#include "InfoBar.h" #include "Common/StyleSheet.h" #include "QFluentWidgets.h" #include "Common/AutoWrap.h" #include <QPainter> #include <QResizeEvent> #include <QTimer> InfoBarCloseButton::InfoBarCloseButton(QWidget *parent) : QToolButton(parent) { setFixedSize(36, 36); setIconSize(QSize(12, 12)); setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); setObjectName("infoBarCloseButton"); FluentStyleSheet::apply("INFO_BAR", this); m_ficon.reset(NEWFLICON(FluentIcon, CLOSE)); } void InfoBarCloseButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QToolButton::paintEvent(event); QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); m_ficon->render(&painter, QRect(12, 12, 12, 12)); } QString InfoBarIcon::iconName(InfoBarIcon::IconType type) { switch (type) { case INFORMATION: return "Info"; case SUCCESS: return "Success"; case WARNING: return "Warning"; case ERROR: return "Error"; } return "Unknown"; } InfoBarIcon::InfoBarIcon(IconType type, Qfw::Theme t) : FluentIconBase(""), m_theme(t), m_type(type) { iconEngine->setIconPath(iconPath()); } InfoBarIcon::~InfoBarIcon() { } QString InfoBarIcon::iconPath() { QString colorName; if (m_theme == Qfw::Theme::AUTO) { colorName = QFWIns.isDarkTheme() ? "dark" : "light"; } else { colorName = Qfw::ThemeString(m_theme).toLower(); } return QString(":/qfluentwidgets/images/info_bar/%1_%2.svg").arg(iconName(m_type)).arg(colorName); } QIcon InfoBarIcon::icon() { return QIcon(iconEngine->clone()); } QString InfoBarIcon::typeName() const { return iconName(m_type); } QString InfoBarIcon::enumName() const { QMetaEnum metaEnum = QMetaEnum::fromType<IconType>(); return metaEnum.valueToKey(m_type); } FluentIconBase *InfoBarIcon::clone() { return new InfoBarIcon(m_type, m_theme); } Qfw::Theme InfoBarIcon::theme() const { return m_theme; } void InfoBarIcon::setTheme(const Qfw::Theme &theme) { m_theme = theme; iconEngine->setIconPath(iconPath()); } InfoIconWidget::InfoIconWidget(FluentIconBase *icon, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), m_icon(icon) { setFixedSize(15, 15); } void InfoIconWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /*event*/) { if (!m_icon) { return; } QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); InfoBarIcon *barIcon = dynamic_cast<InfoBarIcon *>(m_icon.data()); bool isInformation = false; if (barIcon) { isInformation = barIcon->iconEngine->iconPath().split("/").last().contains("Info"); } if (isInformation) { m_icon->render(&painter, rect()); } else { QHash<QString, QString> attributes; attributes.insert("indexes", "0"); attributes.insert("fill", themeColor().name()); m_icon->render(&painter, rect(), QVector<int>(), attributes); } } InfoBar::InfoBar(FluentIconBase *ficon, const QString &title, const QString &content, Qt::Orientation orient, bool isClosable, int duration, InfoBarPosition position, QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent), m_ficon(ficon) { m_title = title; m_content = content; m_orient = orient; m_duration = duration; m_isClosable = isClosable; m_position = position; m_titleLabel = new QLabel(title, this); m_contentLabel = new QLabel(this); m_closeButton = new InfoBarCloseButton(this); m_iconWidget = new InfoIconWidget(m_ficon->clone()); m_vBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); m_hBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); if (m_orient == Qt::Horizontal) { m_contentLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); } else { m_contentLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); } m_opacityEffect = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); m_opacityAni = new QPropertyAnimation(m_opacityEffect, "opacity", this); m_lightBackgroundColor = QColor(); m_darkBackgroundColor = QColor(); initWidget(); } void InfoBar::adjustSize() { QFrame::adjustSize(); resize(width(), qMax(height(), 50)); } /// add widget to info bar void InfoBar::addWidget(QWidget *widget, int stretch) { m_contentLayout->addWidget(widget, stretch, Qt::AlignLeft); } void InfoBar::setCustomBackgroundColor(const QColor &light, const QColor &dark) { m_darkBackgroundColor = dark; m_lightBackgroundColor = light; update(); } InfoBar *InfoBar::creator(FluentIconBase *ficon, const QString &title, const QString &content, Qt::Orientation orient, bool isClosable, int duration, InfoBarPosition position, QWidget *parent) { InfoBar *cls = new InfoBar(ficon, title, content, orient, isClosable, duration, position, parent); cls->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); cls->show(); return cls; } InfoBar *InfoBar::info(const QString &title, const QString &content, Qt::Orientation orient, bool isClosable, int duration, InfoBarPosition position, QWidget *parent) { return creator(NEWFLICON(InfoBarIcon, INFORMATION), title, content, orient, isClosable, duration, position, parent); } InfoBar *InfoBar::success(const QString &title, const QString &content, Qt::Orientation orient, bool isClosable, int duration, InfoBarPosition position, QWidget *parent) { return creator(NEWFLICON(InfoBarIcon, SUCCESS), title, content, orient, isClosable, duration, position, parent); } InfoBar *InfoBar::warning(const QString &title, const QString &content, Qt::Orientation orient, bool isClosable, int duration, InfoBarPosition position, QWidget *parent) { return creator(NEWFLICON(InfoBarIcon, WARNING), title, content, orient, isClosable, duration, position, parent); } InfoBar *InfoBar::error(const QString &title, const QString &content, Qt::Orientation orient, bool isClosable, int duration, InfoBarPosition position, QWidget *parent) { return creator(NEWFLICON(InfoBarIcon, ERROR), title, content, orient, isClosable, duration, position, parent); } void InfoBar::initWidget() { m_titleLabel->setMinimumHeight(36); m_opacityEffect->setOpacity(1); setGraphicsEffect(m_opacityEffect); m_closeButton->setVisible(m_isClosable); initLayout(); setQss(); connect(m_closeButton, &InfoBarCloseButton::clicked, this, &InfoBar::close); } void InfoBar::setQss() { m_titleLabel->setObjectName("titleLabel"); m_contentLabel->setObjectName("contentLabel"); InfoBarIcon *barIcon = dynamic_cast<InfoBarIcon *>(m_ficon.data()); if (barIcon) { QString typeName = barIcon->iconEngine->iconPath().split("/").last().split("_").first(); setProperty("type", typeName); } else { FluentIcon *fluentIcon = dynamic_cast<FluentIcon *>(m_ficon.data()); if (fluentIcon) { QString typeName = fluentIcon->iconEngine->iconPath().split("/").last().split("_").first(); setProperty("type", typeName); } } FluentStyleSheet::apply("INFO_BAR", this); } void InfoBar::initLayout() { m_vBoxLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); m_vBoxLayout->setSizeConstraint(QVBoxLayout::SetMinimumSize); m_contentLayout->setSizeConstraint(QHBoxLayout::SetMinimumSize); m_vBoxLayout->setSpacing(0); m_hBoxLayout->setSpacing(0); m_vBoxLayout->addLayout(m_hBoxLayout); m_hBoxLayout->addWidget(m_iconWidget); if (!m_title.isEmpty()) { m_hBoxLayout->addSpacing(15); m_hBoxLayout->addWidget(m_titleLabel); } else { m_titleLabel->hide(); } // add content label to layout if (m_orient == Qt::Horizontal) { m_vBoxLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter); m_hBoxLayout->addSpacing(12); m_contentLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 20 * (m_isClosable ? 1 : 0), 0); m_contentLayout->setSpacing(12); m_hBoxLayout->addLayout(m_contentLayout); } else { m_vBoxLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); m_contentLayout->setContentsMargins(47, 0, 40, 18); m_contentLayout->setSpacing(14); m_vBoxLayout->addLayout(m_contentLayout); m_contentLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); } adjustText(); m_contentLayout->addWidget(m_contentLabel); // add close button to layout if (m_isClosable) { m_hBoxLayout->addWidget(m_closeButton); int mb = (m_orient == Qt::Horizontal) ? 6 : 0; m_hBoxLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 6, 7, mb); } else { m_hBoxLayout->setContentsMargins(16, 6, 16, 6); } } void InfoBar::adjustText() { int w = 0; if (!this->parent()) { w = 900; } else { w = static_cast<QWidget *>(this->parent())->width() - 50; } int chars = qMax(qMin(w / 9, 120), 30); m_contentLabel->setText(TextWrap::wrap(m_content, chars, false).first); this->adjustSize(); } bool InfoBar::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { if (watched == this->parent()) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Resize || event->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) { adjustText(); } } return QFrame::eventFilter(watched, event); } void InfoBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QFrame::paintEvent(event); if (!m_lightBackgroundColor.isValid()) { return; } QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (QFWIns.isDarkTheme()) { painter.setBrush(m_darkBackgroundColor); } else { painter.setBrush(m_lightBackgroundColor); } QRect rect = this->rect().adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1); painter.drawRoundedRect(rect, 6, 6); } void InfoBar::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * /*event*/) { emit closedSignal(); this->deleteLater(); } void InfoBar::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { adjustText(); QFrame::showEvent(event); if (m_duration >= 0) { QTimer::singleShot(m_duration, this, &InfoBar::fadeOut); } if (m_position != InfoBarPosition::NONE) { InfoBarManagerFactory::factory(m_position).add(this); } if (this->parent()) { this->parent()->installEventFilter(this); } } void InfoBar::fadeOut() { m_opacityAni->setDuration(200); m_opacityAni->setStartValue(1); m_opacityAni->setEndValue(0); connect(m_opacityAni, &QPropertyAnimation::finished, this, &InfoBar::close); m_opacityAni->start(); } InfoBarManagerBase::InfoBarManagerBase(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { spacing = 16; margin = 24; } void InfoBarManagerBase::add(InfoBar *infoBar) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return; } if (!infoBars.keys().contains(p)) { p->installEventFilter(this); infoBars.insert(p, {}); aniGroups.insert(p, new QParallelAnimationGroup(this)); } if (infoBars[p].contains(infoBar)) { return; } // add drop animation if (!infoBars[p].isEmpty()) { QPropertyAnimation *dropAni = new QPropertyAnimation(infoBar, "pos"); dropAni->setDuration(200); aniGroups[p]->addAnimation(dropAni); dropAnis.append(dropAni); infoBar->setProperty("dropAni", QVariant::fromValue<QPropertyAnimation *>(dropAni)); } // add slide animation infoBars[p].append(infoBar); QPropertyAnimation *slideAni = createSlideAni(infoBar); slideAnis.append(slideAni); infoBar->setProperty("slideAni", QVariant::fromValue<QPropertyAnimation *>(slideAni)); connect(infoBar, &InfoBar::closedSignal, [=]() { remove(infoBar); }); slideAni->start(); } void InfoBarManagerBase::remove(InfoBar *infoBar) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return; } if (!infoBars.keys().contains(p)) { return; } infoBars[p].removeAll(infoBar); // remove drop animation QPropertyAnimation *dropAni = infoBar->property("dropAni").value<QPropertyAnimation *>(); if (dropAni) { aniGroups[p]->removeAnimation(dropAni); dropAnis.removeAll(dropAni); dropAni->deleteLater(); } // remove slider animation QPropertyAnimation *slideAni = infoBar->property("slideAni").value<QPropertyAnimation *>(); if (slideAni) { slideAnis.removeAll(slideAni); slideAni->deleteLater(); } infoBar->deleteLater(); // adjust the position of the remaining info bars updateDropAni(p); aniGroups[p]->start(); } QPropertyAnimation *InfoBarManagerBase::createSlideAni(InfoBar *infoBar) { QPropertyAnimation *slideAni = new QPropertyAnimation(infoBar, "pos"); slideAni->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutQuad); slideAni->setDuration(200); slideAni->setStartValue(this->slideStartPos(infoBar)); slideAni->setEndValue(this->pos(infoBar)); return slideAni; } void InfoBarManagerBase::updateDropAni(QWidget *parent) { for (auto bar : infoBars[parent]) { QPropertyAnimation *ani = bar->property("dropAni").value<QPropertyAnimation *>(); if (!ani) { continue; } ani->setStartValue(bar->pos()); ani->setEndValue(this->pos(bar)); } } bool InfoBarManagerBase::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { QWidget *obj = static_cast<QWidget *>(watched); if (!obj || !infoBars.keys().contains(obj)) { return false; } if (event->type() == QEvent::Resize || event->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) { QSize size = (event->type() == QEvent::Resize) ? static_cast<QResizeEvent *>(event)->size() : QSize(); for (auto bar : infoBars[obj]) { bar->move(this->pos(bar, size)); } } return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event); } TopInfoBarManager::TopInfoBarManager(QObject *parent) : InfoBarManagerBase(parent) { } QPoint TopInfoBarManager::pos(InfoBar *infoBar, const QSize & /*parentSize*/) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } // QSize size = (parentSize.isValid()) ? parentSize : p->size(); int x = (p->width() - infoBar->width()) / 2; int y = this->margin; int index = this->infoBars[p].indexOf(infoBar); for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { y += this->infoBars[p].at(i)->height() + this->spacing; } return QPoint(x, y); } QPoint TopInfoBarManager::slideStartPos(InfoBar *infoBar) { QPoint pos = this->pos(infoBar); return QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() - 16); } TopRightInfoBarManager::TopRightInfoBarManager(QObject *parent) : InfoBarManagerBase(parent) { } QPoint TopRightInfoBarManager::pos(InfoBar *infoBar, const QSize &parentSize) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } QSize size = (parentSize.isValid()) ? parentSize : p->size(); int x = size.width() - infoBar->width() - this->margin; int y = this->margin; int index = this->infoBars[p].indexOf(infoBar); for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { y += this->infoBars[p].at(i)->height() + this->spacing; } return QPoint(x, y); } QPoint TopRightInfoBarManager::slideStartPos(InfoBar *infoBar) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } return QPoint(p->width(), this->pos(infoBar).y()); } BottomRightInfoBarManager::BottomRightInfoBarManager(QObject *parent) : InfoBarManagerBase(parent) { } QPoint BottomRightInfoBarManager::pos(InfoBar *infoBar, const QSize &parentSize) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } QSize size = (parentSize.isValid()) ? parentSize : p->size(); int x = size.width() - infoBar->width() - this->margin; int y = size.height() - infoBar->height() - this->margin; int index = this->infoBars[p].indexOf(infoBar); for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { y -= this->infoBars[p].at(i)->height() + this->spacing; } return QPoint(x, y); } QPoint BottomRightInfoBarManager::slideStartPos(InfoBar *infoBar) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } return QPoint(p->width(), this->pos(infoBar).y()); } TopLeftInfoBarManager::TopLeftInfoBarManager(QObject *parent) : InfoBarManagerBase(parent) { } QPoint TopLeftInfoBarManager::pos(InfoBar *infoBar, const QSize & /*parentSize*/) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } // QSize size = (parentSize.isValid()) ? parentSize : p->size(); int y = this->margin; int index = this->infoBars[p].indexOf(infoBar); for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { y += this->infoBars[p].at(i)->height() + this->spacing; } return QPoint(this->margin, y); } QPoint TopLeftInfoBarManager::slideStartPos(InfoBar *infoBar) { return QPoint(-infoBar->width(), this->pos(infoBar).y()); } BottomLeftInfoBarManager::BottomLeftInfoBarManager(QObject *parent) : InfoBarManagerBase(parent) { } QPoint BottomLeftInfoBarManager::pos(InfoBar *infoBar, const QSize &parentSize) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } QSize size = (parentSize.isValid()) ? parentSize : p->size(); int y = size.height() - infoBar->height() - this->margin; int index = this->infoBars[p].indexOf(infoBar); for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { y -= this->infoBars[p].at(i)->height() + this->spacing; } return QPoint(this->margin, y); } QPoint BottomLeftInfoBarManager::slideStartPos(InfoBar *infoBar) { return QPoint(-infoBar->width(), this->pos(infoBar).y()); } BottomInfoBarManager::BottomInfoBarManager(QObject *parent) : InfoBarManagerBase(parent) { } QPoint BottomInfoBarManager::pos(InfoBar *infoBar, const QSize &parentSize) { QWidget *p = static_cast<QWidget *>(infoBar->parent()); if (!p) { return QPoint(); } QSize size = (parentSize.isValid()) ? parentSize : p->size(); int x = (size.width() - infoBar->width()) / 2; int y = size.height() - infoBar->height() - this->margin; int index = this->infoBars[p].indexOf(infoBar); for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { y -= this->infoBars[p].at(i)->height() + this->spacing; } return QPoint(x, y); } QPoint BottomInfoBarManager::slideStartPos(InfoBar *infoBar) { QPoint pos = this->pos(infoBar); return QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() + 16); } InfoBarManagerBase &InfoBarManagerFactory::factory(InfoBarPosition postion) { static TopInfoBarManager topInfoBarManager; static BottomInfoBarManager bottomInfoBarManager; static TopRightInfoBarManager topRightInfoBarManager; static BottomRightInfoBarManager bottomRightInfoBarManager; static TopLeftInfoBarManager topLeftInfoBarManager; static BottomLeftInfoBarManager bottomLeftInfoBarManager; switch (postion) { case InfoBarPosition::TOP: return topInfoBarManager; case InfoBarPosition::BOTTOM: return bottomInfoBarManager; case InfoBarPosition::TOP_RIGHT: return topRightInfoBarManager; case InfoBarPosition::BOTTOM_RIGHT: return bottomRightInfoBarManager; case InfoBarPosition::TOP_LEFT: return topLeftInfoBarManager; case InfoBarPosition::BOTTOM_LEFT: return bottomLeftInfoBarManager; default: return topInfoBarManager; } }