. self.data_prepoc = preproc
  92. self.i = 0
  93. with open(names_file) as f:
  94. for l in f.readlines():
  95. self.names.append(l.rstrip())
  96. @staticmethod
  97. def read_colors(img_classes_file):
  98. result = []
  99. with open(img_classes_file) as f:
  100. for l in f.readlines():
  101. color = np.array(map(int, l.split()[1:]))
  102. result.append(DatasetImageFetch.pix_to_c(color))
  103. return result
  104. def __iter__(self):
  105. return self
  106. def next(self):
  107. if self.i < len(self.names):
  108. name = self.names[self.i]
  109. self.i += 1
  110. segm_file = self.segm_dir + name + ".png"
  111. img_file = self.img_dir + name + ".jpg"
  112. gt = self.color_to_gt(cv.imread(segm_file, cv.IMREAD_COLOR)[:, :, ::-1], self.colors)
  113. img = self.data_prepoc.process(cv.imread(img_file, cv.IMREAD_COLOR)[:, :, ::-1])
  114. return img, gt
  115. else:
  116. self.i = 0
  117. raise StopIteration
  118. def get_num_classes(self):
  119. return len(self.colors)
  120. class SemSegmEvaluation:
  121. log = sys.stdout
  122. def __init__(self, log_path,):
  123. self.log = open(log_path, 'w')
  124. def process(self, frameworks, data_fetcher):
  125. samples_handled = 0
  126. conf_mats = [np.zeros((data_fetcher.get_num_classes(), data_fetcher.get_num_classes())) for i in range(len(frameworks))]
  127. blobs_l1_diff = [0] * len(frameworks)
  128. blobs_l1_diff_count = [0] * len(frameworks)
  129. blobs_l_inf_diff = [sys.float_info.min] * len(frameworks)
  130. inference_time = [0.0] * len(frameworks)
  131. for in_blob, gt in data_fetcher:
  132. frameworks_out = []
  133. samples_handled += 1
  134. for i in range(len(frameworks)):
  135. start = time.time()
  136. out = frameworks[i].get_output(in_blob)
  137. end = time.time()
  138. segm = eval_segm_result(out)
  139. conf_mats[i] += get_conf_mat(gt, segm[0])
  140. frameworks_out.append(out)
  141. inference_time[i] += end - start
  142. pix_acc, mean_acc, miou = get_metrics(conf_mats[i])
  143. name = frameworks[i].get_name()
  144. print(samples_handled, 'Pixel accuracy, %s:' % name, 100 * pix_acc, file=self.log)
  145. print(samples_handled, 'Mean accuracy, %s:' % name, 100 * mean_acc, file=self.log)
  146. print(samples_handled, 'Mean IOU, %s:' % name, 100 * miou, file=self.log)
  147. print("Inference time, ms ", \
  148. frameworks[i].get_name(), inference_time[i] / samples_handled * 1000, file=self.log)
  149. for i in range(1, len(frameworks)):
  150. log_str = frameworks[0].get_name() + " vs " + frameworks[i].get_name() + ':'
  151. diff = np.abs(frameworks_out[0] - frameworks_out[i])
  152. l1_diff = np.sum(diff) / diff.size
  153. print(samples_handled, "L1 difference", log_str, l1_diff, file=self.log)
  154. blobs_l1_diff[i] += l1_diff
  155. blobs_l1_diff_count[i] += 1
  156. if np.max(diff) > blobs_l_inf_diff[i]:
  157. blobs_l_inf_diff[i] = np.max(diff)
  158. print(samples_handled, "L_INF difference", log_str, blobs_l_inf_diff[i], file=self.log)
  159. self.log.flush()
  160. for i in range(1, len(blobs_l1_diff)):
  161. log_str = frameworks[0].get_name() + " vs " + frameworks[i].get_name() + ':'
  162. print('Final l1 diff', log_str, blobs_l1_diff[i] / blobs_l1_diff_count[i], file=self.log)
  163. if __name__ == "__main__":
  164. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  165. parser.add_argument("--imgs_dir", help="path to PASCAL VOC 2012 images dir, data/VOC2012/JPEGImages")
  166. parser.add_argument("--segm_dir", help="path to PASCAL VOC 2012 segmentation dir, data/VOC2012/SegmentationClass/")
  167. parser.add_argument("--val_names", help="path to file with validation set image names, download it here: "
  168. "")
  169. parser.add_argument("--cls_file", help="path to file with colors for classes, download it here: "
  170. "")
  171. parser.add_argument("--prototxt", help="path to caffe prototxt, download it here: "
  172. "")
  173. parser.add_argument("--caffemodel", help="path to caffemodel file, download it here: "
  174. "")
  175. parser.add_argument("--log", help="path to logging file")
  176. parser.add_argument("--in_blob", help="name for input blob", default='data')
  177. parser.add_argument("--out_blob", help="name for output blob", default='score')
  178. args = parser.parse_args()
  179. prep = MeanChannelsPreproc()
  180. df = PASCALDataFetch(args.imgs_dir, args.segm_dir, args.val_names, args.cls_file, prep)
  181. fw = [CaffeModel(args.prototxt, args.caffemodel, args.in_blob, args.out_blob, True),
  182. DnnCaffeModel(args.prototxt, args.caffemodel, '', args.out_blob)]
  183. segm_eval = SemSegmEvaluation(args.log)
  184. segm_eval.process(fw, df)