
JutarryWu ffbf70b704 feat(认知任务): 组件文件更新 6 månader sedan
.husky f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
.vscode f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
build 33e3ea9dbf feat(广度训练): 迁移广度训练游戏 6 månader sedan
mock f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
public 997fb9682b feat(认知任务): 完成图片拼图的页面构建 6 månader sedan
scripts f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
src ffbf70b704 feat(认知任务): 组件文件更新 6 månader sedan
tests f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
.editorconfig f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
.env f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
.env.development f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
.env.production f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
.gitignore f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
.npmrc f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
LICENSE f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
README.md f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
README.zh-CN.md f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
eslint.config.js f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
index.html f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
netlify.toml f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
package.json 33e3ea9dbf feat(广度训练): 迁移广度训练游戏 6 månader sedan
pnpm-lock.yaml 33e3ea9dbf feat(广度训练): 迁移广度训练游戏 6 månader sedan
tsconfig.json f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
uno.config.ts f215a71e8a feat(认知任务): init 6 månader sedan
vite.config.ts 6903903969 feat(认知任务): 完成后端联调API搭建、完成main页面优化 6 månader sedan




English / [简体中文](./README.zh-CN.md) An mobile web apps template based on the Vue 3 ecosystem. 一个基于 Vue 3 生态系统的移动 web 应用模板,帮助你快速完成业务开发。

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[文档](https://easy-temps.github.io/easy-docs/vue3-vant-mobile/) / [交流](https://github.com/easy-temps/vue3-vant-mobile/issues/56) / [反馈](https://github.com/easy-temps/vue3-vant-mobile/issues) Live Demo [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/e6828bd2-2904-4c3e-a67c-b97d32aa12/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/vue3-vant-mobile/deploys)



UI Frameworks


Coding Style

Dev tools

Try it now

vue3-vant-mobile requires Node 18+

GitHub Template

Create a repo from this template on GitHub

Clone to local

If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history

npx tiged easy-temps/vue3-vant-mobile my-mobile-app
cd my-mobile-app
pnpm i # If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm


When you use this template, try follow the checklist to update your info properly

  • Change the author name in LICENSE
  • Change the title in index.html
  • Change the hostname in vite.config.ts
  • Change the favicon in public
  • Clean up the READMEs and remove routes

And, enjoy :)



Just run and visit http://localhost:3000

pnpm dev


To build the App, run

pnpm build

And you will see the generated file in dist that ready to be served.

Deploy on Netlify

Go to Netlify and select your clone, OK along the way, and your App will be live in a minute.


We recommend that issue be used for problem feedback, or Wechat group.


Donation ☕

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Your sponsorship will help us continue to iterate on this exciting project! 🚀

keyFeng ljt990218 heked

💪 Contributors 💪

Our contributors have made this project better. Thank you! 🙏

CharleeWa ljt990218 wswmsword weiq SublimeCT ReginYuan smartsf Kysen777 Leezon AlphaYoung111 leo4developer InsHomePgup wowping ChunyuPCY qiyue2015 pyQianYi xyy94813


MIT License