// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html. #include "test_precomp.hpp" #include "opencv2/ximgproc/run_length_morphology.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" namespace opencv_test { namespace { const Size img_size(640, 480); const int tile_size(20); typedef tuple RLMParams; typedef tuple RLMSParams; class RLTestBase { public: RLTestBase() { } protected: std::vector test_image; std::vector test_image_rle; void generateCheckerBoard(Mat& image); void generateRandomImage(Mat& image); bool areImagesIdentical(Mat& pixelImage, Mat& rleImage); bool arePixelImagesIdentical(Mat& image1, Mat& image2); void setUp_impl(); }; void RLTestBase::generateCheckerBoard(Mat& image) { image.create(img_size, CV_8UC1); for (int iy = 0; iy < img_size.height; iy += tile_size) { Range rowRange(iy, std::min(iy + tile_size, img_size.height)); for (int ix = 0; ix < img_size.width; ix += tile_size) { Range colRange(ix, std::min(ix + tile_size, img_size.width)); Mat tile(image, rowRange, colRange); bool bBright = ((iy + ix) % (2 * tile_size) == 0); tile = (bBright ? Scalar(255) : Scalar(0)); } } } void RLTestBase::generateRandomImage(Mat& image) { image.create(img_size, CV_8UC1); randu(image, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(255)); } void RLTestBase::setUp_impl() { test_image.resize(2); test_image_rle.resize(2); generateCheckerBoard(test_image[0]); rl::threshold(test_image[0], test_image_rle[0], 100.0, THRESH_BINARY); cv::Mat theRandom; generateRandomImage(theRandom); double dThreshold = 254.0; cv::threshold(theRandom, test_image[1], dThreshold, 255.0, THRESH_BINARY); rl::threshold(theRandom, test_image_rle[1], dThreshold, THRESH_BINARY); } bool RLTestBase::areImagesIdentical(Mat& pixelImage, Mat& rleImage) { cv::Mat rleConverted; rleConverted = cv::Mat::zeros(pixelImage.rows, pixelImage.cols, CV_8UC1); rl::paint(rleConverted, rleImage, Scalar(255.0)); return arePixelImagesIdentical(pixelImage, rleConverted); } bool RLTestBase::arePixelImagesIdentical(Mat& image1, Mat& image2) { cv::Mat diff; cv::absdiff(image1, image2, diff); int nDiff = cv::countNonZero(diff); return (nDiff == 0); } class RL_Identical_Result_Simple : public RLTestBase, public ::testing::TestWithParam { public: RL_Identical_Result_Simple() { } protected: virtual void SetUp() { setUp_impl(); } }; TEST_P(RL_Identical_Result_Simple, simple) { Mat resPix, resRLE; RLMSParams param = GetParam(); cv::MorphTypes elementType = get<0>(param); int nSize = get<1>(param); int image = get<2>(param); int op = get<3>(param); Mat element = getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1), Point(nSize, nSize)); morphologyEx(test_image[image], resPix, op, element); Mat elementRLE = rl::getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1)); rl::morphologyEx(test_image_rle[image], resRLE, op, elementRLE); ASSERT_TRUE(areImagesIdentical(resPix, resRLE)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TypicalSET, RL_Identical_Result_Simple, Combine(Values(MORPH_RECT, MORPH_CROSS, MORPH_ELLIPSE), Values(1, 5, 11), Values(0, 1), Values(MORPH_ERODE, MORPH_DILATE, MORPH_OPEN, MORPH_CLOSE, MORPH_GRADIENT, MORPH_TOPHAT, MORPH_BLACKHAT))); class RL_Identical_Result : public RLTestBase, public ::testing::TestWithParam { public: RL_Identical_Result() { } protected: virtual void SetUp() { setUp_impl(); } }; TEST_P(RL_Identical_Result, erosion_no_boundary) { Mat resPix, resRLE; RLMParams param = GetParam(); cv::MorphTypes elementType = get<0>(param); int nSize = get<1>(param); int image = get<2>(param); Mat element = getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1), Point(nSize, nSize)); erode(test_image[image], resPix, element, cv::Point(-1,-1), 1, BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0)); Mat elementRLE = rl::getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1)); rl::erode(test_image_rle[image], resRLE, elementRLE, false); ASSERT_TRUE(areImagesIdentical(resPix, resRLE)); } TEST_P(RL_Identical_Result, erosion_with_offset) { Mat resPix, resRLE; RLMParams param = GetParam(); cv::MorphTypes elementType = get<0>(param); int nSize = get<1>(param); int image = get<2>(param); int nOffset = nSize - 1; Mat element = getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1), Point(nSize, nSize)); erode(test_image[image], resPix, element, cv::Point(nSize + nOffset, nSize + nOffset)); Mat elementRLE = rl::getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1)); rl::erode(test_image_rle[image], resRLE, elementRLE, true, Point(nOffset, nOffset)); ASSERT_TRUE(areImagesIdentical(resPix, resRLE)); } TEST_P(RL_Identical_Result, dilation_with_offset) { Mat resPix, resRLE; RLMParams param = GetParam(); cv::MorphTypes elementType = get<0>(param); int nSize = get<1>(param); int image = get<2>(param); int nOffset = nSize - 1; Mat element = getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1), Point(nSize, nSize)); dilate(test_image[image], resPix, element, cv::Point(nSize + nOffset, nSize + nOffset)); Mat elementRLE = rl::getStructuringElement(elementType, Size(nSize * 2 + 1, nSize * 2 + 1)); rl::dilate(test_image_rle[image], resRLE, elementRLE, Point(nOffset, nOffset)); ASSERT_TRUE(areImagesIdentical(resPix, resRLE)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TypicalSET, RL_Identical_Result, Combine(Values(MORPH_RECT, MORPH_CROSS, MORPH_ELLIPSE), Values(1,5,11), Values(0,1))); class RL_CreateCustomKernel : public RLTestBase, public testing::Test { public: RL_CreateCustomKernel() { } protected: virtual void SetUp() { setUp_impl(); } }; TEST_F(RL_CreateCustomKernel, check_valid) { // create a diamond int nSize = 21; std::vector runs; for (int i = 0; i < nSize; ++i) { runs.emplace_back(Point3i(-i, i, -nSize + i)); runs.emplace_back(Point3i(-i, i, nSize - i)); } runs.emplace_back(Point3i(-nSize, nSize, 0)); Mat kernel, dest; rl::createRLEImage(runs, kernel); ASSERT_TRUE(rl::isRLMorphologyPossible(kernel)); rl::erode(test_image_rle[0], dest, kernel); //only one row means: no runs, all pixels off ASSERT_TRUE(dest.rows == 1); } typedef tuple RLPParams; class RL_Paint : public RLTestBase, public ::testing::TestWithParam { public: RL_Paint() { } protected: virtual void SetUp() { setUp_impl(); } }; TEST_P(RL_Paint, same_result) { Mat converted, pixBinary, painted; RLPParams param = GetParam(); int rType = get<0>(param); double dThreshold = 100.0; double dMaxValue = 105.0; test_image[1].convertTo(converted, rType); cv::threshold(converted, pixBinary, dThreshold, dMaxValue, THRESH_BINARY); painted.create(test_image[1].rows, test_image[1].cols, rType); painted = cv::Scalar(0.0); rl::paint(painted, test_image_rle[1], Scalar(dMaxValue)); ASSERT_TRUE(arePixelImagesIdentical(pixBinary, painted)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TypicalSET, RL_Paint, Values(CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32F, CV_64F)); } }