// Copyright 2008-2016 Conrad Sanderson (http://conradsanderson.id.au) // Copyright 2008-2016 National ICT Australia (NICTA) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //! \addtogroup MapMat //! @{ template inline MapMat::~MapMat() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint_this(this); if(map_ptr) { (*map_ptr).clear(); delete map_ptr; } // try to expose buggy user code that accesses deleted objects if(arma_config::debug) { map_ptr = NULL; } arma_type_check(( is_supported_elem_type::value == false )); } template inline MapMat::MapMat() : n_rows (0) , n_cols (0) , n_elem (0) , map_ptr(NULL) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint_this(this); init_cold(); } template inline MapMat::MapMat(const uword in_n_rows, const uword in_n_cols) : n_rows (in_n_rows) , n_cols (in_n_cols) , n_elem (in_n_rows * in_n_cols) , map_ptr(NULL) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint_this(this); init_cold(); } template inline MapMat::MapMat(const SizeMat& s) : n_rows (s.n_rows) , n_cols (s.n_cols) , n_elem (s.n_rows * s.n_cols) , map_ptr(NULL) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint_this(this); init_cold(); } template inline MapMat::MapMat(const MapMat& x) : n_rows (0) , n_cols (0) , n_elem (0) , map_ptr(NULL) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint_this(this); init_cold(); (*this).operator=(x); } template inline void MapMat::operator=(const MapMat& x) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if(this == &x) { return; } access::rw(n_rows) = x.n_rows; access::rw(n_cols) = x.n_cols; access::rw(n_elem) = x.n_elem; (*map_ptr) = *(x.map_ptr); } template inline MapMat::MapMat(const SpMat& x) : n_rows (0) , n_cols (0) , n_elem (0) , map_ptr(NULL) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint_this(this); init_cold(); (*this).operator=(x); } template inline void MapMat::operator=(const SpMat& x) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword x_n_rows = x.n_rows; const uword x_n_cols = x.n_cols; (*this).zeros(x_n_rows, x_n_cols); if(x.n_nonzero == 0) { return; } const eT* x_values = x.values; const uword* x_row_indices = x.row_indices; const uword* x_col_ptrs = x.col_ptrs; map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); for(uword col = 0; col < x_n_cols; ++col) { const uword start = x_col_ptrs[col ]; const uword end = x_col_ptrs[col + 1]; for(uword i = start; i < end; ++i) { const uword row = x_row_indices[i]; const eT val = x_values[i]; const uword index = (x_n_rows * col) + row; #if defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) map_ref.emplace_hint(map_ref.cend(), index, val); #else map_ref.operator[](index) = val; #endif } } } #if defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) template inline MapMat::MapMat(MapMat&& x) : n_rows (x.n_rows ) , n_cols (x.n_cols ) , n_elem (x.n_elem ) , map_ptr(x.map_ptr) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint_this(this); access::rw(x.n_rows) = 0; access::rw(x.n_cols) = 0; access::rw(x.n_elem) = 0; access::rw(x.map_ptr) = NULL; } template inline void MapMat::operator=(MapMat&& x) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); reset(); if(map_ptr) { delete map_ptr; } access::rw(n_rows) = x.n_rows; access::rw(n_cols) = x.n_cols; access::rw(n_elem) = x.n_elem; access::rw(map_ptr) = x.map_ptr; access::rw(x.n_rows) = 0; access::rw(x.n_cols) = 0; access::rw(x.n_elem) = 0; access::rw(x.map_ptr) = NULL; } #endif template inline void MapMat::reset() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); access::rw(n_rows) = 0; access::rw(n_cols) = 0; access::rw(n_elem) = 0; if((*map_ptr).empty() == false) { (*map_ptr).clear(); } } template inline void MapMat::set_size(const uword in_n_rows) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); init_warm(in_n_rows, 1); } template inline void MapMat::set_size(const uword in_n_rows, const uword in_n_cols) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); init_warm(in_n_rows, in_n_cols); } template inline void MapMat::set_size(const SizeMat& s) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); init_warm(s.n_rows, s.n_cols); } template inline void MapMat::zeros() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*map_ptr).clear(); } template inline void MapMat::zeros(const uword in_n_rows) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); init_warm(in_n_rows, 1); (*map_ptr).clear(); } template inline void MapMat::zeros(const uword in_n_rows, const uword in_n_cols) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); init_warm(in_n_rows, in_n_cols); (*map_ptr).clear(); } template inline void MapMat::zeros(const SizeMat& s) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); init_warm(s.n_rows, s.n_cols); (*map_ptr).clear(); } template inline void MapMat::eye() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*this).eye(n_rows, n_cols); } template inline void MapMat::eye(const uword in_n_rows, const uword in_n_cols) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); zeros(in_n_rows, in_n_cols); const uword N = (std::min)(in_n_rows, in_n_cols); map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); for(uword i=0; i inline void MapMat::eye(const SizeMat& s) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*this).eye(s.n_rows, s.n_cols); } template inline void MapMat::speye() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*this).eye(); } template inline void MapMat::speye(const uword in_n_rows, const uword in_n_cols) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*this).eye(in_n_rows, in_n_cols); } template inline void MapMat::speye(const SizeMat& s) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*this).eye(s); } template arma_inline arma_warn_unused MapMat_val MapMat::operator[](const uword index) { return MapMat_val(*this, index); } template inline arma_warn_unused eT MapMat::operator[](const uword index) const { map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); typename map_type::const_iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename map_type::const_iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); return (it != it_end) ? eT((*it).second) : eT(0); } template arma_inline arma_warn_unused MapMat_val MapMat::operator()(const uword index) { arma_debug_check( (index >= n_elem), "MapMat::operator(): index out of bounds" ); return MapMat_val(*this, index); } template inline arma_warn_unused eT MapMat::operator()(const uword index) const { arma_debug_check( (index >= n_elem), "MapMat::operator(): index out of bounds" ); map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); typename map_type::const_iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename map_type::const_iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); return (it != it_end) ? eT((*it).second) : eT(0); } template arma_inline arma_warn_unused MapMat_val MapMat::at(const uword in_row, const uword in_col) { const uword index = (n_rows * in_col) + in_row; return MapMat_val(*this, index); } template inline arma_warn_unused eT MapMat::at(const uword in_row, const uword in_col) const { const uword index = (n_rows * in_col) + in_row; map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); typename map_type::const_iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename map_type::const_iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); return (it != it_end) ? eT((*it).second) : eT(0); } template arma_inline arma_warn_unused MapMat_val MapMat::operator()(const uword in_row, const uword in_col) { arma_debug_check( ((in_row >= n_rows) || (in_col >= n_cols)), "MapMat::operator(): index out of bounds" ); const uword index = (n_rows * in_col) + in_row; return MapMat_val(*this, index); } template inline arma_warn_unused eT MapMat::operator()(const uword in_row, const uword in_col) const { arma_debug_check( ((in_row >= n_rows) || (in_col >= n_cols)), "MapMat::operator(): index out of bounds" ); const uword index = (n_rows * in_col) + in_row; map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); typename map_type::const_iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename map_type::const_iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); return (it != it_end) ? eT((*it).second) : eT(0); } template inline arma_warn_unused bool MapMat::is_empty() const { return (n_elem == 0); } template inline arma_warn_unused bool MapMat::is_vec() const { return ( (n_rows == 1) || (n_cols == 1) ); } template inline arma_warn_unused bool MapMat::is_rowvec() const { return (n_rows == 1); } //! returns true if the object can be interpreted as a column vector template inline arma_warn_unused bool MapMat::is_colvec() const { return (n_cols == 1); } template inline arma_warn_unused bool MapMat::is_square() const { return (n_rows == n_cols); } // this function is for debugging purposes only template inline void MapMat::sprandu(const uword in_n_rows, const uword in_n_cols, const double density) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); zeros(in_n_rows, in_n_cols); const uword N = uword(density * double(n_elem)); const Col vals(N, fill::randu); const Col indx = linspace< Col >(0, ((n_elem > 0) ? uword(n_elem-1) : uword(0)) , N); const eT* vals_mem = vals.memptr(); const uword* indx_mem = indx.memptr(); map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); for(uword i=0; i < N; ++i) { const uword index = indx_mem[i]; const eT val = vals_mem[i]; #if defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) map_ref.emplace_hint(map_ref.cend(), index, val); #else map_ref.operator[](index) = val; #endif } } // this function is for debugging purposes only template inline void MapMat::print(const std::string& extra_text) const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if(extra_text.length() != 0) { const std::streamsize orig_width = get_cout_stream().width(); get_cout_stream() << extra_text << '\n'; get_cout_stream().width(orig_width); } map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); const uword n_nonzero = uword(map_ref.size()); const double density = (n_elem > 0) ? ((double(n_nonzero) / double(n_elem))*double(100)) : double(0); get_cout_stream() << "[matrix size: " << n_rows << 'x' << n_cols << "; n_nonzero: " << n_nonzero << "; density: " << density << "%]\n\n"; if(n_nonzero > 0) { typename map_type::const_iterator it = map_ref.begin(); for(uword i=0; i < n_nonzero; ++i) { const std::pair& entry = (*it); const uword index = entry.first; const eT val = entry.second; const uword row = index % n_rows; const uword col = index / n_rows; get_cout_stream() << '(' << row << ", " << col << ") "; get_cout_stream() << val << '\n'; ++it; } } get_cout_stream().flush(); } template inline uword MapMat::get_n_nonzero() const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); return uword((*map_ptr).size()); } template inline void MapMat::get_locval_format(umat& locs, Col& vals) const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); typename map_type::const_iterator it = map_ref.begin(); const uword N = uword(map_ref.size()); locs.set_size(2,N); vals.set_size(N); eT* vals_mem = vals.memptr(); for(uword i=0; i& entry = (*it); const uword index = entry.first; const eT val = entry.second; const uword row = index % n_rows; const uword col = index / n_rows; uword* locs_colptr = locs.colptr(i); locs_colptr[0] = row; locs_colptr[1] = col; vals_mem[i] = val; ++it; } } template inline void MapMat::init_cold() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); // ensure that n_elem can hold the result of (n_rows * n_cols) #if defined(ARMA_64BIT_WORD) const char* error_message = "MapMat(): requested size is too large"; #else const char* error_message = "MapMat(): requested size is too large; suggest to compile in C++11 mode and/or enable ARMA_64BIT_WORD"; #endif arma_debug_check ( ( ( (n_rows > ARMA_MAX_UHWORD) || (n_cols > ARMA_MAX_UHWORD) ) ? ( (double(n_rows) * double(n_cols)) > double(ARMA_MAX_UWORD) ) : false ), error_message ); map_ptr = new (std::nothrow) map_type; arma_check_bad_alloc( (map_ptr == NULL), "MapMat(): out of memory" ); } template inline void MapMat::init_warm(const uword in_n_rows, const uword in_n_cols) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if( (n_rows == in_n_rows) && (n_cols == in_n_cols)) { return; } // ensure that n_elem can hold the result of (n_rows * n_cols) #if defined(ARMA_64BIT_WORD) const char* error_message = "MapMat(): requested size is too large"; #else const char* error_message = "MapMat(): requested size is too large; suggest to compile in C++11 mode and/or enable ARMA_64BIT_WORD"; #endif arma_debug_check ( ( ( (in_n_rows > ARMA_MAX_UHWORD) || (in_n_cols > ARMA_MAX_UHWORD) ) ? ( (double(in_n_rows) * double(in_n_cols)) > double(ARMA_MAX_UWORD) ) : false ), error_message ); const uword new_n_elem = in_n_rows * in_n_cols; access::rw(n_rows) = in_n_rows; access::rw(n_cols) = in_n_cols; access::rw(n_elem) = new_n_elem; if(new_n_elem == 0) { (*map_ptr).clear(); } } template arma_inline void MapMat::set_val(const uword index, const eT& in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if(in_val != eT(0)) { #if defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) { map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); if( (map_ref.empty() == false) && (index > uword(map_ref.crbegin()->first)) ) { map_ref.emplace_hint(map_ref.cend(), index, in_val); } else { map_ref.operator[](index) = in_val; } } #else { (*map_ptr).operator[](index) = in_val; } #endif } else { (*this).erase_val(index); } } template inline void MapMat::erase_val(const uword index) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); map_type& map_ref = (*map_ptr); typename map_type::iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename map_type::iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); if(it != it_end) { map_ref.erase(it); } } // MapMat_val template arma_inline MapMat_val::MapMat_val(MapMat& in_parent, const uword in_index) : parent(in_parent) , index (in_index ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } template arma_inline MapMat_val::operator eT() const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const MapMat& const_parent = parent; return const_parent.operator[](index); } template arma_inline typename get_pod_type::result MapMat_val::real() const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename get_pod_type::result T; const MapMat& const_parent = parent; return T( access::tmp_real( const_parent.operator[](index) ) ); } template arma_inline typename get_pod_type::result MapMat_val::imag() const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename get_pod_type::result T; const MapMat& const_parent = parent; return T( access::tmp_imag( const_parent.operator[](index) ) ); } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator=(const MapMat_val& x) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const eT in_val = eT(x); parent.set_val(index, in_val); } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); parent.set_val(index, in_val); } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator+=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(parent.map_ptr); if(in_val != eT(0)) { eT& val = map_ref.operator[](index); // creates the element if it doesn't exist val += in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(index); } } } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator-=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(parent.map_ptr); if(in_val != eT(0)) { eT& val = map_ref.operator[](index); // creates the element if it doesn't exist val -= in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(index); } } } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator*=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(parent.map_ptr); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); if(it != it_end) { if(in_val != eT(0)) { eT& val = (*it).second; val *= in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(it); } } else { map_ref.erase(it); } } } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator/=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(parent.map_ptr); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); if(it != it_end) { eT& val = (*it).second; val /= in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(it); } } else { // silly operation, but included for completness const eT val = eT(0) / in_val; if(val != eT(0)) { parent.set_val(index, val); } } } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator++() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(parent.map_ptr); eT& val = map_ref.operator[](index); // creates the element if it doesn't exist val += eT(1); // can't use ++, as eT can be std::complex if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(index); } } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator++(int) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*this).operator++(); } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator--() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(parent.map_ptr); eT& val = map_ref.operator[](index); // creates the element if it doesn't exist val -= eT(1); // can't use --, as eT can be std::complex if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(index); } } template arma_inline void MapMat_val::operator--(int) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); (*this).operator--(); } // SpMat_MapMat_val template arma_inline SpMat_MapMat_val::SpMat_MapMat_val(SpMat& in_s_parent, MapMat& in_m_parent, const uword in_row, const uword in_col) : s_parent(in_s_parent) , m_parent(in_m_parent) , row (in_row ) , col (in_col ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val::operator eT() const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const SpMat& const_s_parent = s_parent; // declare as const for clarity of intent return const_s_parent.get_value(row,col); } template inline typename get_pod_type::result SpMat_MapMat_val::real() const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename get_pod_type::result T; const SpMat& const_s_parent = s_parent; // declare as const for clarity of intent return T( access::tmp_real( const_s_parent.get_value(row,col) ) ); } template inline typename get_pod_type::result SpMat_MapMat_val::imag() const { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); typedef typename get_pod_type::result T; const SpMat& const_s_parent = s_parent; // declare as const for clarity of intent return T( access::tmp_imag( const_s_parent.get_value(row,col) ) ); } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator=(const SpMat_MapMat_val& x) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const eT in_val = eT(x); return (*this).operator=(in_val); } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); #if defined(ARMA_USE_OPENMP) { #pragma omp critical (arma_SpMat_cache) { (*this).set(in_val); } } #elif (defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) && !defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_CXX11_MUTEX)) { s_parent.cache_mutex.lock(); (*this).set(in_val); s_parent.cache_mutex.unlock(); } #else { (*this).set(in_val); } #endif return *this; } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator+=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if(in_val == eT(0)) { return *this; } #if defined(ARMA_USE_OPENMP) { #pragma omp critical (arma_SpMat_cache) { (*this).add(in_val); } } #elif (defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) && !defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_CXX11_MUTEX)) { s_parent.cache_mutex.lock(); (*this).add(in_val); s_parent.cache_mutex.unlock(); } #else { (*this).add(in_val); } #endif return *this; } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator-=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if(in_val == eT(0)) { return *this; } #if defined(ARMA_USE_OPENMP) { #pragma omp critical (arma_SpMat_cache) { (*this).sub(in_val); } } #elif (defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) && !defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_CXX11_MUTEX)) { s_parent.cache_mutex.lock(); (*this).sub(in_val); s_parent.cache_mutex.unlock(); } #else { (*this).sub(in_val); } #endif return *this; } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator*=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); #if defined(ARMA_USE_OPENMP) { #pragma omp critical (arma_SpMat_cache) { (*this).mul(in_val); } } #elif (defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) && !defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_CXX11_MUTEX)) { s_parent.cache_mutex.lock(); (*this).mul(in_val); s_parent.cache_mutex.unlock(); } #else { (*this).mul(in_val); } #endif return *this; } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator/=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); #if defined(ARMA_USE_OPENMP) { #pragma omp critical (arma_SpMat_cache) { (*this).div(in_val); } } #elif (defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) && !defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_CXX11_MUTEX)) { s_parent.cache_mutex.lock(); (*this).div(in_val); s_parent.cache_mutex.unlock(); } #else { (*this).div(in_val); } #endif return *this; } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator++() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); return (*this).operator+=( eT(1) ); } template inline arma_warn_unused eT SpMat_MapMat_val::operator++(int) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const eT old_val = eT(*this); (*this).operator+=( eT(1) ); return old_val; } template inline SpMat_MapMat_val& SpMat_MapMat_val::operator--() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); return (*this).operator-=( eT(1) ); } template inline arma_warn_unused eT SpMat_MapMat_val::operator--(int) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const eT old_val = eT(*this); (*this).operator-=( eT(1) ); return old_val; } template inline void SpMat_MapMat_val::set(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const bool done = (s_parent.sync_state == 0) ? s_parent.try_set_value_csc(row, col, in_val) : false; if(done == false) { s_parent.sync_cache_simple(); const uword index = (m_parent.n_rows * col) + row; m_parent.set_val(index, in_val); s_parent.sync_state = 1; access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero(); } } template inline void SpMat_MapMat_val::add(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const bool done = (s_parent.sync_state == 0) ? s_parent.try_add_value_csc(row, col, in_val) : false; if(done == false) { s_parent.sync_cache_simple(); const uword index = (m_parent.n_rows * col) + row; typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(m_parent.map_ptr); eT& val = map_ref.operator[](index); // creates the element if it doesn't exist val += in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(index); } s_parent.sync_state = 1; access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero(); } } template inline void SpMat_MapMat_val::sub(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const bool done = (s_parent.sync_state == 0) ? s_parent.try_sub_value_csc(row, col, in_val) : false; if(done == false) { s_parent.sync_cache_simple(); const uword index = (m_parent.n_rows * col) + row; typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(m_parent.map_ptr); eT& val = map_ref.operator[](index); // creates the element if it doesn't exist val -= in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(index); } s_parent.sync_state = 1; access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero(); } } template inline void SpMat_MapMat_val::mul(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const bool done = (s_parent.sync_state == 0) ? s_parent.try_mul_value_csc(row, col, in_val) : false; if(done == false) { s_parent.sync_cache_simple(); const uword index = (m_parent.n_rows * col) + row; typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(m_parent.map_ptr); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); if(it != it_end) { if(in_val != eT(0)) { eT& val = (*it).second; val *= in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(it); } } else { map_ref.erase(it); } s_parent.sync_state = 1; access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero(); } else { // element not found, ie. it's zero; zero multiplied by anything is zero, except for nan and inf if(arma_isfinite(in_val) == false) { const eT result = eT(0) * in_val; if(result != eT(0)) // paranoia, in case compiling with -ffast-math { m_parent.set_val(index, result); s_parent.sync_state = 1; access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero(); } } } } } template inline void SpMat_MapMat_val::div(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const bool done = (s_parent.sync_state == 0) ? s_parent.try_div_value_csc(row, col, in_val) : false; if(done == false) { s_parent.sync_cache_simple(); const uword index = (m_parent.n_rows * col) + row; typename MapMat::map_type& map_ref = *(m_parent.map_ptr); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it = map_ref.find(index); typename MapMat::map_type::iterator it_end = map_ref.end(); if(it != it_end) { eT& val = (*it).second; val /= in_val; if(val == eT(0)) { map_ref.erase(it); } s_parent.sync_state = 1; access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero(); } else { // element not found, ie. it's zero; zero divided by anything is zero, except for zero and nan if( (in_val == eT(0)) || (arma_isnan(in_val)) ) { const eT result = eT(0) / in_val; if(result != eT(0)) // paranoia, in case compiling with -ffast-math { m_parent.set_val(index, result); s_parent.sync_state = 1; access::rw(s_parent.n_nonzero) = m_parent.get_n_nonzero(); } } } } } // SpSubview_MapMat_val template arma_inline SpSubview_MapMat_val::SpSubview_MapMat_val(SpSubview& in_sv_parent, MapMat& in_m_parent, const uword in_row, const uword in_col) : SpMat_MapMat_val(access::rw(in_sv_parent.m), in_m_parent, in_row, in_col) , sv_parent(in_sv_parent) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator=(const SpSubview_MapMat_val& x) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const eT in_val = eT(x); return (*this).operator=(in_val); } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; SpMat_MapMat_val::operator=(in_val); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return *this; } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator+=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; SpMat_MapMat_val::operator+=(in_val); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return *this; } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator-=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; SpMat_MapMat_val::operator-=(in_val); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return *this; } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator*=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; SpMat_MapMat_val::operator*=(in_val); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return *this; } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator/=(const eT in_val) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; SpMat_MapMat_val::operator/=(in_val); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return *this; } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator++() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; SpMat_MapMat_val::operator++(); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return *this; } template inline arma_warn_unused eT SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator++(int) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; const eT old_val = SpMat_MapMat_val::operator++(int(0)); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return old_val; } template inline SpSubview_MapMat_val& SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator--() { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; SpMat_MapMat_val::operator--(); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return *this; } template inline arma_warn_unused eT SpSubview_MapMat_val::operator--(int) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword old_n_nonzero = sv_parent.m.n_nonzero; const eT old_val = SpMat_MapMat_val::operator--(int(0)); if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero > old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)++; } if(sv_parent.m.n_nonzero < old_n_nonzero) { access::rw(sv_parent.n_nonzero)--; } return old_val; } //! @}