/** * QtAwesome - use font-awesome (or other font icons) in your c++ / Qt Application * * MIT Licensed * * Copyright 2013-2015 - Reliable Bits Software by Blommers IT. All Rights Reserved. * Author Rick Blommers */ #ifndef QTAWESOME_H #define QTAWESOME_H #include "QtAwesomeAnim.h" #include #include #include #include #include /// A list of all icon-names with the codepoint (unicode-value) on the right /// You can use the names on the page http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/design.html namespace fa { enum icon { fa_500px = 0xf26e, addressbook = 0xf2b9, addressbooko = 0xf2ba, addresscard = 0xf2bb, addresscardo = 0xf2bc, adjust = 0xf042, adn = 0xf170, aligncenter = 0xf037, alignjustify = 0xf039, alignleft = 0xf036, alignright = 0xf038, amazon = 0xf270, ambulance = 0xf0f9, americansignlanguageinterpreting = 0xf2a3, anchor = 0xf13d, android = 0xf17b, angellist = 0xf209, angledoubledown = 0xf103, angledoubleleft = 0xf100, angledoubleright = 0xf101, angledoubleup = 0xf102, angledown = 0xf107, angleleft = 0xf104, angleright = 0xf105, angleup = 0xf106, apple = 0xf179, archive = 0xf187, areachart = 0xf1fe, arrowcircledown = 0xf0ab, arrowcircleleft = 0xf0a8, arrowcircleodown = 0xf01a, arrowcircleoleft = 0xf190, arrowcircleoright = 0xf18e, arrowcircleoup = 0xf01b, arrowcircleright = 0xf0a9, arrowcircleup = 0xf0aa, arrowdown = 0xf063, arrowleft = 0xf060, arrowright = 0xf061, arrowup = 0xf062, arrows = 0xf047, arrowsalt = 0xf0b2, arrowsh = 0xf07e, arrowsv = 0xf07d, aslinterpreting = 0xf2a3, assistivelisteningsystems = 0xf2a2, asterisk = 0xf069, at = 0xf1fa, audiodescription = 0xf29e, automobile = 0xf1b9, backward = 0xf04a, balancescale = 0xf24e, ban = 0xf05e, bandcamp = 0xf2d5, bank = 0xf19c, barchart = 0xf080, barcharto = 0xf080, barcode = 0xf02a, bars = 0xf0c9, bath = 0xf2cd, bathtub = 0xf2cd, battery = 0xf240, battery0 = 0xf244, battery1 = 0xf243, battery2 = 0xf242, battery3 = 0xf241, battery4 = 0xf240, batteryempty = 0xf244, batteryfull = 0xf240, batteryhalf = 0xf242, batteryquarter = 0xf243, batterythreequarters = 0xf241, bed = 0xf236, beer = 0xf0fc, behance = 0xf1b4, behancesquare = 0xf1b5, bell = 0xf0f3, bello = 0xf0a2, bellslash = 0xf1f6, bellslasho = 0xf1f7, bicycle = 0xf206, binoculars = 0xf1e5, birthdaycake = 0xf1fd, bitbucket = 0xf171, bitbucketsquare = 0xf172, bitcoin = 0xf15a, blacktie = 0xf27e, blind = 0xf29d, bluetooth = 0xf293, bluetoothb = 0xf294, bold = 0xf032, bolt = 0xf0e7, bomb = 0xf1e2, book = 0xf02d, bookmark = 0xf02e, bookmarko = 0xf097, braille = 0xf2a1, briefcase = 0xf0b1, btc = 0xf15a, bug = 0xf188, building = 0xf1ad, buildingo = 0xf0f7, bullhorn = 0xf0a1, bullseye = 0xf140, bus = 0xf207, buysellads = 0xf20d, cab = 0xf1ba, calculator = 0xf1ec, calendar = 0xf073, calendarchecko = 0xf274, calendarminuso = 0xf272, calendaro = 0xf133, calendarpluso = 0xf271, calendartimeso = 0xf273, camera = 0xf030, cameraretro = 0xf083, car = 0xf1b9, caretdown = 0xf0d7, caretleft = 0xf0d9, caretright = 0xf0da, caretsquareodown = 0xf150, caretsquareoleft = 0xf191, caretsquareoright = 0xf152, caretsquareoup = 0xf151, caretup = 0xf0d8, cartarrowdown = 0xf218, cartplus = 0xf217, cc = 0xf20a, ccamex = 0xf1f3, ccdinersclub = 0xf24c, ccdiscover = 0xf1f2, ccjcb = 0xf24b, ccmastercard = 0xf1f1, ccpaypal = 0xf1f4, ccstripe = 0xf1f5, ccvisa = 0xf1f0, certificate = 0xf0a3, chain = 0xf0c1, chainbroken = 0xf127, check = 0xf00c, checkcircle = 0xf058, checkcircleo = 0xf05d, checksquare = 0xf14a, checksquareo = 0xf046, chevroncircledown = 0xf13a, chevroncircleleft = 0xf137, chevroncircleright = 0xf138, chevroncircleup = 0xf139, chevrondown = 0xf078, chevronleft = 0xf053, chevronright = 0xf054, chevronup = 0xf077, child = 0xf1ae, chrome = 0xf268, circle = 0xf111, circleo = 0xf10c, circleonotch = 0xf1ce, circlethin = 0xf1db, clipboard = 0xf0ea, clocko = 0xf017, clone = 0xf24d, close = 0xf00d, cloud = 0xf0c2, clouddownload = 0xf0ed, cloudupload = 0xf0ee, cny = 0xf157, code = 0xf121, codefork = 0xf126, codepen = 0xf1cb, codiepie = 0xf284, coffee = 0xf0f4, cog = 0xf013, cogs = 0xf085, columns = 0xf0db, comment = 0xf075, commento = 0xf0e5, commenting = 0xf27a, commentingo = 0xf27b, comments = 0xf086, commentso = 0xf0e6, compass = 0xf14e, compress = 0xf066, connectdevelop = 0xf20e, contao = 0xf26d, copy = 0xf0c5, copyright = 0xf1f9, creativecommons = 0xf25e, creditcard = 0xf09d, creditcardalt = 0xf283, crop = 0xf125, crosshairs = 0xf05b, css3 = 0xf13c, cube = 0xf1b2, cubes = 0xf1b3, cut = 0xf0c4, cutlery = 0xf0f5, dashboard = 0xf0e4, dashcube = 0xf210, database = 0xf1c0, deaf = 0xf2a4, deafness = 0xf2a4, dedent = 0xf03b, delicious = 0xf1a5, desktop = 0xf108, deviantart = 0xf1bd, diamond = 0xf219, digg = 0xf1a6, dollar = 0xf155, dotcircleo = 0xf192, download = 0xf019, dribbble = 0xf17d, driverslicense = 0xf2c2, driverslicenseo = 0xf2c3, dropbox = 0xf16b, drupal = 0xf1a9, edge = 0xf282, edit = 0xf044, eercast = 0xf2da, eject = 0xf052, ellipsish = 0xf141, ellipsisv = 0xf142, empire = 0xf1d1, envelope = 0xf0e0, envelopeo = 0xf003, envelopeopen = 0xf2b6, envelopeopeno = 0xf2b7, envelopesquare = 0xf199, envira = 0xf299, eraser = 0xf12d, etsy = 0xf2d7, eur = 0xf153, euro = 0xf153, exchange = 0xf0ec, exclamation = 0xf12a, exclamationcircle = 0xf06a, exclamationtriangle = 0xf071, expand = 0xf065, expeditedssl = 0xf23e, externallink = 0xf08e, externallinksquare = 0xf14c, eye = 0xf06e, eyeslash = 0xf070, eyedropper = 0xf1fb, fa = 0xf2b4, facebook = 0xf09a, facebookf = 0xf09a, facebookofficial = 0xf230, facebooksquare = 0xf082, fastbackward = 0xf049, fastforward = 0xf050, fax = 0xf1ac, feed = 0xf09e, female = 0xf182, fighterjet = 0xf0fb, file = 0xf15b, filearchiveo = 0xf1c6, fileaudioo = 0xf1c7, filecodeo = 0xf1c9, fileexcelo = 0xf1c3, fileimageo = 0xf1c5, filemovieo = 0xf1c8, fileo = 0xf016, filepdfo = 0xf1c1, filephotoo = 0xf1c5, filepictureo = 0xf1c5, filepowerpointo = 0xf1c4, filesoundo = 0xf1c7, filetext = 0xf15c, filetexto = 0xf0f6, filevideoo = 0xf1c8, filewordo = 0xf1c2, filezipo = 0xf1c6, fileso = 0xf0c5, film = 0xf008, filter = 0xf0b0, fire = 0xf06d, fireextinguisher = 0xf134, firefox = 0xf269, firstorder = 0xf2b0, flag = 0xf024, flagcheckered = 0xf11e, flago = 0xf11d, flash = 0xf0e7, flask = 0xf0c3, flickr = 0xf16e, floppyo = 0xf0c7, folder = 0xf07b, foldero = 0xf114, folderopen = 0xf07c, folderopeno = 0xf115, font = 0xf031, fontawesome = 0xf2b4, fonticons = 0xf280, fortawesome = 0xf286, forumbee = 0xf211, forward = 0xf04e, foursquare = 0xf180, freecodecamp = 0xf2c5, frowno = 0xf119, futbolo = 0xf1e3, gamepad = 0xf11b, gavel = 0xf0e3, gbp = 0xf154, ge = 0xf1d1, gear = 0xf013, gears = 0xf085, genderless = 0xf22d, getpocket = 0xf265, gg = 0xf260, ggcircle = 0xf261, gift = 0xf06b, git = 0xf1d3, gitsquare = 0xf1d2, github = 0xf09b, githubalt = 0xf113, githubsquare = 0xf092, gitlab = 0xf296, gittip = 0xf184, glass = 0xf000, glide = 0xf2a5, glideg = 0xf2a6, globe = 0xf0ac, google = 0xf1a0, googleplus = 0xf0d5, googlepluscircle = 0xf2b3, googleplusofficial = 0xf2b3, googleplussquare = 0xf0d4, googlewallet = 0xf1ee, graduationcap = 0xf19d, gratipay = 0xf184, grav = 0xf2d6, group = 0xf0c0, hsquare = 0xf0fd, hackernews = 0xf1d4, handgrabo = 0xf255, handlizardo = 0xf258, handodown = 0xf0a7, handoleft = 0xf0a5, handoright = 0xf0a4, handoup = 0xf0a6, handpapero = 0xf256, handpeaceo = 0xf25b, handpointero = 0xf25a, handrocko = 0xf255, handscissorso = 0xf257, handspocko = 0xf259, handstopo = 0xf256, handshakeo = 0xf2b5, hardofhearing = 0xf2a4, hashtag = 0xf292, hddo = 0xf0a0, header = 0xf1dc, headphones = 0xf025, heart = 0xf004, hearto = 0xf08a, heartbeat = 0xf21e, history = 0xf1da, home = 0xf015, hospitalo = 0xf0f8, hotel = 0xf236, hourglass = 0xf254, hourglass1 = 0xf251, hourglass2 = 0xf252, hourglass3 = 0xf253, hourglassend = 0xf253, hourglasshalf = 0xf252, hourglasso = 0xf250, hourglassstart = 0xf251, houzz = 0xf27c, html5 = 0xf13b, icursor = 0xf246, idbadge = 0xf2c1, idcard = 0xf2c2, idcardo = 0xf2c3, ils = 0xf20b, image = 0xf03e, imdb = 0xf2d8, inbox = 0xf01c, indent = 0xf03c, industry = 0xf275, info = 0xf129, infocircle = 0xf05a, inr = 0xf156, instagram = 0xf16d, institution = 0xf19c, internetexplorer = 0xf26b, intersex = 0xf224, ioxhost = 0xf208, italic = 0xf033, joomla = 0xf1aa, jpy = 0xf157, jsfiddle = 0xf1cc, key = 0xf084, keyboardo = 0xf11c, krw = 0xf159, language = 0xf1ab, laptop = 0xf109, lastfm = 0xf202, lastfmsquare = 0xf203, leaf = 0xf06c, leanpub = 0xf212, legal = 0xf0e3, lemono = 0xf094, leveldown = 0xf149, levelup = 0xf148, lifebouy = 0xf1cd, lifebuoy = 0xf1cd, lifering = 0xf1cd, lifesaver = 0xf1cd, lightbulbo = 0xf0eb, linechart = 0xf201, link = 0xf0c1, linkedin = 0xf0e1, linkedinsquare = 0xf08c, linode = 0xf2b8, fa_linux = 0xf17c, list = 0xf03a, listalt = 0xf022, listol = 0xf0cb, listul = 0xf0ca, locationarrow = 0xf124, lock = 0xf023, longarrowdown = 0xf175, longarrowleft = 0xf177, longarrowright = 0xf178, longarrowup = 0xf176, lowvision = 0xf2a8, magic = 0xf0d0, magnet = 0xf076, mailforward = 0xf064, mailreply = 0xf112, mailreplyall = 0xf122, male = 0xf183, map = 0xf279, mapmarker = 0xf041, mapo = 0xf278, mappin = 0xf276, mapsigns = 0xf277, mars = 0xf222, marsdouble = 0xf227, marsstroke = 0xf229, marsstrokeh = 0xf22b, marsstrokev = 0xf22a, maxcdn = 0xf136, meanpath = 0xf20c, medium = 0xf23a, medkit = 0xf0fa, meetup = 0xf2e0, meho = 0xf11a, mercury = 0xf223, microchip = 0xf2db, microphone = 0xf130, microphoneslash = 0xf131, minus = 0xf068, minuscircle = 0xf056, minussquare = 0xf146, minussquareo = 0xf147, mixcloud = 0xf289, mobile = 0xf10b, mobilephone = 0xf10b, modx = 0xf285, money = 0xf0d6, moono = 0xf186, mortarboard = 0xf19d, motorcycle = 0xf21c, mousepointer = 0xf245, music = 0xf001, navicon = 0xf0c9, neuter = 0xf22c, newspapero = 0xf1ea, objectgroup = 0xf247, objectungroup = 0xf248, odnoklassniki = 0xf263, odnoklassnikisquare = 0xf264, opencart = 0xf23d, openid = 0xf19b, opera = 0xf26a, optinmonster = 0xf23c, outdent = 0xf03b, pagelines = 0xf18c, paintbrush = 0xf1fc, paperplane = 0xf1d8, paperplaneo = 0xf1d9, paperclip = 0xf0c6, paragraph = 0xf1dd, paste = 0xf0ea, pause = 0xf04c, pausecircle = 0xf28b, pausecircleo = 0xf28c, paw = 0xf1b0, paypal = 0xf1ed, pencil = 0xf040, pencilsquare = 0xf14b, pencilsquareo = 0xf044, percent = 0xf295, phone = 0xf095, phonesquare = 0xf098, photo = 0xf03e, pictureo = 0xf03e, piechart = 0xf200, piedpiper = 0xf2ae, piedpiperalt = 0xf1a8, piedpiperpp = 0xf1a7, pinterest = 0xf0d2, pinterestp = 0xf231, pinterestsquare = 0xf0d3, plane = 0xf072, play = 0xf04b, playcircle = 0xf144, playcircleo = 0xf01d, plug = 0xf1e6, plus = 0xf067, pluscircle = 0xf055, plussquare = 0xf0fe, plussquareo = 0xf196, podcast = 0xf2ce, poweroff = 0xf011, print = 0xf02f, producthunt = 0xf288, puzzlepiece = 0xf12e, qq = 0xf1d6, qrcode = 0xf029, question = 0xf128, questioncircle = 0xf059, questioncircleo = 0xf29c, quora = 0xf2c4, quoteleft = 0xf10d, quoteright = 0xf10e, ra = 0xf1d0, random = 0xf074, ravelry = 0xf2d9, rebel = 0xf1d0, recycle = 0xf1b8, reddit = 0xf1a1, redditalien = 0xf281, redditsquare = 0xf1a2, refresh = 0xf021, registered = 0xf25d, remove = 0xf00d, renren = 0xf18b, reorder = 0xf0c9, repeat = 0xf01e, reply = 0xf112, replyall = 0xf122, resistance = 0xf1d0, retweet = 0xf079, rmb = 0xf157, road = 0xf018, rocket = 0xf135, rotateleft = 0xf0e2, rotateright = 0xf01e, rouble = 0xf158, rss = 0xf09e, rsssquare = 0xf143, rub = 0xf158, ruble = 0xf158, rupee = 0xf156, s15 = 0xf2cd, safari = 0xf267, save = 0xf0c7, scissors = 0xf0c4, scribd = 0xf28a, search = 0xf002, searchminus = 0xf010, searchplus = 0xf00e, sellsy = 0xf213, send = 0xf1d8, sendo = 0xf1d9, server = 0xf233, share = 0xf064, sharealt = 0xf1e0, sharealtsquare = 0xf1e1, sharesquare = 0xf14d, sharesquareo = 0xf045, shekel = 0xf20b, sheqel = 0xf20b, shield = 0xf132, ship = 0xf21a, shirtsinbulk = 0xf214, shoppingbag = 0xf290, shoppingbasket = 0xf291, shoppingcart = 0xf07a, shower = 0xf2cc, signin = 0xf090, signlanguage = 0xf2a7, signout = 0xf08b, signal = 0xf012, signing = 0xf2a7, simplybuilt = 0xf215, sitemap = 0xf0e8, skyatlas = 0xf216, skype = 0xf17e, slack = 0xf198, sliders = 0xf1de, slideshare = 0xf1e7, smileo = 0xf118, snapchat = 0xf2ab, snapchatghost = 0xf2ac, snapchatsquare = 0xf2ad, snowflakeo = 0xf2dc, soccerballo = 0xf1e3, sort = 0xf0dc, sortalphaasc = 0xf15d, sortalphadesc = 0xf15e, sortamountasc = 0xf160, sortamountdesc = 0xf161, sortasc = 0xf0de, sortdesc = 0xf0dd, sortdown = 0xf0dd, sortnumericasc = 0xf162, sortnumericdesc = 0xf163, sortup = 0xf0de, soundcloud = 0xf1be, spaceshuttle = 0xf197, spinner = 0xf110, spoon = 0xf1b1, spotify = 0xf1bc, square = 0xf0c8, squareo = 0xf096, stackexchange = 0xf18d, stackoverflow = 0xf16c, star = 0xf005, starhalf = 0xf089, starhalfempty = 0xf123, starhalffull = 0xf123, starhalfo = 0xf123, staro = 0xf006, steam = 0xf1b6, steamsquare = 0xf1b7, stepbackward = 0xf048, stepforward = 0xf051, stethoscope = 0xf0f1, stickynote = 0xf249, stickynoteo = 0xf24a, stop = 0xf04d, stopcircle = 0xf28d, stopcircleo = 0xf28e, streetview = 0xf21d, strikethrough = 0xf0cc, stumbleupon = 0xf1a4, stumbleuponcircle = 0xf1a3, subscript = 0xf12c, subway = 0xf239, suitcase = 0xf0f2, suno = 0xf185, superpowers = 0xf2dd, superscript = 0xf12b, support = 0xf1cd, table = 0xf0ce, tablet = 0xf10a, tachometer = 0xf0e4, tag = 0xf02b, tags = 0xf02c, tasks = 0xf0ae, taxi = 0xf1ba, telegram = 0xf2c6, television = 0xf26c, tencentweibo = 0xf1d5, terminal = 0xf120, textheight = 0xf034, textwidth = 0xf035, th = 0xf00a, thlarge = 0xf009, thlist = 0xf00b, themeisle = 0xf2b2, thermometer = 0xf2c7, thermometer0 = 0xf2cb, thermometer1 = 0xf2ca, thermometer2 = 0xf2c9, thermometer3 = 0xf2c8, thermometer4 = 0xf2c7, thermometerempty = 0xf2cb, thermometerfull = 0xf2c7, thermometerhalf = 0xf2c9, thermometerquarter = 0xf2ca, thermometerthreequarters = 0xf2c8, thumbtack = 0xf08d, thumbsdown = 0xf165, thumbsodown = 0xf088, thumbsoup = 0xf087, thumbsup = 0xf164, ticket = 0xf145, times = 0xf00d, timescircle = 0xf057, timescircleo = 0xf05c, timesrectangle = 0xf2d3, timesrectangleo = 0xf2d4, tint = 0xf043, toggledown = 0xf150, toggleleft = 0xf191, toggleoff = 0xf204, toggleon = 0xf205, toggleright = 0xf152, toggleup = 0xf151, trademark = 0xf25c, train = 0xf238, transgender = 0xf224, transgenderalt = 0xf225, trash = 0xf1f8, trasho = 0xf014, tree = 0xf1bb, trello = 0xf181, tripadvisor = 0xf262, trophy = 0xf091, truck = 0xf0d1, fa_try = 0xf195, tty = 0xf1e4, tumblr = 0xf173, tumblrsquare = 0xf174, turkishlira = 0xf195, tv = 0xf26c, twitch = 0xf1e8, twitter = 0xf099, twittersquare = 0xf081, umbrella = 0xf0e9, underline = 0xf0cd, undo = 0xf0e2, universalaccess = 0xf29a, university = 0xf19c, unlink = 0xf127, unlock = 0xf09c, unlockalt = 0xf13e, unsorted = 0xf0dc, upload = 0xf093, usb = 0xf287, usd = 0xf155, user = 0xf007, usercircle = 0xf2bd, usercircleo = 0xf2be, usermd = 0xf0f0, usero = 0xf2c0, userplus = 0xf234, usersecret = 0xf21b, usertimes = 0xf235, users = 0xf0c0, vcard = 0xf2bb, vcardo = 0xf2bc, venus = 0xf221, venusdouble = 0xf226, venusmars = 0xf228, viacoin = 0xf237, viadeo = 0xf2a9, viadeosquare = 0xf2aa, videocamera = 0xf03d, vimeo = 0xf27d, vimeosquare = 0xf194, vine = 0xf1ca, vk = 0xf189, volumecontrolphone = 0xf2a0, volumedown = 0xf027, volumeoff = 0xf026, volumeup = 0xf028, warning = 0xf071, wechat = 0xf1d7, weibo = 0xf18a, weixin = 0xf1d7, whatsapp = 0xf232, wheelchair = 0xf193, wheelchairalt = 0xf29b, wifi = 0xf1eb, wikipediaw = 0xf266, windowclose = 0xf2d3, windowcloseo = 0xf2d4, windowmaximize = 0xf2d0, windowminimize = 0xf2d1, windowrestore = 0xf2d2, windows = 0xf17a, won = 0xf159, wordpress = 0xf19a, wpbeginner = 0xf297, wpexplorer = 0xf2de, wpforms = 0xf298, wrench = 0xf0ad, xing = 0xf168, xingsquare = 0xf169, ycombinator = 0xf23b, ycombinatorsquare = 0xf1d4, yahoo = 0xf19e, yc = 0xf23b, ycsquare = 0xf1d4, yelp = 0xf1e9, yen = 0xf157, yoast = 0xf2b1, youtube = 0xf167, youtubeplay = 0xf16a, youtubesquare = 0xf166 }; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class QtAwesomeIconPainter; /// The main class for managing icons /// This class requires a 2-phase construction. You must first create the class and then initialize it via an init* method class QtAwesome : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QtAwesome(QObject *parent = 0); virtual ~QtAwesome(); void init( const QString& fontname ); bool initFontAwesome(); void addNamedCodepoint( const QString& name, int codePoint ); QHash namedCodePoints() { return namedCodepoints_; } void setDefaultOption( const QString& name, const QVariant& value ); QVariant defaultOption( const QString& name ); QIcon icon( int character, const QVariantMap& options = QVariantMap() ); QIcon icon( const QString& name, const QVariantMap& options = QVariantMap() ); QIcon icon(QtAwesomeIconPainter* painter, const QVariantMap& optionMap = QVariantMap() ); void give( const QString& name, QtAwesomeIconPainter* painter ); QFont font( int size ); /// Returns the font-name that is used as icon-map QString fontName() { return fontName_ ; } private: QString fontName_; ///< The font name used for this map QHash namedCodepoints_; ///< A map with names mapped to code-points QHash painterMap_; ///< A map of custom painters QVariantMap defaultOptions_; ///< The default icon options QtAwesomeIconPainter* fontIconPainter_; ///< A special painter fo painting codepoints }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// The QtAwesomeIconPainter is a specialized painter for painting icons /// your can implement an iconpainter to create custom font-icon code class QtAwesomeIconPainter { public: virtual ~QtAwesomeIconPainter() {} virtual void paint( QtAwesome* awesome, QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state, const QVariantMap& options ) = 0; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QtAwesomeAnimation*) #endif // QTAWESOME_H