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feat(组件类): 新增倒计时组件

JutarryWu 6 months ago
1 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 60 0

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+  <section class="van-count-down-container absolute top-[50%] left-[50%] translate-[-50%] w-[90%] h-[120px] flex-center text-[68px]">
+    {{ countDownStr }}<span v-if="showSpan" class="text-[42px] ml-[4px] mt-[20px]">s</span>
+  </section>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+  /*
+   * 组件名: CountDown
+   * 组件用途: 倒计时组件
+   * 创建日期: 2024/8/16
+   * 编写者: JutarryWu
+   */
+  const props = defineProps({
+    time: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0
+    },
+    text: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '测试训练即将开始!'
+    }
+  })
+  const emit = defineEmits(['endCountDown'])
+  let countTimer = ref<ReturnType<typeof setInterval> | null>(null)
+  const secondNum = ref(0)
+  const countDownStr = ref('')
+  const showSpan = ref(false)
+  async function exec() {
+    secondNum.value = props.time
+    countDownStr.value = props.text
+    countTimer.value = setInterval(() => {
+      countDownStr.value = `${secondNum.value}`
+      showSpan.value = true
+      secondNum.value--
+      if (secondNum.value < 0) {
+        clearInterval(Number(countTimer.value))
+        countTimer.value = null
+        showSpan.value = false
+        emit('endCountDown')
+      }
+    }, 1000)
+  }
+  onMounted(() => {
+    exec()
+  })
+  onBeforeUnmount(() => {
+    clearInterval(Number(countTimer.value))
+    countTimer.value = null
+    showSpan.value = false
+  })
+<style scoped lang="scss"></style>