Easy SQL data access helper for QtSql
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NEasyQtSqlEasy SQL data access helper for QtSql
 CDatabaseQSqlDatabase wrapper
 CDBExceptionException class for SQL errors handling
 CDeleteQueryQSqlQuery wrapper for DELETE FROM ... WHERE .. query execution
 CInInput SQL parameters wrapper
 CInOutBidirectional SQL parameters wrapper
 CInsertQueryQSqlQuery wrapper for INSERT INTO table query execution
 CNonQueryResultQSqlQuery wrapper for non-select query results reading
 COutOutput SQL parameters wrapper
 CParamDirectionWrapperBase parameters wrapper struct
 CPreparedQueryClass for query preparation and execution
 CQueryResultQSqlQuery wrapper with handy data fetch methods
 CTransactionQSqlDatabase transaction wrapper
 CUpdateQueryQSqlQuery wrapper for UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE ... query execution
 CUtilUtility functions
 CDatabaseQSqlDatabase wrapper
 CDBExceptionException class for SQL errors handling
 CDeleteQueryQSqlQuery wrapper for DELETE FROM ... WHERE .. query execution
 CInInput SQL parameters wrapper
 CInOutBidirectional SQL parameters wrapper
 CInsertQueryQSqlQuery wrapper for INSERT INTO table query execution
 CNonQueryResultQSqlQuery wrapper for non-select query results reading
 COutOutput SQL parameters wrapper
 CParamDirectionWrapperBase parameters wrapper struct
 CPreparedQueryClass for query preparation and execution
 CQueryResultQSqlQuery wrapper with handy data fetch methods
 CTransactionQSqlDatabase transaction wrapper
 CUpdateQueryQSqlQuery wrapper for UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE ... query execution
 CUtilUtility functions