#include "UserService.h" #include "SqlDBHelper.h" #include UserService::UserService(QObject *parent) { } //////////////////////用户信息表-start//////////////////// int UserService::AddUserInfo(const QFUser &userInfo) { int returnId = -1; try { // returnId = DBServiceSet::getNextId("t_user_info"); Transaction t(SqlDBHelper::getDatabase()); InsertQuery query = t.insertInto("t_user_info (user_name, user_no, password, role, post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,project_id,write_time,remark)"); NonQueryResult result = query.values(userInfo.userName, userInfo.userNo, userInfo.password, userInfo.role, userInfo.post, userInfo.major, userInfo.workPosition, userInfo.educationDegree, userInfo.phone, userInfo.projectId, userInfo.writeTime, userInfo.remark) .exec(); t.commit(); returnId = result.lastInsertId().toInt(); } catch (const DBException &ex) { qDebug() << "AddUserInfo" << ex.lastError.text(); returnId = -1; } return returnId; } /*暂时用id修改*/ bool UserService::UpdateUserInfo(const QFUser &userInfo) { bool ret = false; try { Transaction t(SqlDBHelper::getDatabase()); t.update("t_user_info") .set("user_name", userInfo.userName) .set("user_no", userInfo.userNo) .set("password", userInfo.password) .set("role", userInfo.role) .set("post", userInfo.post) .set("major", userInfo.major) .set("work_position", userInfo.workPosition) .set("education_degree", userInfo.educationDegree) .set("phone", userInfo.phone) .set("remark", userInfo.remark) .set("project_id", userInfo.projectId) .where("id=?", userInfo.id); t.commit(); ret = true; } catch (const DBException &ex) { qDebug() << ex.lastError.text(); } return ret; } bool UserService::UpdateUserPassword(QString userNo, QString password) { bool ret = false; try { Transaction t(SqlDBHelper::getDatabase()); t.update("t_user_info").set("password", password).where("user_no=?", userNo); t.commit(); ret = true; } catch (const DBException &ex) { qDebug() << ex.lastError.text(); } return ret; } bool UserService::UpdateUserById(QString userNo, QString password, int id) { bool ret = false; try { Transaction t(SqlDBHelper::getDatabase()); t.update("t_user_info").set("password", password).set("user_no", userNo).where("id=?", id); t.commit(); ret = true; } catch (const DBException &ex) { qDebug() << ex.lastError.text(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserInfoById(QFUser *userInfo, int userId) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time from " "t_user_info WHERE id = %1") .arg(userId); if (query.exec(selectSql)) { if (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { userInfo->id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo->userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo->userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo->password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo->role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo->post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo->major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo->workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo->educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo->phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo->remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo->projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo->writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); } ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserInfoByUnserInfo(const QFUser ¶mInfo, QFUser &queryInfo) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,project_id,write_time from " "t_user_info WHERE 1 = 1 "); if (!paramInfo.userName.isNull() && !paramInfo.userName.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and user_name = '" + paramInfo.userName + "'"; } if (!paramInfo.userNo.isNull() && !paramInfo.userNo.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and user_no = '" + paramInfo.userNo + "'"; } if (!paramInfo.post.isNull() && !paramInfo.post.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and post = '" + paramInfo.post + "'"; } if (!paramInfo.major.isNull() && !paramInfo.major.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and major = '" + paramInfo.major + "'"; } if (!paramInfo.workPosition.isNull() && !paramInfo.workPosition.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and work_position = '" + paramInfo.workPosition + "'"; } if (!paramInfo.educationDegree.isNull() && !paramInfo.educationDegree.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and education_degree = '" + paramInfo.educationDegree + "'"; } if (!paramInfo.phone.isNull() && !paramInfo.phone.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and phone = '" + paramInfo.phone + "'"; } if (!paramInfo.projectId.isNull() && !paramInfo.projectId.isEmpty()) { selectSql += " and project_id = '" + paramInfo.projectId + "'"; } int role = paramInfo.role; if (role == 0) { selectSql += " and role != '" + QString::number(role) + "'"; } else { selectSql += " and role = '" + QString::number(role) + "'"; } if (query.exec(selectSql)) { if (query.next()) { queryInfo = paramInfo; queryInfo.id = query.value(0).toInt(); ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } /*获取到用户列表*/ bool UserService::QueryUserListByEngineerId(QList &userInfoList, int engineerId) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time " "from t_user_info" " WHERE id in (select uc.user_id from t_user_config uc where " "uc.engineer_id = %1 and uc.is_valid =1 )") .arg(engineerId); // qDebug() << selectSql; if (query.exec(selectSql)) { while (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { QFUser userInfo; userInfo.id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo.userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo.userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo.password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo.role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo.post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo.major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo.workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo.educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo.phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo.remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo.projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo.writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); userInfoList.append(userInfo); } ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserListByColumnAndColumnValue(QList *userInfoList, QString columnName, QString columnValue) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time " "from t_user_info" " WHERE %1 = '%2'") .arg(columnName) .arg(columnValue); // qDebug() << selectSql; if (query.exec(selectSql)) { while (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { QFUser *userInfo = new QFUser(); userInfo->id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo->userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo->userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo->password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo->role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo->post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo->major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo->workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo->educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo->phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo->remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo->projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo->writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); userInfoList->append(userInfo); } ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserList(QList *userInfoList) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time from t_user_info"); if (query.exec(selectSql)) { while (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { QFUser *userInfo = new QFUser(); userInfo->id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo->userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo->userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo->password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo->role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo->post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo->major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo->workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo->educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo->phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo->remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo->projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo->writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); userInfoList->append(userInfo); } ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserListNotAdmin(QList *userInfoList) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; try { QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time from t_user_info where role !=0"); if (query.exec(selectSql)) { while (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { QFUser *userInfo = new QFUser(); userInfo->id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo->userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo->userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo->password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo->role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo->post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo->major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo->workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo->educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo->phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo->remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo->projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo->writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); userInfoList->append(userInfo); } } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } ret = true; } catch (const DBException &ex) { qDebug() << ex.lastError.text(); } return ret; } bool UserService::DeleteUserById(int Id) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString deleteSql = QString("DELETE FROM t_user_info WHERE id = %1").arg(Id); if (query.exec(deleteSql)) { ret = true; qDebug() << "deleteSql success!"; } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } //删除除管理管外的所有用户 bool UserService::DeleteUserByRole(int roleType) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString deleteSql = QString("DELETE FROM t_user_info WHERE role != %1").arg(roleType); if (query.exec(deleteSql)) { ret = true; qDebug() << "deleteSql success!"; } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserByNoAndPassword(QFUser *userInfo, QString userNo, QString password) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time from " "t_user_info WHERE user_no = %1 and password = %2") .arg("'" + userNo + "'") .arg("'" + password + "'"); if (query.exec(selectSql)) { if (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { userInfo->id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo->userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo->userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo->password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo->role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo->post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo->major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo->workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo->educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo->phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo->remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo->projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo->writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); } ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserByNo(QFUser *userInfo, QString userNo) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time from " "t_user_info WHERE user_no = %1 ") .arg("'" + userNo + "'"); if (query.exec(selectSql)) { if (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { userInfo->id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo->userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo->userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo->password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo->role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo->post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo->major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo->workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo->educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo->phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo->remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo->projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo->writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); } ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::QueryUserInfoById2(QFUser *userInfo, int userId) { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase2(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString selectSql = QString("SELECT id, user_name,user_no,password,role,post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,remark,project_id," "write_time from " "t_user_info WHERE id = %1") .arg(userId); qDebug() << selectSql; if (query.exec(selectSql)) { if (query.next()) { if (query.isNull(0) == false) { userInfo->id = query.value(0).toInt(); userInfo->userName = query.value(1).toString(); userInfo->userNo = query.value(2).toString(); userInfo->password = query.value(3).toString(); userInfo->role = static_cast(query.value(4).toInt()); userInfo->post = query.value(5).toString(); userInfo->major = query.value(6).toString(); userInfo->workPosition = query.value(7).toString(); userInfo->educationDegree = query.value(8).toString(); userInfo->phone = query.value(9).toString(); userInfo->remark = query.value(10).toString(); userInfo->projectId = query.value(11).toString(); userInfo->writeTime = query.value(12).toString(); } ret = true; } } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } bool UserService::UpdateUserInfo2(const QFUser &userInfo) { bool ret = false; try { Transaction t(SqlDBHelper::getDatabase2()); t.update("t_user_info") .set("user_name", userInfo.userName) .set("user_no", userInfo.userNo) .set("password", userInfo.password) .set("role", userInfo.role) .set("post", userInfo.post) .set("major", userInfo.major) .set("work_position", userInfo.workPosition) .set("education_degree", userInfo.educationDegree) .set("phone", userInfo.phone) .set("remark", userInfo.remark) .set("project_id", userInfo.projectId) .where("id=?", userInfo.id); t.commit(); ret = true; } catch (const DBException &ex) { qDebug() << ex.lastError.text(); } return ret; } int UserService::AddUserInfo2(const QFUser &userInfo) { int returnId = -1; try { Transaction t(SqlDBHelper::getDatabase2()); InsertQuery query = t.insertInto("t_user_info (id,user_name, user_no, password, role, post, " "major,work_position,education_degree,phone,project_id,write_time)"); NonQueryResult result = query.values(userInfo.id, userInfo.userName, userInfo.userNo, userInfo.password, userInfo.role, userInfo.post, userInfo.major, userInfo.workPosition, userInfo.educationDegree, userInfo.phone, userInfo.projectId, userInfo.writeTime) .exec(); t.commit(); returnId = result.lastInsertId().toInt(); } catch (const DBException &ex) { qDebug() << ex.lastError.text(); returnId = -1; } return returnId; } //删除除管理管外的所有用户 bool UserService::DeleteAllUser() { QSqlDatabase db = SqlDBHelper::getDatabase(); QSqlQuery query(db); bool ret = false; QString deleteSql = QString("DELETE FROM t_user_info "); if (query.exec(deleteSql)) { ret = true; qDebug() << "deleteSql success!"; } else { qDebug() << query.lastError(); } return ret; } //////////////////////用户信息表-end////////////////////