123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219 |
- QT += core gui sql concurrent xml svg
- win32: {
- QT += winextras axcontainer
- }
- greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
- *g++*: {
- }
- *msvc*: {
- QMAKE_CFLAGS += /utf-8
- QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /utf-8
- }
- greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
- CONFIG += c++14
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../QFluentWidgets
- CONFIG(debug, release|debug){
- win32:LIBS += -lqfluentwidgetsd
- else: LIBS += -lqfluentwidgets
- } else {
- LIBS += -lqfluentwidgets
- }
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../QFramelessWindow
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../QFramelessWindow/windows
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../QFramelessWindow/titlebar
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../QtNodes/include
- CONFIG(debug, release|debug){
- win32:LIBS += -lqframelesswindowd -luser32 -lDwmapi -lQtNodesd
- else: LIBS += -lqframelesswindow -luser32 -lDwmapi -lQtNodes
- } else {
- LIBS += -lqframelesswindow -lQtNodes
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build options
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DESTDIR = $$PWD/../bin #指定生成的应用程序放置的路径
- LIBS += -L$$PWD/../bin #指定生成的库文件放置的路径,与应用程序放在一起
- # You can make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
- # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
- #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/pages
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/widgets
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/common
- INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../Eigen
- SOURCES += \
- algorithm/AverageMethod.cpp \
- algorithm/ConsistencyCheck.cpp \
- algorithm/EntropyWeights.cpp \
- algorithm/GreyClusterEvaluation.cpp \
- algorithm/HierarchicalAnalysis.cpp \
- algorithm/HierarchyWeighting.cpp \
- algorithm/MatterElementAnalysis.cpp \
- algorithm/MinMaxAnalysis.cpp \
- algorithm/PCA.cpp \
- algorithm/SetPairAnalysis.cpp \
- algorithm/ZScore.cpp \
- algorithm/test_main.cpp \
- common/ExpertManager.cpp \
- common/ProjectManager.cpp \
- common/QFDAlert.cpp \
- common/QFDConfig.cpp \
- common/QFDIcon.cpp \
- common/SchemePlanManager.cpp \
- main.cpp \
- view/AboutView.cpp \
- view/AlgorithmManageView.cpp \
- view/EvaluateView.cpp \
- view/ExpertManageView.cpp \
- view/HomeView.cpp \
- view/LoginView.cpp \
- view/MainWindow.cpp \
- view/PlotView.cpp \
- view/ProjectView.cpp \
- view/SettingView.cpp \
- view/StandardManageView.cpp \
- view/UserView.cpp \
- widgets/AddSchemeWidget.cpp \
- widgets/AppInfoWidget.cpp \
- widgets/ConfigExpertWidget.cpp \
- widgets/CreateProjWidget.cpp \
- widgets/CustomPie.cpp \
- widgets/CustomPieChart.cpp \
- widgets/CustomTitleBar.cpp \
- widgets/DataCollectionWidget.cpp \
- widgets/DataProcessingWidget.cpp \
- widgets/DataTableWidget.cpp \
- widgets/EditNodeWidget.cpp \
- widgets/EvalReportWidget.cpp \
- widgets/EvalSchemeWidget.cpp \
- widgets/EvalWidget.cpp \
- widgets/EvaluateOptionWidget.cpp \
- widgets/ExpertInfoWidget.cpp \
- widgets/ExpertListWidget.cpp \
- widgets/GreyClusteringConfigWidget.cpp \
- widgets/GreyClusteringItemDelegate.cpp \
- widgets/GreyClusteringSampleTable.cpp \
- widgets/IndexSystemWidget.cpp \
- widgets/LoginWidget.cpp \
- widgets/MultiLevelHeaderView.cpp \
- widgets/ProjectListWidget.cpp \
- widgets/ProjectStateWidget.cpp \
- widgets/RegisterWidget.cpp \
- widgets/RenameWidget.cpp \
- widgets/SchemeFlowWidget.cpp \
- widgets/SchemeOptionWidget.cpp \
- widgets/SchemePlanWidget.cpp \
- widgets/SchemeWidget.cpp
- HEADERS += \
- algorithm/AverageMethod.h \
- algorithm/ConsistencyCheck.h \
- algorithm/EntropyWeights.h \
- algorithm/GreyClusterEvaluation.h \
- algorithm/HierarchicalAnalysis.h \
- algorithm/HierarchyWeighting.h \
- algorithm/MatterElementAnalysis.h \
- algorithm/MinMaxAnalysis.h \
- algorithm/PCA.h \
- algorithm/SetPairAnalysis.h \
- algorithm/ZScore.h \
- common/ExpertManager.h \
- common/ProjectManager.h \
- common/QFDAlert.h \
- common/QFDConfig.h \
- common/QFDIcon.h \
- common/SchemePlanManager.h \
- view/AboutView.h \
- view/AlgorithmManageView.h \
- view/EvaluateView.h \
- view/ExpertManageView.h \
- view/HomeView.h \
- view/LoginView.h \
- view/MainWindow.h \
- view/PlotView.h \
- view/ProjectView.h \
- view/SettingView.h \
- view/StandardManageView.h \
- view/UserView.h \
- widgets/AddSchemeWidget.h \
- widgets/AppInfoWidget.h \
- widgets/ConfigExpertWidget.h \
- widgets/CreateProjWidget.h \
- widgets/CustomPie.h \
- widgets/CustomPieChart.h \
- widgets/CustomTitleBar.h \
- widgets/DataCollectionWidget.h \
- widgets/DataProcessingWidget.h \
- widgets/DataTableWidget.h \
- widgets/EditNodeWidget.h \
- widgets/EvalReportWidget.h \
- widgets/EvalSchemeWidget.h \
- widgets/EvalWidget.h \
- widgets/EvaluateOptionWidget.h \
- widgets/ExpertInfoWidget.h \
- widgets/ExpertListWidget.h \
- widgets/GreyClusteringConfigWidget.h \
- widgets/GreyClusteringItemDelegate.h \
- widgets/GreyClusteringSampleTable.h \
- widgets/IndexSystemWidget.h \
- widgets/LoginWidget.h \
- widgets/MultiLevelHeaderView.h \
- widgets/ProjectListWidget.h \
- widgets/ProjectStateWidget.h \
- widgets/RegisterWidget.h \
- widgets/RenameWidget.h \
- widgets/SchemeFlowWidget.h \
- widgets/SchemeOptionWidget.h \
- widgets/SchemePlanWidget.h \
- widgets/SchemeWidget.h
- include(./CCanvas/CCanvas.pri)
- include(./shemeTable/shemeTable.pri)
- include(./QtAwesome/QtAwesome.pri)
- include(./EasyQtSql/EasyQtSql.pri)
- include(./dbService/dbService.pri)
- include(./helper/helper.pri)
- include(./QXlsx-1.4.3/QXlsx.pri)
- include(./qcustomplot/qcustomplot.pri)
- include(./shemeFlow/shemeFlow.pri)
- INCLUDEPATH += mindmap/ \
- shemeTable/ \
- helper \
- # Default rules for deployment.
- qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
- else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
- !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
- resource.qrc
- FORMS += \
- widgets/GreyClusteringConfigWidget.ui
- VERSION = ""