@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ bool SchemeProcessService::QueryAllByProjectIdAndIndexType(
bool ret = false;
QString selectSql = QString("SELECT `id`, `project_id`, `index_type`, `step`, `type`, `data_source`, "
"`algorithm`, `efficiency_grades`, `is_checked` FROM "
- "t_scheme_process_info where project_id = %1 and index_type =%2 order by step ");
+ "t_scheme_process_info where project_id = %1 and index_type =%2 order by step ")
+ .arg(projectId)
+ .arg(indexType);
if (query.exec(selectSql)) {
while (query.next()) {
if (query.isNull(0) == false) {
@@ -98,3 +100,29 @@ bool SchemeProcessService::DeleteById(int id)
return ret;
+bool SchemeProcessService::AddAllSchemeProcess(QList<SchemePlanManager::SchemeProcessInfo> &schemeProcessInfos)
+ int ret = false;
+ try {
+ foreach (const SchemePlanManager::SchemeProcessInfo &schemeProcessInfo, schemeProcessInfos) {
+ Transaction t(SqlDBHelper::getDatabase());
+ InsertQuery query =
+ t.insertInto("t_scheme_process_info(`project_id`, `index_type`, `step`, `type`, "
+ "`data_source`, `algorithm`,`efficiency_grades`, `is_checked`, `create_time`)");
+ NonQueryResult result =
+ query.values(schemeProcessInfo.projectId, schemeProcessInfo.indexType, schemeProcessInfo.step,
+ schemeProcessInfo.type, schemeProcessInfo.dSource, schemeProcessInfo.algorithm,
+ schemeProcessInfo.efficiencyGrades, schemeProcessInfo.isChecked,
+ QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"))
+ .exec();
+ t.commit();
+ }
+ ret = true;
+ } catch (const DBException &ex) {
+ qDebug() << ex.lastError.text();
+ }
+ return ret;