struct_kkt.h 964 B

  1. /**
  2. * @file struct_kkt.h
  3. * @brief 定义KKT结构体
  4. * This is definition of KKT structure
  5. * @version 0.1
  6. * @date 2021-09-17
  7. *
  8. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
  9. *
  10. */
  11. #ifndef __STRUCT_KKT_H__
  12. #define __STRUCT_KKT_H__
  13. #include "csocp_config.h"
  14. /** KKT结构体定义 Definition of KKT structure */
  15. struct c_kkt_s {
  16. c_spmat *kmat; /**< KKT矩阵 KKT matrix */
  17. c_spmat *L; /**< LDL分解后的L矩阵 Factor L by LDL */
  18. c_real *D; /**< LDL分解后的D矩阵 Diagonal matrix D by LDL */
  19. c_int nordermem; /**< ordering方法的内存需求量 Memory of ordering method */
  20. c_int *idxmap; /**< Index map */
  21. c_int *invmap; /**< Reverse index map */
  22. c_int *etree; /**< 消去树 Elimination tree */
  23. c_int *sign; /**< Sign vector */
  24. c_int *pattern;
  25. c_int *flag;
  26. c_int *lnz;
  27. c_real *rhs1;
  28. c_real *rhs2;
  29. c_real *work1;
  30. c_real *work2;
  31. c_real *work3;
  32. c_real *work4;
  33. c_real *work5;
  34. c_real *work6;
  35. };
  36. #endif