// Copyright 2008-2016 Conrad Sanderson (http://conradsanderson.id.au) // Copyright 2008-2016 National ICT Australia (NICTA) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! \addtogroup glue_conv //! @{ // TODO: this implementation of conv() is rudimentary; replace with faster version template inline void glue_conv::apply(Mat& out, const Mat& A, const Mat& B, const bool A_is_col) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const Mat& h = (A.n_elem <= B.n_elem) ? A : B; const Mat& x = (A.n_elem <= B.n_elem) ? B : A; const uword h_n_elem = h.n_elem; const uword h_n_elem_m1 = h_n_elem - 1; const uword x_n_elem = x.n_elem; const uword out_n_elem = ((h_n_elem + x_n_elem) > 0) ? (h_n_elem + x_n_elem - 1) : uword(0); if( (h_n_elem == 0) || (x_n_elem == 0) ) { out.zeros(); return; } Col hh(h_n_elem); // flipped version of h const eT* h_mem = h.memptr(); eT* hh_mem = hh.memptr(); for(uword i=0; i < h_n_elem; ++i) { hh_mem[h_n_elem_m1-i] = h_mem[i]; } Col xx( (x_n_elem + 2*h_n_elem_m1), fill::zeros ); // zero padded version of x const eT* x_mem = x.memptr(); eT* xx_mem = xx.memptr(); arrayops::copy( &(xx_mem[h_n_elem_m1]), x_mem, x_n_elem ); (A_is_col) ? out.set_size(out_n_elem, 1) : out.set_size(1, out_n_elem); eT* out_mem = out.memptr(); for(uword i=0; i < out_n_elem; ++i) { // out_mem[i] = dot( hh, xx.subvec(i, (i + h_n_elem_m1)) ); out_mem[i] = op_dot::direct_dot( h_n_elem, hh_mem, &(xx_mem[i]) ); } } // // alternative implementation of 1d convolution // template // inline // void // glue_conv::apply(Mat& out, const Mat& A, const Mat& B, const bool A_is_col) // { // arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); // // const Mat& h = (A.n_elem <= B.n_elem) ? A : B; // const Mat& x = (A.n_elem <= B.n_elem) ? B : A; // // const uword h_n_elem = h.n_elem; // const uword h_n_elem_m1 = h_n_elem - 1; // const uword x_n_elem = x.n_elem; // const uword out_n_elem = ((h_n_elem + x_n_elem) > 0) ? (h_n_elem + x_n_elem - 1) : uword(0); // // if( (h_n_elem == 0) || (x_n_elem == 0) ) { out.zeros(); return; } // // // Col hh(h_n_elem); // flipped version of h // // const eT* h_mem = h.memptr(); // eT* hh_mem = hh.memptr(); // // for(uword i=0; i < h_n_elem; ++i) // { // hh_mem[h_n_elem_m1-i] = h_mem[i]; // } // // // construct HH matrix, with the column containing shifted versions of hh; // // upper limit for number of zeros is about 50%; may not be optimal // const uword N_copies = (std::min)(uword(10), h_n_elem); // // const uword HH_n_rows = h_n_elem + (N_copies-1); // // Mat HH(HH_n_rows, N_copies, fill::zeros); // // for(uword i=0; i xx( (x_n_elem + 2*h_n_elem_m1), fill::zeros ); // zero padded version of x // // const eT* x_mem = x.memptr(); // eT* xx_mem = xx.memptr(); // // arrayops::copy( &(xx_mem[h_n_elem_m1]), x_mem, x_n_elem ); // // // (A_is_col) ? out.set_size(out_n_elem, 1) : out.set_size(1, out_n_elem); // // eT* out_mem = out.memptr(); // // uword last_i = 0; // bool last_i_done = false; // // for(uword i=0; i < xx.n_elem; i += N_copies) // { // if( ((i + HH_n_rows) <= xx.n_elem) && ((i + N_copies) <= out_n_elem) ) // { // const Row xx_sub(xx_mem + i, HH_n_rows, false, true); // // Row out_sub(out_mem + i, N_copies, false, true); // // out_sub = xx_sub * HH; // // last_i_done = true; // } // else // { // last_i = i; // last_i_done = false; // break; // } // } // // if(last_i_done == false) // { // for(uword i=last_i; i < out_n_elem; ++i) // { // // out_mem[i] = dot( hh, xx.subvec(i, (i + h_n_elem_m1)) ); // // out_mem[i] = op_dot::direct_dot( h_n_elem, hh_mem, &(xx_mem[i]) ); // } // } // } template inline void glue_conv::apply(Mat& out, const Glue& expr) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename T1::elem_type eT; const quasi_unwrap UA(expr.A); const quasi_unwrap UB(expr.B); const Mat& A = UA.M; const Mat& B = UB.M; arma_debug_check ( ( ((A.is_vec() == false) && (A.is_empty() == false)) || ((B.is_vec() == false) && (B.is_empty() == false)) ), "conv(): given object is not a vector" ); const bool A_is_col = ((T1::is_col) || (A.n_cols == 1)); const uword mode = expr.aux_uword; if(mode == 0) // full convolution { glue_conv::apply(out, A, B, A_is_col); } else if(mode == 1) // same size as A { Mat tmp; glue_conv::apply(tmp, A, B, A_is_col); if( (tmp.is_empty() == false) && (A.is_empty() == false) && (B.is_empty() == false) ) { const uword start = uword( std::floor( double(B.n_elem) / double(2) ) ); out = (A_is_col) ? tmp(start, 0, arma::size(A)) : tmp(0, start, arma::size(A)); } else { out.zeros( arma::size(A) ); } } } /// // TODO: this implementation of conv2() is rudimentary; replace with faster version template inline void glue_conv2::apply(Mat& out, const Mat& A, const Mat& B) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const Mat& G = (A.n_elem <= B.n_elem) ? A : B; // unflipped filter coefficients const Mat& W = (A.n_elem <= B.n_elem) ? B : A; // original 2D image const uword out_n_rows = ((W.n_rows + G.n_rows) > 0) ? (W.n_rows + G.n_rows - 1) : uword(0); const uword out_n_cols = ((W.n_cols + G.n_cols) > 0) ? (W.n_cols + G.n_cols - 1) : uword(0); if(G.is_empty() || W.is_empty()) { out.zeros(); return; } Mat H(G.n_rows, G.n_cols); // flipped filter coefficients const uword H_n_rows = H.n_rows; const uword H_n_cols = H.n_cols; const uword H_n_rows_m1 = H_n_rows - 1; const uword H_n_cols_m1 = H_n_cols - 1; for(uword col=0; col < H_n_cols; ++col) { eT* H_colptr = H.colptr(H_n_cols_m1 - col); const eT* G_colptr = G.colptr(col); for(uword row=0; row < H_n_rows; ++row) { H_colptr[H_n_rows_m1 - row] = G_colptr[row]; } } Mat X( (W.n_rows + 2*H_n_rows_m1), (W.n_cols + 2*H_n_cols_m1), fill::zeros ); X( H_n_rows_m1, H_n_cols_m1, arma::size(W) ) = W; // zero padded version of 2D image out.set_size( out_n_rows, out_n_cols ); for(uword col=0; col < out_n_cols; ++col) { eT* out_colptr = out.colptr(col); for(uword row=0; row < out_n_rows; ++row) { // out.at(row, col) = accu( H % X(row, col, size(H)) ); eT acc = eT(0); for(uword H_col = 0; H_col < H_n_cols; ++H_col) { const eT* X_colptr = X.colptr(col + H_col); acc += op_dot::direct_dot( H_n_rows, H.colptr(H_col), &(X_colptr[row]) ); } out_colptr[row] = acc; } } } template inline void glue_conv2::apply(Mat& out, const Glue& expr) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename T1::elem_type eT; const quasi_unwrap UA(expr.A); const quasi_unwrap UB(expr.B); const Mat& A = UA.M; const Mat& B = UB.M; const uword mode = expr.aux_uword; if(mode == 0) // full convolution { glue_conv2::apply(out, A, B); } else if(mode == 1) // same size as A { Mat tmp; glue_conv2::apply(tmp, A, B); if( (tmp.is_empty() == false) && (A.is_empty() == false) && (B.is_empty() == false) ) { const uword start_row = uword( std::floor( double(B.n_rows) / double(2) ) ); const uword start_col = uword( std::floor( double(B.n_cols) / double(2) ) ); out = tmp(start_row, start_col, arma::size(A)); } else { out.zeros( arma::size(A) ); } } } //! @}